Well logging
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Well logging, also known as borehole logging is the practice of making a detailed record (log) of the geologic formations penetrated by a borehole. The log may be based either on visual inspection of samples brought to the surface (geological logs) or on physical measurements made by instruments lowered into the hole (geophysical logs). Well logging is done when drilling boreholes for oil and gas, groundwater, minerals, and for environmental and geotechnical studies.
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[edit] Electric or geophysical well logs
The oil and gas industry records rock and fluid properties to find hydrocarbon zones in the geological formations intersected by a borehole. The logging procedure consists of lowering a 'logging tool' on the end of a wireline into an oil well (or hole) to measure the rock and fluid properties of the formation. An interpretation of these measurements is then made to locate and quantify potential depth zones containing oil and gas (hydrocarbons). Logging tools developed over the years measure the electrical, acoustic, radioactive, electromagnetic, and other properties of the rocks and their contained fluids. Logging is usually performed as the logging tools are pulled out of the hole. This data is recorded to a printed record called a 'Well Log' and is normally transmitted digitally to office locations. Well logging is performed at various intervals during the drilling of the well and when the total depth is drilled, which could range in depths from 300 m to 8000 m (1000 ft to 25,000 ft) or more.
[edit] Types of Electric Logs
There are many types of electric logs, and they can be categorized either by their function or by the technology that they use. "Open hole logs" are run before the oil or gas well is lined with pipe or cased. "Cased hole logs" are run after the well is lined with casing or production pipe [1].
Electric logs can also be divided into two general types based on what physical properties they measure. Resistivity logs measure some aspect of the specific resistance of the geologic formation. There are about 17 types of resistivity logs, but they all have the same purpose which is to measure the electric conductivity fluid in the rock.
Porosity logs measure the fraction or percentage of pore volume in a volume of rock. Most porosity logs use either acoustic or nuclear technology. Acoustic logs measure characteristics of sound waves propagated through the well-bore environment. Nuclear logs utilize nuclear reactions that take place in the downhole logging instrument or in the formation. Nuclear logs include density logs and neutron logs, as well as gamma ray logs which are used for correlation. [2].
[edit] History
Conrad and Marcel Schlumberger are considered the inventors of electric well logging. Conrad developed the Schlumberger array which was a technique for prospecting for metal ore deposits, and the brothers adopted that surface technique to subsurface applications. On September 5, 1927, a crew working for the Schlumberger brothers, lowered an electric sonde or tool down a well in Pechelbronn, Alsace France creating the first well log. In modern terms, the first log was a resistivity log that could be described as 3.5 meter upside-down lateral log [3].
In 1931, Henri G. Doll and G. Dechatre, working for Schlumberger, discovered that the galvanometer wiggled even when no current was being passed through the logging cables. This led to the discovery of the spontaneous potential (SP) which was as important as the ability to measure resistivity. The SP effect was produced naturally by the borehole mud at the boundaries of permeable beds. By simultaneously recording SP and resistivity, loggers could distinguish between permeable oil-bearing beds and impermeable nonproducing beds [4].
In 1940, Schlumberger invented the spontaneous potential dipmeter, which greatly improved the vertical resolution of the open hole logs. This tool allowed the calculation of the dip and direction of the dip of a layer. The basic dipmeter was later enhanced by the resistivity dipmeter (1947) and the continuous resistivity dipmeter (1952).
Oil-based mud (OBM) was first used in Rangely Field, Colorado in 1948. Normal electric logs require a conductive or water-based mud, but OBMs are nonconductive. The solution to this problem was the induction log, developed in the late 1940s.
The introduction of the transistor and integrated circuits in the 1960s made electric logs vastly more reliable. Computerization allowed much faster log processing, and dramatically expanded log data-gathering capacity. The 1970s brought more logs and computers. These included combo type logs where resistivity logs and porosity logs were recorded in one pass in the borehole.
The two types of porosity logs (acoustic logs and nuclear logs) date originally from the 1940s. Sonic logs grew out of technology developed during World War II. Nuclear logging has largely replaced acoustic logging, but acoustic or sonic logs are still run on some combination logging tools.
Nuclear logging was initially developed to measure the natural gamma radiation emitted by underground formations. However, the industry quickly moved to logs that actively bombard rocks with nuclear particles. The gamma ray log was introduced by Well Surveys Inc. in 1939, and the WSI neutron log came in 1941. These logs were important because they could be used in cased wells (wells with production casing). WSI quickly became part of Lane-Wells. During World War II, the US Government gave a near wartime monopoly on open-hole logging to Schlumberger, and a monopoly on cased-hole logging to Lane-Wells. Nuclear logs continued to evolve after the war.
The nuclear magnetic resonance log was developed in 1958 by Borg Warner. Initially the NMR log was a scientific success but an engineering failure. However, the development of a continuous NMR logging tool by Numar (now a subsidiary of Halliburton is a promising new technology.
Many modern oil and gas wells are drilled directionally. At first, loggers had to run their tools somehow attached to the drill pipe if the well was not vertical. Modern techniques now permit continuous information at the surface. This is known as logging while drilling (LWD) or measurement-while-drilling (MWD). MWD logs use mud pulse technology to transmit data from the tools on the bottom of the drillstring to the processors at the surface.
[edit] Logging While Drilling
In the 1980s, a new technique, Logging While Drilling (LWD), was introduced which provided similar information about the well. Instead of sensors being lowered into the well at the end of wireline cable, the sensors are integrated into the drill string and the measurements are made while the well is being drilled. While wireline well logging occurs after the drill string is removed from the well, LWD measures geological parameters while the well is being drilled. However, because there are no wires to the surface, data are recorded downhole and retrieved when the drill string is removed from the hole. A small subset of the measured data can also be transmitted to the surface in real time via pressure pulses in the well's mud fluid column. This mud telemetry method provides a bandwidth of much less than 100 bits per second, although, as drilling through rock is a fairly slow process, data compression techniques mean that this is an ample bandwidth for real-time delivery of information.
[edit] Logging measurement types
Logging measurements are quite sophisticated. The prime target is the measurement of various geophysical properties of the subsurface rock formations. Of particular interest are porosity, permeability, and fluid content. Porosity is the proportion of fluid-filled space found within the rock. It is this space that contains the oil and gas. Permeability is the ability of fluids to flow through the rock. The higher the porosity, the higher the possible oil and gas content of a rock reservoir. The higher the permeability, the easier for the oil and gas to flow toward the wellbore. Logging tools provide measurements that allow for the mathematical interpretation of these quantities.
Beyond just the porosity and permeability, various logging measurements allow the interpretation of what kinds of fluids are in the pores — oil, gas, brine. In addition, the logging measurements are used to determine mechanical properties of the formations. These mechanical properties determine what kind of enhanced recovery methods may be used (tertiary recovery) and what damage to the formation (such as erosion) is to be expected during oil and gas production.
The types of instruments used in well logging are quite broad. The first logging measurements consisted of basic electrical logs (resistivity) and spontaneous potential (SP) logs, introduced by the Schlumberger brothers in the 1920's. Tools later became available to estimate porosity via sonic velocity and nuclear measurements. Tools are now more specialized and better able to resolve fine details in the formation. Radiofrequency transmission and coupling techniques are used to determine fluid conductivity (brine is more conductive than oil or gas). Sonic transmission characteristics (pressure waves) determine mechanical integrity. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can determine the properties of the hydrogen atoms in the pores (surface tension, etc.). Nuclear scattering (radiation scattering), spectrometry and absorption measurements can determine density and elemental analysis or composition. High resolution electrical or acoustical imaging logs are used to visualize the formation, compute formation dip, and analyze thinly-bedded and fractured reservoirs.
In addition to sensor-based measurements above, robotic equipment can sample formation fluids which may then be brought to the surface for laboratory examination. Also, controlled flow measurements can be used to determine in situ viscosity, water and gas cut (percentage), and other fluid and production parameters.
[edit] Geological logs
Geological logs, use data collected at the surface, rather than during an electric survey. The geological logs include drilling time logs, sample logs, and mud logs. Though mud logs have become the industry standard.
Drilling time logs record the time required to drill a given thickness of rock formation. A change in the drilling rate or penetration rate usually means a change in the type of rock penetrated by the bit. The drilling time is expressed as minutes per foot, while the rate of penetration is usually expressed as feet per hour. Therefore, drilling time is the inverse of penetration rate.
Sample logs are made by examining cuttings, which are bits of rock circulated to the surface by the drilling mud in rotary drilling. The cuttings have traveled up the wellbore suspended in the drilling fluid or mud which was pumped into the wellbore via the drill string/pipe and they return to the surface via the annulus, then to the shale shakers via the flow line. Cuttings are then separated from the drilling fluid as they move across the shale shakers and are sampled at regular depth intervals. These rock samples are analyzed and described by the wellsite geologist or mudlogger.
Mud logs are prepared by a mud logging company contracted by the operating company. One parameter a typical mud log displays is the formation gas (gas units or ppm). "The gas recorder usually is scaled in terms of arbitrary gas units, which are defined differently by the various gas-detector manufactures. In practice, significance is placed only on relative changes in the gas concentrations detected[5]." The current industry standard mud log normally includes real-time drilling parameters such as rate of penetration (ROP), lithology, gas hydrocarbons, flow line temperature (temperature of the drilling fluid) and chlorides but may also include mud weight, estimated pore pressure and corrected d-exponent (corrected drilling exponent) for a pressure pack log. Other information that is normally notated on a mud log include lithology descriptions, directional data (deviation surveys), weight on bit, rotary speed, pump pressure, pump rate, viscosity, drill bit info, casing shoe depths, formation tops, mud pump info, to name just a few.
[edit] Information use
The well and mud logs are usually transferred in 'real time' to the operating company, which uses these logs to make operational decisions about the well, correlative formation depths analysis to surrounding wells and to make interpretations about the quantity and quality of hydrocarbons present. Specialists involved in well log interpretation are called log analysts.
[edit] References
- ^ Society of Professional Well Log Analysts (1975). Glossary of terms & expressions used in well logging. Houston, Texas: SPWLA, 74 p.. ISBN None.
- ^ Sengel, E.W. "Bill" (1981). Handbook on well logging. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Institute for Energy Development, 168 p.. ISBN 0-89419-112-8.
- ^ Hilchie, Douglas W. (1990). Wireline: A history of the well logging and perforating business in the oil fields. Boulder, Colorado: Privately Published, 200. ISBN None.
- ^ Pike, Bill; Rhonda Duey (2002). "Logging history rich with innovation". Hart's E&P: 52-55.
- ^ Bourgoyne, Adam; Keith Millheim, Martin Chenevert, F.S. Young Jr. (1986). Applied Drilling Engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 274 p.. ISBN 1-55563-001-4.
[edit] See also
- Geosteering
- Drilling mud
- Drilling rig
- List of oilfield service companies
- Formation evaluation
- Wireline