Whole Track

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In the Church of Scientology, the concepts of the "Time Track" and the "Whole Track" are essential parts of creator L. Ron Hubbard's doctrine (also known as Standard Tech). They both are sometimes interchangeably referred to as "the track".

The "Time Track" is the consecutive record of what Hubbard calls "mental image pictures", which Scientologists believe accumulate through a person's life like a series of camera snapshots. According to the Scientology glossary:

As a rough analogy, the time track could be likened to a motion-picture film — if that film were three-dimensional, had fifty-seven perceptions and could fully react upon the observer.[1]

According to Hubbard, "the present-life time track begins at the first moment of recording and ends at present time, or at death", and it includes all consecutive moments of "now" and the perceptics of those moments." [2]

On an ever greater scale than our own personal "present-life" time track comes the Whole Track, which covers the entire start-to-finish spacetime span of our Universe's existence and exists as a record independently of our own perceptions and mental image pictures of it. A key part of Scientological teachings is to get the preclear and the pre-OT to think in terms of not just their concerns of the present, but the greater concerns of the Whole Track.

The term "Whole Track" has been sometimes capitalized in Scientology documents, and at other times rendered in lower case. It is also occasionally hyphenated in some usages.


[edit] Space Opera

Hubbard used the science fiction term space opera to describe what he said were actual extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions that happened to us in our past lives on the Whole Track. Important space opera Incidents on the Whole Track include the Aircraft Door Goals, the Bear Goals, the "Before Earth" and "Before MEST" incidents, the Black Thetan Goals, the Body Builder Incidents, Bodies in Pawn, the Bubble Gum Incident, the Coffee Grinder, the Gorilla Goals, the Heaven Implants, Helatrobus Implants, the Ice Cube Incident, the Jack-in-the-Box, the Obscene Dog Incident, and many more.

[edit] Whole Track Security Check

This long Scientology Sec Check, consisting of three hundred and forty-three questions, takes stock of the subject's space opera experiences on the whole time track, including all their past lives. It includes questions such as:

Did you come to Earth for evil purposes?
Have you ever disappeared?
Have you ever killed your own body?
Have you ever torn out someone's tongue?
Have you ever raped a child of either sex?
Have you ever zapped anyone?
Have you ever implanted anyone?
Have you ever eaten a human body?
Have you ever made a planet, or nation, radioactive?
Have you ever failed to rescue your leader?[3][4][5]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Scientology Glossary of Terms - T
  2. ^ Science of Survival, 50th anniversary edition, 2001, pg. 576
  3. ^ Operation Clambake present: SEC CHECK WHOLE TRACK
  4. ^ Jon Atack, A Piece of Blue Sky, Chapter 6
  5. ^ Margery Wakefield, Understanding Scientology, Chapter 11

[edit] External links