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Hi There...

I became totally Deaf in 2002 due to illness. I decided to start a web site to help others out who have Disabilities. Living in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada at the time and pre-announcement of any 2010 Olympic or Paralympic Games I decided to start the web site in hopes of bringing much needed attention to access for the Disabled Community in Whistler.

It has been a long haul with out a doubt. It is an ongoing battle that you have to do alone some times and it is tough as I have been funding this initiative myself for the last few years.

The great news is the Whistler Business Community have been very supportive and so have a lot of people which is awesome.

The web site has grown over the last year and I am almost at a point I am happy with it. The Summer Adventures Guide for people with Disabilities just went online and a Public Education and Newsletter are in the works.

I was able to convince a large corporation like TELUS to install TTY (phones for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing) in Whistler thanks to feedback from visitors to the web site to provide much needed access for people with disabilities. Two montha ago now was the first time I was able to make a phone call in Whistler for the last 4 years believe it or not. Small steps mean a lot to certain disabled groups and individuals...

Now all I need is funding and sponsorship to continue such great achievements...?

Give me your thoughts and provide any feedback you may have.

Whistler for the Disabled