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The Erected Squirrle is a commonly found squirrle that resides in South Eastern Argentina and only comes out during the summer months. Its erected penis measures 2 feet long and the squirrle is an average of 13 inches. In many countries this rare squirrles seamen is rubbed onto the face of newborn babys to bring them luck. The suirrle is said to eject a venom from the head of the penis. The venom sacs are located in the upper shaft and can kill a horse in 2 weeks. These squirrles are very aggresive because of the fragile penises. They are known to fight for weeks to protect their penises. They reach sexual maturity in 3 weeks after birth. After they find a mate they will have sex at least twice a week. It is also known as an AIDs squirrle because it has been known to transfer STDs very quickly through its species. This species is now endangered because of a recent plauge of AIDs and HIV in the 1990's.