Wechsler Individual Achievement Test

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The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test 2nd (WIAT-II) was revised in 2001. The mean score for this test is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. The range is a score of 40 to 160. The WIAT-II is a measure of individual achievement skills for the population targeting children, adolescents, college students, and adults, age 4 through 85. The scales are reading, mathematics, written and oral language, and it also contains 9 sub-test scores. The suggested use of the WIAT-II is in settings such as schools, clinics, private practices and residential treatment facilities. These facilities can use the WIAT-II in order to assist with diagnosis, eligibility, placement, and decisions regarding interventions. It is encouraged to use this assessment with behavioral observation, history, and additional measures. The subtests for the WIAT include word reading, pseudo-word decoding, reading comprehension, spelling, written expression, numerical operations, math reasoning, listening comprehension, and oral expression. The Word Reading subtest consists of naming letters, phonological skills (working with sounds in words), and reading words found from lists. The Pseudo-Word Decoding subtest involves reading nonsense words aloud from a list (phonetic word attack). The Reading Comprehension subtest consists of matching words to pictures, reading sentences aloud, and orally answering oral questions about reading passages. Silent reading speed is also assessed in this subtest. The Spelling subtest involves written spelling of dictated letters, sounds, and words that are read in sentences. The Written Expression subtest contains writing letters and words as quickly as possible, writing sentences, and writing a paragraph or essay. The Numerical Operations subtest includes identifying and writing numbers, counting, and solving paper-and-pencil computations. The Math Reasoning subtest consists of counting, identifying shapes, and solving verbally frames “word problems” presented both orally and in writing or with illustrations. The Listening Comprehension subtest involves multiple-choice matching of pictures to spoken words. The Oral Expression subtest includes repeating sentences, generating lists, describing scenes and pictured activities. [1] [2]