Weapons of Kuk Sool Won

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There are 24 weapons in the Kuk Sool Won curriculum including Buddhist and Tribal weaponry.

[edit] Weapons

  1. Gum (Sword)
  2. Jung Gum (Straight Sword - 37 inches)
  3. Dan Gum (Short Sword)- About one-third the size of a standard sword.
  4. Kal Gum (Knife)
  5. Dan Do Knife or Short Sword
  6. Wol Do Halberd (Moon Knife)
  7. Do Kki Battle Axe
  8. Bu Chae (Fan)-- The fan skeleton is made of metal plates.
  9. Ji Pang Ee (Walking Cane)
  10. Po Bak (Rope)
  11. Jool Bong (Flail, Jointed Staff) -- More commonly known as nunchucks.
  12. Dan Bong Short Staff
  13. Jung Bong Middle Staff
  14. Jang Bong (Long Staff)
  15. Chang Spear
  16. Gung Si Bow & Arrow
  17. Gung Sool Archery
  18. Kuk (Sool) Gung Traditional Korean Archery (utilizing a “thumb” draw)
  • A number of weapon variations are taught, including (but not limited to):
  1. Inverted long sword
  2. Double long sword
  3. Double short sword
  4. Sword cutting ( bamboo & rolled mats)
  5. Sword sparring
  6. Knife throwing
  7. Double short staff
  8. Staff sparring