From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
#Modify svg file from BKchem to work with librsvg, for use on Wikimedia.
use Image::Magick;
@ARGV == 1 or die "Usage: $0 FILENAME.svg\n";
#Open files
$infile = $ARGV[0];
open INPUT, '<', $infile or die "Could not read $infile: $!\n";
$outfile1 = $infile;
$outfile1 =~ s/.svg/1.svg/;
open OUTPUT, '>', $outfile1 or die "Could not write $outfile1: $!\n";
while (<INPUT>) {
#I must skip over "defs" blocks, because they have objects with relative
#dimensions. TODO:This is nasty code. I'm sure there's a better way to do
if (/defs/) {
print OUTPUT $_;
my $line = $_;
while (!($line =~ /\/defs/)){
$line = <INPUT>;
print OUTPUT $line;
#Sans is the most general font definition we can use, and librsvg chokes
#on Helvetica.
if (!/viewBox/ && /\d/) {
#Round the numbers.
s/(\d+\.\d+)/sprintf("%.1f", $&)/ge unless(/version/);
#and fix font sizes for super- and subscripts
# Replace baseline-shift="super" with a numeric baseline-shift
if (/y="([\d\.]+)">.*<tspan baseline-shift="super"/) {
$vy = $1;
$oy = $1-4;
s/<\/tspan>([^<]+)</<\/tspan><tspan y="$vy">$1<\/tspan></g;
# Replace baseline-shift="sub" with a numeric baseline-shift
if (/y="([\d\.]+)">.*<tspan baseline-shift="sub"/) {
$vy = $1;
$oy = $1+3.25;
s/<\/tspan>([^<]+)</<\/tspan><tspan y="$vy">$1<\/tspan></g;
#write each line out after mangling it.
print OUTPUT $_;
#close the files (done with the original input file, output file becomes
#input for next pass.
close OUTPUT;
close INPUT;
open INPUT, '<', $outfile1 or die "Could not read $outfile1: $!\n";
$outfile2 = $infile;
$outfile2 =~ s/.svg/2.svg/;
open OUTPUT, '>', $outfile2 or die "Could not write $outfile2: $!\n";
while (<INPUT>) {
#Take out redundant groups.
if (/<\/g>/) {
my $line = $_;
$nextline = <INPUT>;
if (!($nextline =~ /<g stroke="\#000000" stroke-width="[\d.]+">\s/ )) {
print OUTPUT $line;
print OUTPUT $nextline;
} else {
print OUTPUT $_;}
#clean up
close OUTPUT;
close INPUT;
print "$outfile2 written\n";