User talk:WeniWidiWiki

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[edit] All Things Yule & You

When is a better time? :)
When is a better time? :)

Hello! It's that time of the year again. As you might know, right now there are an amount of subjects relating to Yule that I feel your valuable contributions would greatly assist with. Since these pages will soon see some heavy traffic (and subsequently information derived from them will too), you are most welcome to join me on editing and sourcing these subjects:


There's probably an amount more too. I've passed this on to some other users who I think would be of help in this area also. Again, any help would be appreciated! :bloodofox: (talk) 09:15, 7 December 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Thank You

Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia. We Highly appretiate it.Bold text —Preceding unsigned comment added by WikiMohderator (talkcontribs) 14:48, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] article at

Dear HroptR a.k.a WeniWidiWiki:

I am Taoiseach of Clannada na Gadelica the only Gaelic Traditionalist organization in the Diaspora, and the first (1991) to use the term Gaelic Traditionalist/Traditionalism on the Internet. The origin of the useage of that terminology actually dates back to the mid-1980's, when we developed it in collaboration with authentic cultural Tradition Bearers in the Gaeltachtaí of Ireland, Scotland, and Nova Scotia, and with authentic Tradition Bearers in the American Indian Nations, who call themselves Traditionalists, and counseled us to do the same. All of these folks with whom we've worked for the last 15 years are recognized by their own cultures, as authentic cultural Tradition Bearers. I also own the copyright to all Clannada materials as well as the term of art (and definition thereof) Gaelic Traditionalism, as well as the many variations and derivative terminologies & definitions, of same. We've posted that copyright notice on our web page and on our Yahoo list page.

I'm writing to you because I'm trying to round up all references in Wiki to GT so that we can then see about going about things in a more organized way. I read the article at and saw that you were trying, in 2006, to be very fair-minded about leaving in GT references, and felt that Kathryn nic Dhana was trying to exclude those references out of political angst. You were probably right about that. I'm very grateful to you for your support and fair-mindedness.

However, we really aren't reconstructionists in any sense because we don't use that kind of methodology, and in that respect, she was right. In fact, our *only* methodology is to simply take back up the already extant, intact, roughly 2000-year old Gaelic Traditional Culture, meet it on it's own terms, and re-employ it in the art of daily life. We don't reconstruct anything because there is nothing to reconstruct, and that, in a nutshell, is the critical difference between Gaelic Traditionalism and all of the Reconstrucitonist neo-pagan-based modern religions. Nor, for that matter are we derivative of CR, notwithstanding our occasional correspondence and consultation with some individuals in the modern neo-pagan reconstructionist communities.

So, actually, we don't have a problem being deleted entirely from that article, if you could find it in your heart to go along with us on that.  :)

We are working closely with authentic cultural Tradition Bearers and with academics to publish two volumes of research and we'd really like to be able to influence the useage of our terms of art until the time of publication. We think that is only fair.

Can you help us work something out?

Best Regards,

Ktho64152 (talk) 05:32, 6 June 2008 (UTC) Kathleen O'Brien Blair

Taoiseach, Clannada na Gadelica: A Confederation of Gaelic Traditionalists in the Diaspora and the Hearthlands since 1991 © Clannada na Gadelica 1991-2008, and Iain Mac an tSaoir 1991-2008, and Kathleen O'Brien Blair 1991-2008. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:30, 6 June 2008 (UTC)