Westmoreland Glass Company

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The Westmoreland Glass Company was founded in 1889 when a group of men from the Specialty Glass Company in East Liverpool, Ohio migrated to Grapeville, Pennsylvania. The attraction was that there was natural gass found on the property the glass factory was to be built on.[1]In 1924, the company changed names from Westmoreland Specialty Company to Westmoreland Glass Company. Its main production was glassware. In later years it diverged into art glass. In the 1940's and 1950's the Westmoreland Glass company concentraited on milk glass and close to 90% of its production in that time was milk glass.[2] In 1984 the company went out of business.[3]

[edit] Westmoreland Collector Clubs/Groups

[edit] References

  1. ^ Westmoreland Glass History. westmorelandglassclubs.org.
  2. ^ Westmoreland Glass. The Glass Cottage.
  3. ^ Westmoreland Glass: A short explanation. glassencyclopedia.com.