Western Standard

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The Western Standard (ISSN 1710-1026) is a Calgary, Alberta-based libertarian-conservative publication that billed itself as Canada's only conservative national news magazine. As of October 2007, with the cancellation of its print edition, the Western Standard is an exclusively online entity.


[edit] Background

The Western Standard was launched in March, 2004 by lawyer and former Reform Party and Canadian Alliance activist Ezra Levant and others to fill the void left by the failure of the conservative Alberta Report, which went out of business in June 2003. The magazine was edited by Matthew Stuart.

In April, 2004 Western Standard launched a radio show on Calgary station CKMX, and now broadcasts three shows weekly.

[edit] Political stance

The magazine aimed for a brash, outspoken approach to social and political issues. Noted Standard columnists include Mark Steyn, Colby Cosh, David Warren and Alberta Report founder Ted Byfield, father of Link Byfield.

The Western Standard had a conservative flavour, but publisher Ezra Levant maintained that its stories are fair and balanced. The magazine featured an online discussion blog called The Shotgun. The blog was administered by Kevin Steel.

[edit] Western alienation

Although 20% of the magazine's readership was in Ontario, the former motto of the Western Standard was "the independent voice of the new west", and its editorial voice expressed sympathy to Western Canadian issues. This was manifested in greater reporting coverage of Western problems, and a roster of opinion editorial voices calling for a remediation of same. In fact, a plurality of the magazine's columnists live in Central Canada, including David Warren, Michael Coren and Karen Selick, or in the Eastern U.S., including Walter E. Williams and Mark Steyn.

The Western Standard earned widespread national attention and even international coverage in the Wall Street Journal and in several Chinese newspapers for its large opinion poll in the summer of 2005, examining Western Canadians' appetite for independence from the rest of Canada as a large result of ongoing western alienation. In the October 9, 2006 issue, they did their second annual Western separation poll.

The magazine was openly critical, in its reporting and opinion columns, of policies it believed favour Central Canada, such as the Canadian Wheat Board, what it argued is the disproportionate allocation of Parliamentary seats to Central and Eastern Canada, and official bilingualism. The magazine also published an opinion editorial by Ric Dolphin whose frequently criticized Quebec and its politics — though Western and conservative politicians were not spared by him, either. Several of the magazine's columnists, including Warren have argued for Alberta's secession. Other Western Standard writers, such as Andrew Coyne, have argued strenuously against it, and former editor Kevin Libin has written skeptically on the subject.

[edit] Libertarianism

Despite being primarily conservative, the Western Standard also had some libertarian influence. Ontario lawyer and columnist Karen Selick argues with social conservative television host Michael Coren in a debate column on current public policy issues called Face-off; Edmonton-based National Post columnist Colby Cosh authors the sports column; and Matthew Johnston is the magazine's senior vice-president.

All four -- Selick, Williams, Cosh, and Johnston -- are known for their libertarian political views.

[edit] Muhammad cartoons controversy

On February 13, 2006 the Western Standard attracted controversy when it became the first widely-published English Canadian media outlet to republish the cartoons of Muhammad first published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. [1] Conservative Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor criticized this decision, saying that it put the lives of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan at increased risk.[2] While editors of Canadian news media decided against publishing the cartoons, a subsequent poll of Canadian journalists conducted by Compas found that 7 in 10 of respondents thought that at least some of the cartoons should have been published by at least some of the Canadian media. [3]

Retail bookselling giant Chapters and Indigo refused to stock this particular issue of the magazine. [4]

On February 23, 2006, Gordon Wong, Calgary's Crown Attorney decided against laying hate charges against the Western Standard. Wong felt that there was no evidence the publication intended to incite hatred against a specific group. "The intent was to debate the issues within the articles," Wong told The Toronto Star. "That's different than inciting hatred."[1]

In February 2006, Calgary Muslim leader Syed Soharwardy filed a human rights complaint against Western Standard publisher Ezra Levant. He was compelled to appear before the Alberta Human Rights Commission to discuss his intention in publishing the cartoons. Levant posted video of the hearing on YouTube.[2]

In February 2008, Soharwardy dropped the complaint noting that "most Canadians see this as an issue of freedom of speech, that that principle is sacred and holy in our society."[3]

[edit] Racial slur controversy

In February 13, 2006 issue of Western Standard, a column by Ric Dolphin quoted an unnamed "fishing buddy" of Ralph Klein's as saying, "Once she (Colleen Klein) stops being the premier's wife, she goes back to being just another Indian." This occurred in the context of a piece that was critical of Klein's wife, arguing that she holds too much power over the premier's office.[5] Ezra Levant, publisher of the magazine, defended the article saying "We sympathize with Colleen's hurt feelings but we didn't say the words -- we just reported them, and we'll continue to report on the growing divide between those who think Ralph is past his best-before date, and those sycophants who will do anything to keep him -- and the missus -- in power." [6]

[edit] End of paper format

On October 5, 2007, the publisher of the Western Standard, Ezra Levant, announced that the magazine would cease the distribution of its non-electronic version because of financial difficulties.[4] Levant sold the publication's remaining assets to Matthew Johnston.[5]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Toronto Star, February 23, 2006, "Publications not charged for printing cartoons"
  2. ^ YouTube - Opening Statement
  3. ^ Imam drops rights dispute
  4. ^ Western Standard
  5. ^ "Website sorry for anti-Islamic remarks", Calgary Herald December 22, 2007

[edit] External links
