Wikipedia:WikiProject Constellations/Worklist
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Running total: 33/88 = 38.6% completed!
[edit] Not so completed constellations: table and map done, body only partly
- Apus (body text is a stub)
- Auriga (body text is a stub)
- Boötes (no DSO section)
- Caelum (almost no body text, but a non-standard stars table)
- Camelopardalis (body text is a stub)
- Canes Venatici (body text is a stub)
- Carina (body text is a stub)
- Cassiopeia (missing: features/deep-sky/history sections)
- Centaurus (body text is a stub)
- Cepheus (body text is a stub)
- Chamaeleon (stub)
- Circinus (stub)
- Columba (stub)
- Corona Australis (stub)
- Corona Borealis (stub)
- Corvus (needs more info and some copy editing of body text)
- Crater (body text is a stub)
- Dorado (body text is a stub)
- Draco (body text is a stub)
- Equuleus (body text is a stub)
- Eridanus (body text is a stub)
- Fornax (body text is a stub)
- Grus (body text is a stub)
- Hercules (body text is a stub)
- Horologium (body text is a stub)
- Hydra (body text is a stub)
- Hydrus (body text is a stub)
- Indus (body text is a stub)
- Lepus (body text is a stub)
- Lupus (body text is a stub)
- Lynx (body text is a stub)
- Mensa (body text is a stub)
- Microscopium (body text is a stub)
- Musca (body text is a stub)
- Octans (body text is a stub)
- Pavo (body text is a stub)
- Pegasus (body text is still a bit short)
- Phoenix (body text is a stub)
- Pictor (body text is a stub)
- Piscis Austrinus (body text is a stub)
- Puppis (body text is a stub)
- Pyxis (body text is a stub)
- Reticulum (body text is a stub)
- Sculptor (body text is a stub)
- Scutum (body text is a stub)
- Sextans (body text is a stub)
- Telescopium (body text is a stub)
- Triangulum Australe (body text is a stub)
- Triangulum (body text is a stub)
- Tucana (body text is a stub)
- Vela (body text is a stub)
- Volans (body text is a stub)