Wesley College, University of Sydney

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Wesley College is a Protestant co-residential college of over 230 students within the University of Sydney. The College occupies a site on the main campus of the University of Sydney and was built on a sub-grant of Crown Land.

Every year, Wesley men compete for "The Rawson Cup", which was presented to the Sydney University Sports Union in 1906 by Admiral Sir Harry Rawson, and is the height of male intercollegiate sport. The cup is fought for throughout the year by men representing each of the University of Sydney Colleges accumulating points by competing in Cricket, Rowing, Swimming, Rugby, Tennis, Soccer, Basketball and Athletics. Wesley has won the Rawson Cup five times in the past seven years. The female sporting trophy, the Rosebowl Cup, has been won by Wesley on more occasions than any other college.

Wesley is one of six on-campus colleges at the University of Sydney, which provide convenient and stress free accommodation. Offering fully furnished and catered accommodation, Wesley aims to take away many of the concerns of moving away from home and allow students to concentrate on their studies in their first years of Uni. Wesley is conveniently located, a few minutes walk from the centre of the University campus, so in theory students need never be late for class!

Wesley is a highly academic community, in which education and learning are always supported and encouraged. As a college full of University students, Wesley provides the experience, support and advice which can be necessary for new students to get the best start in their degrees. Wesley not only offers students the chance to live amongst their peers, many of whom may completing the same course, but also provides an evening tutorial program, in addition to the University itself, which is free ind$available to all college students. Wesley has a reputation for academic excellence, producing 6 Rhodes scholars in the last ten years, as well as 18 first class honours and 3 university medals in the last year alone, much of which can be put down to the encouraging academic environment fostered at Wesley.

Wesley College has an active student body, with students running almost every aspect of college life themselves. The students themselves choose what they want to put into life at Wesley, and as such what they wish to get out of their experience of college life. Students may establish and run their own clubs, societies and performances at a social or competative level within college including music, drama and sports. Wesley students currently run their own plays each semester, college choir, touch rugby and social tennis competitions and even a fishing club! Wesley students also represent the college on an intercollege council, which sets up and runs competative sports, drama, music and debating between the six University of Sydney colleges. The famous male and female sporting trophies, the Rawson and Rosebowl Cup, are a huge part of college tradition and are fought over by nine sporting events for both men and women over the year. Wesley has traditionally been highly dominant in these intercollege competitions, holding the Roswbowl Cup (for women) more times than any other college, and winning the Rawson Cup (for men) five times in the past seven years. Life at Wesley provides constant opportuinites to take part in the many optional cultural and sporting activities over and above your degree, which are a huge part of a full and rounded University experience!

Students are also in charge of organising their own social calendar throughout the year, which is the envy of many non-college students, including sponsor bars, formal dinners, victory dinners, racing days, as well as the annual Informal (for 1200 people with live bands and DJs) and the annual Black Ball. Through regular social events and the rapid integration of new students through O-Week, in first semester, and Silly Season in second semester, Wesley is always an extremely tight community of close friends and a home to all of its students. With hundreds of like-minded University students living closely together and a constant program of events, it is nearly impossible for students to leave without making friends for life within Wesley!

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