Western Front (Frankreich) Area (Luftflotte 3, France)
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This Luftwaffe detachment was based in German-occupied areas of Northern France, Netherlands, Belgium, and Vichy France, to support the Axis power's forces in area. Its command offices were in Paris, France (on June 26, 1944).
[edit] Strategic Reconnaissance
- Stab/FAGr.123 (Toussus le Noble - Buc)
- 4.(F)/123 (St.André de l'Eure)
- 5.(F)/123 (Monchy-Breton)
- 1.(F)/121 (Toussus le Noble - Buc)
[edit] II.Fliegerkorps (II.Air Corps) Charters
[edit] Fliegerfuhrer West (Flight Diretor in West Area/Land Air Attack)
[edit] Tactical Reconnaissance
[edit] Land Air Attack
- III./SG.4 (Clermont-Ferrand)
- III./SG.4(Detach) (Avord)
[edit] IX.Fliegerkorps (IX.Air Corps) Beauvais-Lille
[edit] Strategic Reconnaissance
- 3.(F)/122 (Soesterberg)
- 6.(F)/123 (Cormeilles)
[edit] Bombers(Medium)
- Stab/KG.2 (Gilze Rijen)
- I./KG.2 (Gilze Rijen)
- II./KG.2 (Gilze Rijen)
- III./KG.2 (Hesepe)
- Stab/KG.6 (Melun-Villaroche)
- I./KG.6 (Melun-Villaroche)
- II./KG.6 (Melun-Villaroche)
- III./KG.6 (Melun-Villaroche)
- 16./KG.6(JABO/Rapid) (Soesterberg)
- Stab./KG.30 (Zwischenhan)
- I./KG.30 (Leck)
- 4./KG.51(JABO/Rapid) (Soesterberg)
- 5./KG.51(JABO/Rapid) (Gilze Rijen)
- 6./KG.51(JABO/Rapid) (Soesterberg)
- Stab/KG.54 (Eindhoven)
- I./KG.54 (Eindhoven)
- III./KG.54 (Eindhoven)
- III./KG.66 (Montdidier)
- (Eins)St. IV./KG.101 (St.Dizier)
- Stab/(KG)LG.1 (Melsbroek)
- I./(KG)LG.1 (Le Culot)
- II./(KG)LG.1(Melsbroek)
[edit] JABO (Fighter-Bombers/Incursion strike groups)
- I.(Jb)/SKG.10 (Tours)
[edit] X.Fliegerkorps (X.Air Corps) Angers
[edit] Special duties/long-distance operations
- 1./KG 200 (Mont de Marsan)
- 1./KG.200(Detach) (Bordeaux-Merignac)
- II/KG 200 (Biscarosse)
[edit] Strategic/Maritime Reconnaissance (Ultra Long Range)
- Stab/FAGr.5 (Mont de Marsan)
- 1.(F)/5 (Mont de Marsan)
- 2.(F)/5 (Mont de Marsan)
- 4.(F)/5 (Nantes)
- 3.(F)/123 (Corme-Ecluse)
- 1.(F)/SAGr.129 (Biscarosse)
[edit] Bombers (Heavy) Submarine Support/Merchant Strike (Long Range)
- Stab/KG.40 (Bordeaux-Merignac)
- 1./KG.40 (Toulouse-Blagnac)
- 2./KG.40 (Bordeaux-Merignac)
- II./KG.40 (Bordeaux-Merignac)
- 7./KG.40 (St.Jean d Angely)
- 8./KG.40 (Cognac)
- 9./KG.40 (Cognac)
[edit] 2.Fliegerdivision (2.Air Division) Montfrin
[edit] Strategic/Tactical/Maritime Reconnaissance (Medium-Short Range)
- 1.(F)/33 (St.Martin)
- 2./NAGr.13 (Cuers)
- 2./SAGr.128 (Berre)
[edit] Bombers (Medium)
- Stab/KG.26 (Montpellier)
- II./KG.26 (LT) (Valence)
- III./KG.26 (LT) (Montpellier)
- III./KG.26 (LT)(Detach) (Valence)
- Stab/KG.77 (Salon-de-Provence)
- I./KG.77 (LT) (Orange-Caritat)
- III./KG.77 (LT) (Orange-Caritat)
- 6./KG.77 (Istres)
- 4./KG.76 (Istres)
- 6./KG.76 (Istres)
- Stab/KG.100 (Toulouse-Francazal)
- III./KG.100 (Toulouse-Francazal)
[edit] II.Jagdkorps (II.Fighter Corps) Chantilly
[edit] 4.Jagddivision (4°Fighter Division) Metz
[edit] Jagdabschnittführer 4 (Fighter Direction 4°) St Pol-Brias
[edit] Fighters
- Stab/JG.1 (St.Quentin-Clastres)
- I./JG.3 (St.Quentin-Clastres)
- I./JG.5 (St.Quentin-Clastres)
- II./JG.11 (Mons en Chaussee)
- I./JG.301 (Epinoy)
- Stab/JG.27 (Champfleury)
- I./JG.27 (Vertus)
- III./JG.27 (Connantre)
- IV./JG.27 (Champfleury)
[edit] Night Fighters
- Stab/NJG.4 (Chenay)
- I./NJG.4 (Florennes)
- III./NJG.4 (Junvincourt)
- Stab/NJG.5 (Hagenau)
- I./NJG.5 (St.Dizier)
- III./NJG.5 (Athies s/s Laon)
[edit] 5.Jagddivision (5° Fighter Division) Jouy-en-Josas
[edit] Jagdabschnittführer 5 (Fighter Director 5) Bernay
[edit] Fighters
- Stab/JG.2 (Creil)
- I./JG.2 (Creil)
- II./JG.2 (Creil)
- III./JG.2 (Creil)
- Stab/JG.3 (Evreux)
- II./JG.3 (Guyancourt)
- III./JG.3 (Mareilly)
- Stab/JG.11 (Le Mans)
- I./JG.11 (Le Mans)
- I0./JG.11 (Le Mans)
- I./JG.1 (Alençon)
- II./JG.1 (Alençon)
- Stab/JG.26 (Guyancourt)
- I./JG.26 (Guyancourt)
- II./JG.26 (Guyancourt)
[edit] Night Fighters
- Stab/NJG.2 (Coulommiers)
- I./NJG.2 (Chateaudun)
- II./NJG.2 (Coulommiers)
- II./NJG.4 (Coulommiers)
[edit] Jagdabschnittführer Bretagne (Fighter Direction in Britain) Brest
[edit] Fighters
- II./JG.53 (Vannes)
[edit] Jagdabschnittführer Südfrankreich (Souther France Fighter Direction) Aix
[edit] Fighters
- 1./JGr.200 (Orange-Caritat)
- 2./JGr.200 (Avignon)
- 3./JGr.200 (Orange-Caritat)
[edit] Jagdlehrer-Gr Bordeaux (Instruction Wing in Bordeaux sector)
- JG(Eins. Teile/Lehr) (Marignane)
[edit] Jagdabschnittführer Bordeaux (Fighter Direction in Bordeaux) Bordeaux-Merignac
[edit] Zerstorer (Heavy Fighters)
- Stab/ZG.1 (Bordeaux-Merignac)
- 1./ZG.1 (Corme-Ecluse)
- 3./ZG.1 (Corme-Ecluse)
- 2./ZG.1 (Chateauroux)
- III./ZG.1 (Cazaux)
[edit] Luftwaffe Special Strike Units
This was the Luftwaffe section charged with managing the advanced equipment:
- Fieseler Fi 103 (V-1)
- Messerschmitt Me 262 A
- Arado Ar 234 B;
they also used the Special Attack aircraft Junkers "Mistel 1".
Mentioned section poses your bases in France and Dutch areas.
[edit] Jet Bombers/Jet Fighter-Bombers
- (R)"Blitz" KG.76 (Istres)
- II.St.(JABO)/KG.51 (Soesterberg)
[edit] Mistel Special Section
- 2. (Mistel I) /KG 101 (St. Dizier)
- II. (Mistel I) -(Detach)/KG 200 (St.Dizier)
[edit] Bombers with V-1 Launchers
- Stab/KG 3 (Venlo)
- II./KG 3 (also known as I./KG.5) (Venlo)
- I./KG.53"Kondor Legion" (Gilze Rijen)
- III./KG.53"Kondor Legion" (Gilze Rijen)
[edit] Luftwaffe V-1 fixed/mobile ramps units
These units operateted near Calais (France), and in Belgium and Holland.
- Untergruppenbezeichnung FZG (Flakzielgerät) 76 (also known as 5.Flak Division (W), later as Armeekorps zur Vergeltung)
- I./155 Artillerie Abt (W)
- II./155 Artillerie-Abt (W)
- III./155 Artillerie-Abt (W)
[edit] Luftwaffe special transport units(1944-45)
These units were based in Muhldorf, Bavaria, and composed of Helicopters:
- Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drachen
- Flettner Fl 265
- Flettner 282B Kolibri
for operations in western and eastern front areas, with airfields in France (West) and East Prussia (East) for realizing some special liaisons, personal transport, rescue of wounded personnel, watching/air patrol, and other similar missions in the last days of the war.
- Transportstaffeln 40 (West area)
[edit] Wehrmacht/Luftwaffe V-2 mobile ramps sections
[edit] Division zur Vergeltung(Div.z.V.)
This special unit was led by Wehrmacht and SS Commanders, working along with Luftwaffe personnel and facilities. They operated in France, Belgium and Holland.
[edit] "Div.z.V." Nordgruppe
- 444° Artillerie-Abt
- 485° Artillerie- Abt (also known as Artillerie Regiment z. V. 902)
- 2°./485° Artillerie-Abt
[edit] "Div.z.V." Südgruppe
- 500° Waffen SS Artillerie-Abt (also known as 500° SS Werfer Abt.)
- 836° Artillerie-Abt (also known as Artillerie Regiment zur Vergeltung 901)
[edit] Wehrmacht V-4 "Rheinbote" Mobile ramps units
- I./709 Artillerie Abt
[edit] Wehrmacht V-3 Artillery group
- 705° Artillerie Abt.
[edit] Abbreviations
- FAGr = Fernaufklärungsgruppe = Reconnaissance aircraft.
- Gruppe = equivalent to a RAF Wing.
- JG = Jagdgeschwader = Fighters.
- Geschwader = equivalent to a Royal Air Force Group.
- JGr = Jagdgruppe = Fighters.
- KG = Kampfgeschwader = Bombers.
- LG = Lehrgeschwader = Operational Training.
- NAGr = Nahaufklärungsgruppe = Observation aircraft.
- NJG = Nachtjagdgeschwader = Night Fighters
- SAGr = Seeaufklärungsgruppe = Maritime Patrol aircraft
- SKG = Schnellkampfgeschwader = Fast Bombers.
- St = Staffel = equivalent to a RAF Squadron.
- ZG = Zerstörergeschwader = Twin engined day fighters.