What Price Confidence?

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Operas by Ernst Krenek

Orpheus und Eurydike (1926)
Jonny spielt auf (1927)
Der Diktator (1928)
Schwergewicht (1928)
Leben des Orest (1930)
Cefalo e Procri (1934)
Karl V (1938)
Tarquin (1950)
The Bell Tower (1957)
What Price Confidence? (1962)

v  d  e

What Price Confidence? (translated as Vertrauenssache) is a chamber opera in nine scenes with music and libretto by Ernst Krenek, his opus 111. This "little drawing room comedy"[1] is set in turn of the century London and features a protagonist not unlike Max in Jonny spielt auf, as the author points out in a preface; it owes something to Melville as well (specifically "The Confidence Man"), as do his next two operas.

Composed during the winter of 1944-5 in St. Paul,[2] it was Krenek's second attempt at an American opera and employed only four singers and piano. It shared the fate of Tarquin in only reaching a belated premiere in Germany (Saarbrücken, 1962), but this time Krenek was sufficiently satisfied with his work to publish it with Bärenreiter (BA 4301), remarking that the Met singers who requested a touring piece simply couldn't find time for a hoped-for performance.[3] It is now given fairly often. [4]

[edit] Roles

[edit] Synopsis

Monet's painting of Waterloo Bridge, the setting for scene vi.
Monet's painting of Waterloo Bridge, the setting for scene vi.

Gloria is upbraiding Edwin for his suspicious nature: "You dont even trust yourself!" He resolves to give his entire trust to the next person who asks for it, as a kind of experiment to determine whether she is faithful. Meanwhile, Richard is perturbed by Vivian's complete lack of jealousy. "I have every confidence- in myself...If I wern't myself, I dont know that I should trust you". After he leaves she admits some doubt and resolves on a life or death experiment to see if she can fill another with the same confidence.

Beneath the Diplodocus tail in the British Museum, Gloria sets one condition before she will go to Paris with Richard: he must first awaken Edwin's sense of confidence. He meets Edwin (who doesn't know him) at a club and forces him to accept a thousand pound check for a gambling debt and then hurries back to the dinosaur. Gloria is at first incredulous (of course) and then horrified, insisting that he at least cover the check. Meanwhile Vivian finds Edwin about to jump from Waterloo Bridge, the check having bounced. She tells him of her own decision to jump unless she can lend him confidence, and persuades him that their meeting was fate's true answer to his question. He agrees to call the next day. Richard searches for Vivian's jewellery by candlelight, barely succeeding before she comes in. The next day Edwin announces he's going out to tea, and Gloria is astonished to feel a pang of jealousy.

The Natural History Museum, in 1945 still part of the British Museum.
The Natural History Museum, in 1945 still part of the British Museum.

Vivian quizzes Richard about the missing jewellery she wanted to put on, having guessed why he was holding a candel the night before. When she hears about a thousand pound check she is struck by the coincidence, just as Richard is surprised to see Edwin approach the gate. Vivian demands the pawn check and hides him, then welcomes Edwin and invites him to withdraw to another chamber. Gloria arrives, having tailed Edwin, in time to join Richard's jealous tirade. The other two emerge and introductions are made, the check is exchanged for the pawnticket, Edwin expresses his desire to see Paris, and Vivian her intention to join him. "There's nothing so precious as confidence!" "Yes...of course...but who will pay the price?"

[edit] Sources and footnotes

  • Ernst Krenek, the Man and His Music by John Stewart, UC Press 1991
  • Krenek's translation of the libretto (in Ernst Krenek: Prosa/Dramen/Verse, Albert Langen Georg Müller Verlage, München/Wien 1965)
  1. ^ Horizons Circled, Reflections on My Music, Ernst Krenek et al., UC Press 1974 pp. 45-6
  2. ^ according to Stewart; the libretto is inscribed 15>July, 1945 Bear Lake CO.
  3. ^ ibid.
  4. ^ The Krenek Institute lists 20 performaces in the last decade.