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Species Vorta
Home planet Unknown
Affiliation Dominion
Posting Cardassia Prime
Terok Nor
Position Second in command of Dominion forces in the Alpha Quadrant
Portrayed by Jeffrey Combs
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Weyoun (played by Jeffrey Combs) is second-in-command of Dominion forces in the Alpha Quadrant, on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Weyoun is a Vorta, a Gamma Quadrant cloned-race created to serve in the Dominion hierarchy as administrators.

Combs, who also played the recurring character of Brunt on Deep Space Nine, stated that he preferred playing Weyoun.[1]

[edit] Overview

There are actually several Weyouns, all clones. The Weyoun line first appears in "To the Death" in the guise of Weyoun 4. He is killed by his own Jem'Hadar First after questioning his men's loyalty. Weyoun 5 first appears in an attempt to convince a Cardassian defector to return home and support the regime (episode "Ties of Blood and Water"), and is the first to serve as commander of Dominion forces in the Alpha Quadrant. At some point between the episodes "Shadows and Symbols" and "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River", he is killed in a transporter accident that may have been arranged by Legate Damar.

Weyoun 6 tries to defect to the Federation but sacrifices his own life in order to prevent Odo's death. Weyoun 7 is activated after the discovery of Weyoun 6's attempt to defect. Under normal circumstances, there is only one vorta clone operating at a time, but when Weyoun 6 defected, Weyoun 7 was activated. Weyoun 7 was killed by Lieutenant Commander Worf ("Strange Bedfellows").

Elim Garak kills Weyoun 8 during the Cardassian underground's assault on Dominion headquarters during the Battle of Cardassia ("What You Leave Behind, Part II"). Upon his death, the Female Changeling observes that Weyoun 8 was the last Weyoun clone, a fact that Garak, who loathed Weyoun, finds most gratifying and replies: "I was hoping you'd say that!" Weyoun 8 was the last as a result of the destruction of the cloning facility on Rondac III ("The Changing Face of Evil").

A ninth Weyoun appears in the non-canon novels of the Deep Space Nine relaunch.

[edit] References

[edit] External links
