White Event

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The White Event was a fictional occurrence which played a key role in Marvel Comics' New Universe line.

[edit] New Universe

The White Event was the name given to a mysterious blinding flash of light which bathed the Earth on July 22, 1986. In the wake of this strange event many people began to develop paranormal powers, and some also mutated physically, in ways which seemed to defy medical science.

It was later revealed that The Old Man, one of the wielders of the immensely powerful cosmic artifact known as the Star Brand, had attempted to rid himself of his unwanted power by transferring the Star Brand onto an asteroid near Earth. However, the Brand required a living being's will in order to control it, and when placed in an inanimate object, a flood of power was released, infusing many human beings with a fraction of the Star Brand's energies. A similar accident called the Black Event would occur on December 19, 1988 when Star Brand wielder Ken Connell tried to get rid of the Brand by placing it onto a free weight, resulting in a massive blast of energy which totally destroys the city of Pittsburgh.

[edit] newuniversal

In the new Warren Ellis series newuniversal, a reboot of the New Universe, the White Event occurs at 06.49 UTC, March 2, 2006. Unlike the New Universe version, the effects of the White Event are initially felt mostly on the side of the Earth that was bathed in its light.