Western Bloc of the FARC-EP

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The Western Bloc of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia is believed the smallest of the blocs in size, but not in military capability. It is routinely held responsible for attacks that occur in Cali and its surroundings. The specific divisions of the group are arguable. Because of the current conflict existing in the country, much of the information recovered is conflicting and should not be taken as absolutely reliable. Some of the believed divisions or 'fronts', as they are commonly called, are shown below. It is worth noting that many of these fronts sometimes work together towards a certain mission, while others are further divided into 'columns' and 'companies' with a smaller number of members. For more general information see FARC-EP Chain of Command.


[edit] Commanders

Alias Name Note
Marco Aurelio Buendía Luis Alfonso Guevara Álvarez Killed in 2003. [1]
Pablo Catatumbo Jorge Torres Victoria [2]
Gustavo López Gómez, "Pacho" Miller Munar Munar [3]

[edit] 6th Front

Also known as the Hernando González Acosta Front, it is composed of up to 130 people. It operates mostly in the Cauca Department and the Valle del Cauca Department. Its leader is considered, along with Tirofijo, one of the founders of FARC.

Alias Name Note
Sargento Pascuas, "Humberto" Miguel Ángel Pascuas [4]
  • The Mobile Column Alonso Cortés, composed by up to 50 men, also operates in this area.

[edit] 8th Front

It is composed by up to 80 men and operates mostly in the Cauca Department. Its current leadership is unclear.

Alias Name Note
Ramírez N/A Killed in 2006, apparently by ELN. [5]
Yesid Arlex Porras Gómez Captured in 2006. [6]
"El Rojo" Captured in 2003. [7]

[edit] 29th Front

It is composed by up to 50 men and operates mostly in the Nariño Department.

Alias Name Note
Aldemar, Jhon Jairo [8]
Anuar Orlando Cardozo Captured in 2005. [9]
Camilo, Ricardo Jairo Cuarán Collazos Abandoned FARC in 2003 and found exile in Chile. [10]

[edit] 30th Front

Also known as the José Antonio Páez Front, it is composed of up to 50 people. It operates mostly in the Cauca Department and the Valle del Cauca Department.

Alias Name Note
Freddy Luis Eduardo Prada González [11]

[edit] 60th Front

It is composed of up to 60 men and operates mostly in the Cauca Department.

Alias Name Note
"El Grillo" Gilberto Arroyabe [12]
"Arturo" N/A Killed in 2006. [13]

[edit] Mobile Column Jacobo Arenas

It is composed by up to 120 men and operates mostly in the Meta Department and the Tolima Department.

Alias Name Note
Floresmiro Acosta Carlos Patiño [14]
Kinkón Carlos Duval Ilipio Dizú Captured in 2006. [15]

[edit] Mobile Column Arturo Ruiz

It is one of the FARC's elite units, among its most notorious operations is the kidnapping of the Valle del Cauca deputies on April 11, 2002.[16][17]

[edit] Urban Front Manuel Cepeda Vargas

It is composed by up to 50 men and is one of the FARC's strongest factions in Cali.

Alias Name Note
Santiago Gustavo Arbeláez Cardona Arrested in 2008. [18]
J.J. Milton Sierra Gómez Killed in 2007. [19]
Farid, Rafael Gabriel Antonio Carvajal Captured in 2005. [20]

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Presidencia de la República. "ABATIDO ALIAS 'MARCO AURELIO BUENDÍA' CABECILLA DEL COMANDO OCCIDENTE DE LAS FARC" October 31, 2003. Available online. Accessed May 23, 2007.
  2. ^ Milenio. "Indagan a una nueva generación de narcos" October 17, 2006. Available online. Accessed May 23, 2007.
  3. ^ Stratfor. "FARC" Available online. Accessed May 17, 2007. Requires login.
  4. ^ US Department of State. "Miguel Angel Pascuas Santos" Available online. Accessed May 23, 2007.
  5. ^ Farcep.org. "Comunicado del Bloque Caribe de las FARC" February, 2007. Available online. Accessed June 10, 2007.
  7. ^ Derechos Humanos de Colombia. "Bitácora de Prensa del 18 al 24 de febrero de 2003" February 23, 2003. Available online. Accessed May 23, 2007.
  8. ^ Canal RCN. "Enfrentamiento entre frentes 60 y 29 de las Farc originó asesinato de diputados." July 28, 2007. Available online. Accessed July 29, 2007.
  9. ^ Ejército Nacional Colombiano. "Captured second Farc 29th squad commander" August 31, 2005. Available online. Accessed May 26, 2007. Translation from Spanish.
  10. ^ Il Notiziario. "Chile otorgó residencia a jefe del Frente 29 de las Farc" November 29, 2004. Available online. Accessed May 26, 2007.
  11. ^ Fiscalía General de la Nación. "ASEGURADO LUIS ALFREDO PRADA GONZÁLEZ POR REBELIÓN" July 24, 2002. Available online. Accessed May 26, 2007.
  12. ^ La Patria. "Farc y Eln: guerra por la coca en el sur" Available online. Accessed May 26, 2007.
  13. ^ Ejército Nacional de Colombia. "Cae máximo cabecilla del frente Tulio Varón de las FARC" December 23, 2006. Available online. Accessed May 26, 2007.
  14. ^ elterrosimo.net "FARC-EP" June 6, 2006. Available online. Accessed May 26, 2007.
  15. ^ Vicepresidencia de la República. "Bitácora del 19 al 25 de julio" July 25, 2006. Available online. Accessed May 26, 2007.
  16. ^ El Tiempo:Cronología del secuestro de los doce diputados del departamento del Valle del Cauca
  17. ^ Ejercito de Colombia: Ejercito debilita Columna movil Arturo Ruiz
  18. ^ El Tiempo. "Detienen a alias 'Santiago', presunto jefe del frente 'Manuel Cepeda' de las Farc en Buenaventura" May 8, 2008. Available online. Accessed May 8, 2008.
  19. ^ El País. "Dado de baja 'J.J.', líder del frente Manuel Cepeda Vargas de las Farc." June 15, 2007. Available online. Accessed June 23, 2007.
  20. ^ Ejército Nacional de Colombia. "Contundentes resultados del Ejército contra grupos terroristas" April 13, 2005. Available online. Accessed May 26, 2007.