Wedding chapel

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A traditional French chapel at Château de Hattonchâtel
A traditional French chapel at Château de Hattonchâtel

A wedding chapel is a place, other than a legal court, and usually also, other than a church, where couples can get legally married. A church may also be used as a wedding chapel, but churches are usually called that by the marrying couple when the ceremony only involves those contracting matrimony. Calling a place of worship a wedding chapel is an unfortunate connotation because it can invoke stereotypes that limit the role of the worship space.


[edit] Information

Traditional wedding chapels are usually set in small buildings. Only specially appointed people, such as pastors and people who are licensed to carry out marriage ceremonies, can conduct ceremonies at wedding chapels.

Las Vegas, particularly, is famous for its large number of wedding chapels. Many of the wedding chapels in Las Vegas feature Elvis Presley impersonators.

Perhaps the most famous venue outside of Las Vegas for a wedding chapel is at Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota.

[edit] Prices

The prices to stage a wedding in a wedding chapel vary. Although ceremonies at these places are usually not expensive, they can fluctuate, depending on what city or country is chosen for the marriage ceremony. In Las Vegas, for example, wedding chapel ceremonies may be held for about 50 dollars.

For a long period during the 1990s, a wedding chapel in Mesa, Arizona advertised their ceremonies at The Arizona Republic for the relatively low price of only 10 dollars.

[edit] Requirements

Wedding chapels across the world must perform their ceremonies under some laws, depending on the region in which they are located. In the United States, for example, wedding chapels must usually request] for:

  • A marriage license
  • Proof of age of the couple. Requirements for minors to marry vary from state to state.

[edit] See also