Talk:Whopper (disambiguation)
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license-plate doo-wop wop onomatopoeia onamatapea flat-tire
- Please note ==
- doo-wop, music lyric, as well as a music culture
- "whop", or "whop-whop", or "whop, whop", an onomatopoeia [or onamatapea], of something being deflated, or the deflation as a result, such as regarding a flat-tire
- wop, an Italian insult, or an insult or slur about an Italian, including an Italian-American; in race humor, an automobile from a company with connotation largely related to Italy, including reference to a flat-tire; some state government motor vehicle agencies prohibit any allusion to "whopper", "whop", "wop", regarding license-plate allocation.
[[ hopiakuta | [[ [[ %c2%a1 ]] [[ %c2%bf ]] [[ %7e%7e ]] ~~ -]] 14:19, 25 August 2007 (UTC)