User:Whlee/Manchus-Cossacks wars
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Russian commanders: Yerofey Khabarov;Onufrij Stepanov, Prince Isiney(Исиней), Afanasy Pashkov (Пашков), Theodore Voeykovu (Федору Воейкову), Alexei Tolbuzin (Алексей Толбузин), Ivan Vlasov (Ивану Власову)
Qing general :Hai Say (Hayse) Хай Сай (Хайсэ), commander of the garrison in Ningute, was executed, and Shi Fu(Си Фу), commander of a detachment sent to Russians, was removed from office Sifu (Сифу); (韓巨源); Minandali (Mingardari)/ Минъаньдали (Мингардари)(1655) ; Hayse(Хайсэ) (1652)
Korean general : 정태화(鄭太和); 신류(申瀏)
Battles :
[edit] Short timeline of the conflict (1652 - 1689)
- Spring 1644 : a detachment of a Russian expedition led by the Cossack Vassili Poyarkov explored the stream of the Jingkiri river, present-day Zeya and the Amur rivers.
- 1649 - 1653 : Yerofey Khabarov : Colonization of Priamurye
- 1650-1651 : Construction of the fort of Albazin,the first Russian settlement in the Amur.
- Spring 1651 : The hard battle, from noon until evening, i.e. suffered heavy casualties, while the Cossacks lost only 20 people wounded.
- 1651 : The Daurs surrendered to Khabarov.
- September 1651 : Foundation of Achansk, present-day Khabarovsk. Local aborigines Achans tried to to dislodge the Russians from their fort but were beaten and finally subdued.
- 1651 :first clashes between the Russian and the Manchus took place following an altercation with Cossack detachment Khabarova daurami in Guygudarovom (Гуйгударовом). The Chinese sources, in a battle with Guygudarovym town attended along with daurami and Manchus.More than a thousand Daurov and 50 Manchus "lost their lives defending their homeland and national dignity".
- March 26 1652 : Siege of Achansk/Ачанск 600 (Isiney Исиней (Shi Fu)-1500 (Three detachment Daurov and dyucherov total of 1500 people including 600 Manchus)-2000 vs 206 :first major military confrontation of Russian and Manchus
- Khabarov and his squad were besieged in the town against Daurs and Jurchens. Manchu had to lift the siege because of a lack of food.The first clash manchzhurskogo troops Khabarova finished with a team total victory Cossacks who not only withstood the siege, but was sacked Manchurian detachment. All guns and ammunition were taken by Cossacks. Spoils of War Russians were : 830 horses, a large quantity of food, 17 rapid-pischaley, two guns, eight military banners. Total consolidated manchzhurskogo troops were killed 676 people. The siege Achanskogo jail garrison fortress suffered minor losses : 10 Russian soldiers were killed : two-sluzhilyh(служилых) and 8-free Cossacks.78 Cossacks in the Battle of injuries of varying severity .Nevertheless Khabarov, fearing further attacks, and in order to be closer to Russian ownership, decided to stop near the river mouth. Zeya Fearing further attacks by the Chinese troops Khabarov fled with his troops fled the area upriver. But E. Khabarov, fearing further hike medical troops had to leave Achansky jail.Here he decided to put the fortified jail. But in a split squad, and part of the team again went to the lower Amur.
- On the morning of April 4, 1652 ningutansky chzhan-gin Hayse received orders from the government to help Tsinskogo hechzhe.At the head of a detachment of 600 troops plants and several hundred local residents, he suddenly hit the building in the Russian Achanska.
- 1652: The remaining men E. Khabarov reached the mouth of the right-Amur River Kumar, where he founded in 1652 Kumars-ky jail.
- 1654-1658 : Onufrij Stepanov.
- 1653-1654 : Daurs and Jucherns forced to leave ancestral habitat and move into Manchuria
- Sharhody (Шарходы) (1654,1657,1658 )
- 1654 : lower reaches of the Sungari at Yilan 1500 vs approximately 400-500
- March 13 1655 (13 марта 1655): Siege of Komar/Kumar/Комар/Кумары/Камары (or Komarhe/Комархэ) :Autumn 1654 Stepanova troops, which had just over 500 people, post-roilo Kumarsky jail (where it flows into the Amur river. Humarhe). March 13, 1655 jail was encircled by the ten thousandth troops Manchus. Kazakhs stood bombed several days jail, repulsed all the attacks and have carried out an assault. After suffering ne-udachu, manchzhurskoe troops on April 3 lasted from jail.
- mouth of the Camara (Amur river in the south) Minandali (Mingardari) at the head of 10000 and 10 guns besieged Kumar about a month but they had to lift the siege because of a lack of food. bogdoyskogo troops was under ostrozhkom and started taking charges to fire arrows, so that ignited ostrozhek, and on March 24 went to attack on all four sides, driven carts, at the horse boards wooden, upholstered leather, silk stairs at one end which wheel and the other nails and iron sticks, carrying wood, resin, straw, Bagry iron and all pristupnye wisdom, but the attack was repelled and pristupnye wisdom suck up kozakam. After this failure bogdoytsy remained under ostrozhkom until April 4, beaten on it from the gun day and night, but, seeing that nothing can be done, gone. The defeated Chinese troops under Kamarskim (Камарским) ostrozhkom cleared Stepanov Amour and Shingal, where he again became a portal for bread. Manchu were defeated.
- January 1654 : the first part a joint Manchu army led by the general of the Qing Empire (韓巨源)/Minandali met the Korean general 정태화(鄭太和) at Ninguta (Нингуте; 寧古塔), present-day Ning'an.In the spring of 1654 Stepanov in search of food had to go up the river Sungari. After three days of sailing Cossacks faced major sea and land forces Manchus. During fierce fighting broke manchzhurskuyu Russian defence line of boats, but came under heavy fire from shore impact of the pre-constructed building. Kazakhs were forced to return .
- (March 13 to April 4)1655 : 10 thousand Manchus stormed the fort of Kumar(Кумар)(Huma County) defended by Stepanov. The unsuccessful for the Manchus siege lasted 11 days. Minandali lost a lot of people.But despite the victory by Kumarskim jail, the Cossacks became more critical.
- 1654-1658 : The Nasun Jungbeol :
- In 1655 they rose up on Ussuri River to the mouth of Iman and entered tributaries Ussuri-Bikin and Nora
- 1658 : In the summer of 1658 following O. Stepanov with a large detachment of Cossacks of about 500 people decided to go into the undying lands of the Amur up the Sungari primarily to obtain food.The second part a joint Manchu-Korean (Korean general : 신류(申瀏)) allied forces led an expedition against Russian explorers from Albazin. Result : Victory of the Manchu-Korean joint army at the battle of the mouth of Sungari river (Kumar?) on July 10th 1658 (June 30 th 30 июня 1658). 270 Cossacks were killed including Stepanov. 227 people escaped to Albazin by boat.The defeat detachment O. Stepanova year 1658 marked the end of the first phase of built-military relations Tsinskogo Russia and China. Russia desire to extend their political and military influence on the village and flourish in the region at that time was outstanding. The desire Tsinov stronger in Amur region and prevent them Russians were unfulfilled. In June 1658 Cossacks Stepanova raised up the Amur from the Sungari mouth. Dyucherov receipt of the information that he learned flotilla manchzhu-rov, Stepanov send light ploughs exploration team (180) led by Klima Ivanov. The latter is out of enemy ships in the islands. Attacking 47 ships at the Manchus unresponsive doschaniki Stepanova, not waiting Attacks, was soundly. Before abordazhnogo battle, in which the Russians still able to retain a chance of winning, has borne fruit. Rasstrelivaemye of guns, sluzhilye people tried to get to shore, but something with doschanikami. But Onufriem Stepanov killed 270 kazakov55.
- July 1658 : mouth of Sungari/устье Сунгари 2100 Manchu (沙爾虎達)vs 500 Russians
- Bahaya Бахая (1660, 1661)
- 1669 : Creation of Aigun. The results reported Milovanova trip to Moscow, where in 1682 came the formation of Priamure Albazinskogo Province. First Voivode was appointed clever and energetic centurion Alexei Tolbuzin. Manchus, with a determination by the force of arms forever oust Russians from the village, was able to walk. Supporting a smoking Army Aygun fortress built near the mouth of Zei. At Sungari preparing for the trip flotilla of 80 vessels armed with guns. Alarmed that circumstance A. Tolbuzin ordered focus of the local population in and around Albazine.
- 1682 : The Tsinskoy empire was to take effective measures to oust Russians from the village in 1682 and virtually declared war on Russian state. Meanwhile Manchus again encourage native village, subjects Moscow State to oppose the Russian authorities. Manchu took the possession of the middle Amur and Zeya.
- 1685-1687 : The Albazin/Yakesa Campaign of the Qing Empire.
- 1684 : a huge Manchu troops approached Albazin.
- 1685 : The first siege of Albazin
- Siege of Albazin (may 1685- july 1685) : June 4, 1685 sentinel Cossacks Voivode bringing the approach to Albazinu manchzhurskogo troops. A few days later, Russian jail was surrounded Manchus. The Tolbuzina were only 450 fighters and three guns. The force has been too uneven to Russian can successfully withstand prolonged siege. After repulsing the first storm and lost half of his garrison Tolbuzin decided to leave the castle. Manchus free pass defenders Albazina, dvinuvshihsya in Nerchinsk. 3000-10000 to 450 (led by Voivode Alexey Tolbuzinym), with the absolute superiority in artillery of the Manchus, but it is a long and carefully planned operation. and the garrison surrendered on July 5. Chinese demolished Albazin and returned to China.
- Fall 1685 : Chernigovsky (Никифор Черниговский)who carried out reconstruction Albazinskogo
- New Albazine (July 17th 1686- October 1686) : 2300-(8000)-11000 Manchus vs 826-more than 1000 Cossacks (led by Tolbuzin and Afanasy Beighton.) They repeatedly stormed the fortress. But its defenders stood firm despite large losses, issyakavshie food and in urgent need of ammunition. Undying military has offered the defenders of the people Albazine honorable surrender. But neither heavy losses and vicious hunger nor honourable surrender conditions could not crush the siege. By spring 1687 at the castle remained no more than seven dozen fighters, not perestavavshih hope for help. But this did not work out. Czar's government has not sent troops to help Albazinu. It preferred to resolve the matter through diplomatic channels. Nerchinsky treatise. The Russian lost about 800, and about 2,500 Chinese people. In October 1686 Russian negotiated with the Chinese to lift the siege and the resumption of peace negotiations (I. V. Naumov, "History of Siberia", 2003/И.В. Наумов – "История Сибири", 2003 г.). Manchu never take the fortress.
- August 1689 : Russia was forced to accept the terms of the Nerchinsk Treaty and to leave the shores of the Amur.
- August 14 great manchzhurskoe troops surrounded Nerchinsk. A half thousand Russian Cossack and archers had 17 thousand Manchus.
- August 27, 1689 contract was signed. Russia deprived of the Amur region, which has an undeniable right.
- In 1690 nerchinskie Russian authorities have evacuated people from the village. Surviving remnants heroic albazinskogo garrison left fortress.
Thus, the clash of two young, strong, holding its expansionist policies in the Far East, including the victory Tsinskoy empire. The aggressive policy by Tsinov to the development of Russian Far East Russian people has been suspended and resumed only in the mid-19th century.
[edit] Short timeline of the Sino-Russian conflict (1853 - 1858)
- In 1853, in St. Petersburg expedition returned Lieutenant Achte (Ахте) engaged in a survey of northern Priamurya It fully confirmed information glass that the Amur neither the Chinese people nor the Chinese troops.
- In the summer of 1853 started East war. (Летом 1853 г. началась Восточная война.)
[edit] Sources
- [1]
- Russo-Qing relations.