Weak pronoun

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A weak pronoun is a pronoun phonetically more independent than clitic pronouns but less independent than ordinary pronouns[1][2].

[edit] References

  1. ^ Grohmann, Kleanthes K. (2000), “Towards a Syntactic Understanding of Prosodically Reduced Pronouns”, Theoretical Linguistics 26 (3): 175-210, <http://www.punksinscience.org/kleanthes/papers/tl26.pdf> 
  2. ^ Baauw, Sergio, Greenhill, A.; Littlefield, H. & Tano, C., eds., “The Role of the Clitic-Full Pronoun Distinction in the Acquisition of Pronominal Coreference”, BUCLD Proceedings (Somerville, Mass.: Cascadilla Press) 23, <http://www.let.uu.nl/~Sergio.Baauw/personal/bu98proc2.pdf>