Whitey (drugs)

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This article is about the slang term 'whitey', for other uses see Whitey.

Whitey is a slang term for when a recreational drug user, as a direct or indirect result of drug use (usually cannabis), begins to faint and usually faints. The term comes from the way one's skin turns pale during and after a fainting episode. While fainting is usually only a problem for those with low blood pressure, it can become possible for those without hypotension to faint after using cannabis or other drugs which have the short-term effect of lowering the blood pressure. Whiteying is perceived by the stoner subculture as the result of using too much cannabis within too short a period of time. In fact the factors that usually facilitate fainting, such as tiredness, lack of fluids and food, and a hot and humid environment, as well as natural hypotension, are just as important as the amount of cannabis involved. Therefore, one can experience a whitey having used only what may be regarded as a perfectly moderate dosage.

[edit] Popular culture

In the UK cannabis television documentary, Stoned in Suburbia, former international cannabis smuggler Howard Marks refers to an episode where he whiteyed after engaging in a smoking competition with some Germans on a book-promoting visit to Germany.

'Stoned in Suburbia' free stream.