
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is the latest code as of 5/5/2007. Unicode does not work with at as of writing.

Here is the source code. This has only been tested on UNIX-like systems, but it should theoretically also work on Windows. Note that the code was not intended for wide distribution, so it is not well-commented. Sorry! Also note that the code requires wget, pywikipediabot ,Yahoo's python search plugin, perl , and the Bot::BasicBot and IPC::Open2 perl modules. You may use the code under the GNU General Public License.

If you want to modify Wherebot to run on a different wiki or language, there are some modifications that need to be made. I have marked where people may want to do so on lines containing the text "#CONFIG."

Please go into edit mode to see the source of the program with proper linebreaks.

Here is the main file, Place it where you wish:

 use strict;
 #some of the IRC parts of this bot are based off of the Bot::BasicBot sample code
 Wherebot->new(channels => ["#en.wikipedia", "#en.wikiversity"], nick=>"Wherebot4", server => "")->run(); #CONFIG: change Wherebot4 to something unique
 package Wherebot;
 use base qw/Bot::BasicBot/;
 use IPC::Open2;
 sub said {
    shift(); #don't care about the first parameter
    our %hash = %{shift()};
    our $rawMessage = $hash{"body"};
    our $channel = $hash{"channel"};
    our $site = $channel;
    $site =~ s&#&&;
    $rawMessage =~ m#02(http://$[^ ]+)#;
    our $url = $1;
#CONFIG: the next four lines are to ignore certain pages. Customize if you like
    if ($url =~ /[Tt]alk:/) {return;}
    if ($url =~ /Sandbox/) {return;}
    if ($url =~ /Articles for deletion/) {return;}
    if ($url =~ /Wikipedia:Introduction/) {return;}
    chop $rawMessage;
    if ($rawMessage =~ /N\x{03}10/) {
#CONFIG: the next four lines are to ignore certain namespaces. Customize if you like.
       if ($url =~ /User:/) {return;}
       if ($url =~ /Wikipedia:/) {return;}
       if ($url =~ /Portal:/) {return;}
       if ($url =~ /Help:/) {return;}
       if ($url =~ /Template:/) {return;}
       if ($url =~ /Category:/) {return;}
       if ($url =~ /Image:/) {return;}
       &act($channel, $url);

  sub URLDecode { #From
     my $theURL = $_[0];
     $theURL =~ tr/+/ /;
     $theURL =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2,2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
     $theURL =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
     return $theURL;

 sub act {
    our $misc = "/home/where/misc";
    our $channel = shift;
    our $url = shift;
    $url =~ s#'##g; #just in case, although this would never be necessary
    chop $url;
    our $term = `wget '$url?action=raw' -q -O - | head -n 1`;
    chomp $term;
    our $origUrl = $url;
    $url =~ m#/wiki/(.*)#;
    our $page = $1;
    $url .= "?action=raw";
    $url =~ s#'##g; #shouldn't be a problem, but hey, I'm paranoid
    chomp $term;
    $term = &trim($term); #get it to <100 words so yahoo doesn't go crazy
    if ($term =~ /#redirect/i) {
    if ($term =~ /^\{/) {
    if ($term =~ /^</) {
    $term =~ s#'''##g;
    $term =~ s#''##g;
    $term =~ s#\[\[##g;
    $term =~ s#\]\]##g;
    $term =~ s#\*##g;
    $term =~ s#"##g; #Yahoo chokes on quotes; yes, this will probably return false matches, but it is better than the alternative
    $term =~ s#\(##g;
    $term =~ s#\)##g;
 #   if (m#([^\(\)]+)[\(\)]#) { #same thing with parenthesis
 #      $term = $1;
 #   }
    if (length($term) < 75) {
    our $firstLine;
    our $n=0;
    while (1) {
       our $pid = open2(*Reader, *Writer, "python", "$misc/", "-t", "web", '"' . $term . '"'); #CONFIG: CHANGE $misc/ to the path to from the Yahoo search API
       $firstLine = <Reader>;
      # print "($url): FL: $firstLine\n";
       if ($firstLine =~ /Internal WebService error, temporarily unavailable/ || $firstLine =~ /^Got an error/) {
         warn "Search failed; retrying\n";
         sleep 60;
         waitpid $pid, 0;
         if ($n < 3) {
         else {
       else {
         waitpid $pid, 0;

    if (!($firstLine =~ /^No results\s*/)) {
       <Reader>;<Reader>; #skip some lines
       our $from = <Reader>;
       $from =~ s#\s##g;
       if ($from =~ m#^http://en\.wikipedia\.org# || $from =~ m#\.gov# || $from =~ m#^http://en.wikibooks#) {

       #Get the page in the proper format
       $page = &URLDecode($page);
       $page =~ s#_# #g;

       our $strippedUrl = $from;
       $strippedUrl =~ s#^http://##;
       #print "($page) copyvio from $from\n";

       if ($channel eq "#en.wikipedia") { #CONFIG: change this line according to your language and version
         chdir "$misc/pywikipedia"; #CONFIG: change this line according to where your pywikipedia directory is
       print "Writing\n";
       open APPEND_PY, "|nice -n 10 python";
       print APPEND_PY  "* [[$page]] -- [$from $strippedUrl]. Reported at ~~~~~";
       close APPEND_PY;
 sub trim { #cut parameter to <100 words
    our $in = shift;
    our @in = split / /, $in;
    our $out = "";
    our $i = 1;
    for (@in) {
       $out .= $_ . " ";
       if ($i == 99) {
    chop $out; #get rid of last space
    return $out;

The following file,, should go in the pywikipediabot directory.


 import wikipedia
 import sys

 site = wikipedia.getSite()
 page = wikipedia.Page(site, "User:Where/Sandbox") #CONFIG: Change page
 text = page.get()
 text = unicode(text + "\n") + unicode(raw_input(), 'utf8')
 wikipedia.setAction("Adding a suspected copyright violation") #CONFIG: change edit summary

You need a file in the pywikipediabot dir. Here's mine:

 mylang='en' #CONFIG: change for your wiki language
 usernames['wikipedia']['en']='Wherebot' #CONFIG: change for your wiki, wiki language and username

Now run in the pywikipediabot dir.

Finally, run