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Zbigniew Wedlechowicz

Zbigniew Wedlechowicz (* 17. August 1952, Radomsko/Poland/)

  1955 moving with the parents to Czestochowa.
  1959 to 1967 Primary School Nr 12  Czestochowa.
  1967 to 1971 Grammar School K. Swierczewski Czestochowa.
  1971 to 1973 Polytechnic, Dep. Machine Building Czestochowa.
  1973 to 1977 Moscow Technology State University (STANKIN),
       Dep. Machine Tool and Instruments. Diploma 1977 with Award. 
  1977 to 1982 Huta Baildon, Microhuta  Dabrowa Górnicza-Strzemieszyce.
  1982 Emigration to Switzerland.
  1982 to 1985 Science assistent on ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)  Zürich.
  1985 to 1992 NCDATA AG  Zürich and Schlieren.
  1992 to 1995 Sulzer Informatik, after takeover through IBM - Datamind AG.
  1995 to 1996 SBG (Union Bank of Switzerland).
  1996 to 2003 Bank Julius Bär.
  2003 to 2005 Sunbay Software AG in Rüschlikon.
  2005 to 2007 Softlab AG in Glattbrugg.
  2007 to IBM in Zurich.

married: Anna

Children: Daughter Ewelina, Agnieszka.

Hobby: Journeys, watching films.

Interesant works:

  Computer simulation of movement of round table of 3D-mess machine
  Management of the Production Medium (Cooper).
  Salary System (Cooper).
  Bank Limit Control (Cooper).
  Risk Management System in a Bank (Cooper).
  Tax and 2. column pension systems
  Avaloq parameterisation at Luzerner Kantonalbank
  Avaloq parameterisation at LGT Bank in Liechtenstein