
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A dormant WikiOgre

A WikiOgre or WikiOgress is an editor who for a long time makes few or no edits, but for short periods of time makes large changes, rewrites, and even new articles in brief spats of Wikiholism. The WikiOgre may make a few edits to articles he has happened on by chance through the course of a healthy, inquisitive lifestyle but only goes looking for trouble when his schedule is not full and something has sparked up the passion to edit. That is, every once in a while the WikiOgre goes on a rampage, but most of the time he just sits around in his cave and eats the random passersby.

[edit] How to identify WikiOgres

A WikiOgre who has ventured out of his cave advancing on five unsuspecting Wikipedia articles.
A WikiOgre who has ventured out of his cave advancing on five unsuspecting Wikipedia articles.

To advertise your WikiOgrishness on your userpage, add:

{{User wikipedia/WikiOgre}}.


{{User wikipedia/WikiOgress}}.

Another way for a WikiOgre to identify himself is to display an ogre at the top of the page next to the User's name. The following code should produce a small ogre at the top of the page {{Wikipedia:WikiOgre/topicon}}. To make use of the two optional parameters, the horizontal and vertical positions respectively. The default coordinates are (30, 8).