Talk:Water supply and sanitation in Benin

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[edit] Missing information

I hope you like the article. I found some relevant and up to date documents. However, the article does not contain precise information on every issue and will need to be updated from time to time.

[edit] Questions

The most urgent gaps of information are summarized in the following questions:

  • I did not find any document to describe the term "peri-urban area", nor does a Wikipedia article exist. Any hints?
Peri-urban areas are located at the fringe of urban areas, often on former farm land. They tend to be characterized by unplanned development, lack of land titles, informal employment, high levels of poverty and lack of basic infrastructure.--Mschiffler (talk) 19:51, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
  • The data on water quality and continuity are very poor. Any help and/or references are welcome!
  • In addition to the private wastewater treatment plant in Cotonou, are there any plans to improve and/or extend wastewater treatment under SONEB or DGH management, at least in the largest cities?
  • The water use data derive from a study which in turn is based on interviews. Alternate information is welcome.
  • Is there any evidence on the implementation of the institutional framework in rural areas? For example, does decentralization work like intended?
  • Any more assessments on economic efficiency indicators like NRW and staff per 1,000 connections?
  • Is there any information on water metering coverage?
  • The national 2007 Growth Strategy for Poverty Reduction calls for the establishment of an independent agency for economic regulation. Are there any concrete plans for such an institution in the sector?
  • The figures on investment are very poor and only indicate the expenditures of the DGH. Any more precise and more up-to-date information, also on investment in sanitation, is welcome.
  • In the last section about external cooperation, information about more projects and/or donors is welcome!

[edit] Missing documents

I was not able to find the following documents online. If anybody has access or knows how to access them, please let me know.

  • Budget programme 2006-2009 of the Direction Générale de l'Hydraulique
  • DGH (Direction Generale de l'Hydraulique) (2005): L'approvisionnement en eau potable en milieu rural du Bénin, 2005-2015

If you have answers or sources of information, please feel free to improve the article on your own, post your suggestions on this discussion page or on my user page. Thank you for your interest and help! Kerres (Talk) 19:00, 27 May 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Comments

"septic tanks truckers" doesn't seem to make sense. Maybe "septic tank truckers" or "septic tanks' truckers" or "trucks' septic tanks" might make sense. What is it supposed to mean?

"had proved to be little sustainable": this use of "little" sounds a little odd. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's OK. Maybe "had proved to be hardly sustainable" or "had proved to be of little sustainability". I can't think of a really good wording.

"demand-responsive strategy": if this is the wording used in the source, OK. Otherwise I would put "demand-response strategy".

"...a number of projects called Assistance Program..." Perhaps "Program" could be changed to "Programs"? Otherwise it doesn't make sense -- it's mentioning one program, not a number of projects.

"access to the according indicators:" I don't understand what "according" means here. Maybe a different word would be better.

Re the references in the footnotes after "maintenance of a water meter is added": the first footnote mentions a document but should specify what document it's talking about. The second footnote has some information, then gives a source by mentioning its URL (web address) only. it's best not to give only a web address: give the title, author, date etc. of the document, so that if the web address stops working we'll still know what it is. Earlier in the paragraph it says "according to a thesis": I would prefer if this were more clear. Does it mean a PhD thesis or what? Maybe it should have a footnote attached to the word "thesis" or at the end of the sentence containing that word for the first time, with information about the document.

I'm guessing that the unit "l/p/d" means "litre per person per day". Could it be wikilinked, or spelled out in words in parentheses?

"has established a country presence": I would change this to either "has established a presence in the country" or "has established a country-wide presence" depending on what is meant: the second one means they're all over the country, while the first means they're in at least one place in the country.

I read the whole article. I didn't check the infobox or the references. It looks good! I like the images in this one and the Ghana one. Coppertwig (talk) 23:07, 1 June 2008 (UTC)