
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WikiwikiwikiwikiWildWildWest sometimes wishes he lived in an alternative reality, U.K.

His interests include theology, biology, and English literature.

He would like to think that he was a genius, but deep down he knows he isn't.
The more intelligent reader will recognise the above statement as self-deprecating humour, and will realise that deep down, the author does think he is a genius; but that since nobody else agrees with him, he has learnt to disguise his arrogance under a thin veneer of self-mockery.

He would have liked to have been an officer and a gentleman, but by an accident of birth, he has had to settle for being a mere pedant instead. As a pedant, he expects to be a useful Wikipedian when he can find the time.

WikiwikiwikiwikiWildWildWest is abundantly qualified to write this user page on the topic of himself, since he is the foremost expert on himself in all the world. If you sit next to him at a dinner party, and he starts talking about it, slap him.

He is the rightful King of the West.

Disclaimer: Not all of the above statements are strictly rooted in actual fact.