Waratah (ship)

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SS Waratah, 1909
Name: SS Waratah
Owner: W., F. W. and A. E. Lund
Operator: Blue Anchor Line
Port of Registry: Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Route: London, United Kingdom to Adelaide, Australia via Durban, South Africa
Builder: Barclay, Curle & Co., Whiteinch, Scotland
Launched: 12 September 1908
Completed: October 1908
Maiden voyage: 5 November 1908
Fate: Disappeared south of Durban, July 1909. Exact fate unknown.
General characteristics
Tonnage: 16,000 GT (gross tonnage)
Length: 465 ft (141.7 m)
Beam: 59.2 ft (18.0 m)
Installed power: 5x steel boilers
Propulsion: 2x 4-cylinder triple expansion reciprocating steam engines
Speed: approximately 13.5 kn (25.0 km/h/15.5 mph) service speed.
Capacity: 432 passenger cabins, plus over 600 spaces in dormitories in the holds
Crew: 154 crew
Notes: Waratah cost £13,900 to build, and had lifeboat/raft space for 921 people

The SS Waratah, sometimes referred to as "Australia's Titanic", was a 500 foot steamer. In July 1909, the ship, en route from Durban to Cape Town, disappeared with 211 passengers aboard. The disappearance of the ship remains one of the most baffling nautical mysteries of all time. To this day no trace of the ship has ever been found.


[edit] The Waratah 1908 - 29 July 1909

The Waratah was a steamer, built by Barclay Curle & Co in Whiteinch, Glasgow (Scotland) and destined to be the flagship of the Blue Anchor Line. It was named Waratah after the emblem flower of New South Wales, Australia. The ship was supposed to serve as a passenger and cargo liner to Australia. It had 100 first class cabins, eight state rooms and a salon whose panels depicted its namesake flower, as well as a luxurious 'music lounge' complete with a minstrel's gallery. As well as these luxurious quarters, Waratah was intended to serve the strong emigrant trade from Europe to Australia. On the outward journey her cargo holds would be converted into large dormitories capable of holding nearly 700 steerage passengers. On the return journey she would be laden with goods, mainly foodstuffs. She was fitted out for carrying refrigerated cargo, could carry food and stores for a year at sea, and had an on-board desalination plant which could produce 5,500 gallons (25,000 litres) of fresh water a day. She did not carry a radio, but this was not unusual for the time [1].

On 5 November 1908, the Waratah set sail on her maiden voyage from London, England, with 689 passengers in third class accommodation and 67 first class passengers[2]. Her captain was Joshua E. Ilbery, a sailor with 30 years nautical experience. The subsequent inquiry into her sinking raised some disputed reports of instability on this voyage. On the ship's return to England there was some discussion about stowage between the owners and the builders.

On 27 April 1909, the Waratah set out on her second trip to Australia. This was uneventful and on 1 July 1909 she set out from Melbourne on the return journey. She was bound for the South African ports of Durban and Cape Town and was then to return to London. The Waratah reached Durban, where one passenger, Claude Sawyer, an engineer and experienced sea traveller, got off the ship and sent the following cable to his wife in London:

"Thought Waratah top-heavy, landed Durban"

The Waratah left Durban on 26 July with 211 passengers and crew. On 27 July , it passed the Clan McIntyre. Later that day, the weather deteriorated quickly (as is common in that area). A wind gusting to 50 knots (90 km/h) combined against the tide and ocean swell to build waves up to 30 feet (9 metres). That evening the Union-Castle Liner Guelph passed a ship and exchanged signals by lamp, but due to the bad weather and poor visibility was only able to identify the last three letters of her name as "T-A-H."

The same evening, a ship called the Harlow saw a large steamer coming up behind her, working hard into the heavy seas and making a great deal of smoke, enough to make her captain wonder if the steamer was on fire. When darkness fell, the crew of the Harlow could see the steamer's running lights approaching, but still 10-12 miles behind them, when there were suddenly two bright flashes from the vicinity of the steamer and the lights vanished. The mate of the Harlow thought the flashes were brush fires on the shore (a common phenomenon in the area at that time of year). The captain agreed and did not even enter the events in the log- only when he learnt of the disappearance of the Waratah did he think the events significant[3].

The Waratah was possibly seen off the Transkei coast (East Coast of South Africa) making its way back to Durban when it sank. The eye-witness of the sinking was a police officer who patrolled the area on horse back. He apparently reported the incident in the occurrence book on his return to the station. What is known of him is that he was related (Uncle) to the late Noel Staples Martin - to whom he passed on the information verbally.

The Waratah was expected to reach Cape Town on 29 July 1909. It never reached its destination, and no trace of the ship was ever found.

[edit] The Search for the Waratah

Initially, it was believed that the Waratah was still adrift. The Royal Navy deployed the cruisers HMS Pandora and HMS Forte (and later the HMS Hermes) to search for the Waratah. The Hermes, near the area of the last sighting of the Waratah, encountered waves so large and strong that she strained her hull and had to be placed in dry dock on her return to port [4] On 10 August 1909, a cable from South Africa reached Australia, reading

"Blue Anchor vessel sighted a considerable distance out. Slowly making for Durban. Could be the Waratah."

The Chair of the House of Representatives in the Australian Parliament halted proceedings to read out the cable, saying: "Mr Speaker has just informed me that he has news on reliable authority that the SS Waratah has been sighted making slowly towards Durban." [5] In Adelaide, the town bells were rung. However, it turned out that the ship in question had not been the Waratah.

In September 1909, the Blue Anchor Line chartered the Union Castle ship Sabine to search for the Waratah. The search of the Sabine covered 14,000 miles, but yielded no result.

1910: relatives of the Waratah passengers chartered the Wakefield and conducted a search for three months, which again proved unsuccessful. The official enquiry into the fate of the Waratah was held at London in December 1910. Among others, Claude Sawyer gave testimony on that occasion.

1925: Lt. D. J. Roos of the South African Air Force, reported that he had spotted a wreck while he was flying over the Transkei coast. It was his opinion that this was the wreck of the Waratah.

1977: a wreck was located off the Xora River Mouth. Several investigations into this wreck, in particular under the leadership of Emlyn Brown took place. It is however widely believed today that the wreck off the Xora River Mouth was that of one of many ships which had fallen victim to German U Boats during the Second World War. It has proven particularly difficult to explain why the Waratah should be found so far to the North of her estimated position. Further attempts to locate the Waratah took place in 1991, 1995 and 1997.

1999: reports reached the newspapers that the Waratah had been found 10 km off the Eastern coast of South Africa (Addley). A sonar scan conducted by Emlyn Brown's team had indeed located a wreck whose outline seemed to match that of the Waratah. In 2001, however, a closer inspection revealed differences between the Waratah and the wreck. It appears that the team had in fact found the Nailsea Meadow, a ship which had been sunk in the Second World War.

2004: Emlyn Brown, who had by now spent 22 years looking for the Waratah declared that he was giving up the search: "I've exhausted all the options. I now have no idea where to look".

[edit] The Inquiry and the ship's stability

The Board of Trade inquiry into the disappearance quickly came to focus on the supposed instability of the Waratah[6]. Evidence was greatly hampered by the lack of any survivors from the ship's final voyage (other than the small number, including Claude Sawyer, who had disembarked in Durban). Most evidence came from passengers and crew from Waratah's maiden voyage, her builders and those who had handled her in port.

The expert witnesses all agreed that the Waratah was designed and built properly and sailed in good condition [7]. She had passed numerous inspections, including those by her builders, her owners, the Board of Trade and two by Lloyds of London (who gave her the classification "+100 A1"-their top rating[8].

Many witnesses testified that the ship had a very long roll (a reluctance to right herself after leaning into a swell). One passenger on her maiden voyage said that when in the Southern Ocean she developed a list to starboard to such an extent that water would not run out of the baths, and she held this list for several hours before rolling upright. This passenger, Professor William Bragg, a member of The Royal Society, had a knowledge of the workings of stability, and concluded that the ship's metacentre was just below her centre of gravity. When slowly rolled over towards one side, she reached a point of equilibrium and would stay leaning over until a shift in the sea or wind pushed her upright [9].

Other passengers and crew members commented on her lack of stability, and those responsible for handling the ship in port said she was so unstable when unladen that she could not be moved in harbour without ballast [10].

However, for every witness of this opinion, another could be found who said the opposite. Both former passengers and crew members (ranking from stokers to a deck officer) said the Waratah was perfectly stable, with a comfortable, easy roll [11]. Many said they felt she was especially stable. The ship's builders produced calculations to prove that even with a load of coal on her deck (that several witnesses she was carrying when she left Durban) she was not top heavy[12].

The inquiry was unable to make any conclusions from this mixed and contradictory evidence. It did not blame the Blue Anchor Line, but did make several negative comments in regard to the company's practises in determining the performance and seaworthiness of its new ships[13]. Correspondence between Captain Ilbery and the line's managers show he commented on numerous details about the ship's fixtures, fittings, cabins, public rooms, ventilation and other areas, but failed to make any mention at the basic level of the Waratah's seaworthiness and handling. Equally, the company never asked Captain Ilbery about these areas[14]. This led many to speculate that Ilbery had concerns about the Waratah and its stability, but deliberately kept such doubts quiet. However, it is also possible that neither he nor the Blue Anchor Line felt it necessary to cover such areas, because the Waratah was heavily based on a previous (and highly successful) Blue Anchor ship, the Geelong, and so the Waratah's handling was assumed to be the same.

The inquiry did deduce that the 3 ships that saw ships that could be the Waratah on the evening of the 26th of July could not all have seen her given the distance between them and the time of the sightings unless the Waratah had reached Bashee River and exchanged signals with the Clan MacIntyre, but then turned around and headed back to Durban, in order to be sighted by the Harlow.

It is certainly true that many passenger ships of the period were made slightly top-heavy. This produced a long, comfortable but unstable roll, which many passengers preferred to a short, jarring but stable roll. Many trans-Atlantic liners were designed this way, and after a few voyages those operating them learnt how to load, ballast and handle them correctly and the ships completed decades of trouble-free service. It may have been the Waratah's misfortune to encounter an unusually heavy storm or freak wave on only her second voyage, before she could be trimmed correctly. The Waratah was also a mixed-use ship. Passenger liners, with a small cargo volume relative to their gross tonnage had fairly constant and predictable ballasting requirements. A ship like the Waratah would carry a wide range of cargos, and even different cargos on the same voyage, making the matter of ballasting both more complex and more crucial [15]. When she disappeared, the Waratah was carrying amongst her cargo a load of 1000 tons of lead concentrate. This may have sudddenly shifted, causing the ship to capsize[16].

[edit] Other Theories

[edit] Freak wave

The most popular theory advanced to explain the disappearance of the Waratah appears to be that of a 'freak wave' also known as a rogue wave in the ocean off the South African coast. Such waves are known to be common in that area of the ocean. It is most likely that the Waratah, with what seems to be marginal stability and already ploughing through a severe storm, was hit by a giant wave. This either rolled the ship over outright or stove-in her cargo hatches, filling the holds with water and pulling the ship down almost instantly. If the ship capsized or rolled over completely, any buoyant debris would be trapped under the wreck, explaining the lack of any bodies or wreckage in the area. This theory was given credibility through a paper by Professor Mallory of the University of Cape Town (1973) which suggested that waves of up to 20 meters in height did occur between Richards Bay and Cape Agulhas. This theory also stands up if the Waratah is assumed to have been stable and seaworthy- several ships around the Cape of Good Hope have been severely damaged and nearly sunk by freak waves flooding their holds. Throughout the world ships such as the Melanie Schulte (a German ship lost in the Atlantic[17] and the MV Derbyshire (a British bulk carrier sunk in the Pacific) have suddenly broken up and sunk within minutes in extreme weather.

Some have also suggested that instead of sinking, the ship was incapacitated by a freak wave and, having lost her rudder and without any means of contacting land, was swept southwards towards Antarctica to either be lost in the open ocean or foundering on Antarctica itself. No evidence except the absence of the wreck supports this theory, however.

[edit] Whirlpool

Both at the time of the disappearance and since, several people have suggested that the Waratah was caught in a whirlpool created by a combination of winds, currents and a deep ocean trench, several of which are known to be off the southeast coast of Africa. This would explain the lack of wreckage, but there is no firm evidence that a whirlpool of sufficent strength to almost instantly suck down a 450-foot long ocean liner could be created as suggested[18].

[edit] Explosion

Given the evidence from the officers of the Harlow (see above), it has been speculated that the Waratah was destroyed by a sudden explosion in one of her coal bunkers. Coal dust can certainly self-combust and in the right proportions of air be explosive. However, no single bunker explosion would cause a ship the size of the Waratah to sink instantly, without anyone being able to launch a lifeboat or raft, and without leaving any wreckage [19].

[edit] Paranormal

Several supernatural theories were also put forward to explain the disappearance of the Waratah. Claude Sawyer reported to the London inquiry that he had seen on three occasions the vision of a man "with a long sword in a peculiar dress. He was holding the sword in his right hand and it was covered in blood." This vision was one of the reasons why he decided not to continue the voyage on the Waratah[20].

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle held a seance to establish how the Waratah could have vanished.[citation needed]

[edit] Methane upswelling

In recent years, incidents involving seabed methane upwellings have shown that it is quite possible for structures fully capable of floating on water, to readily sink in water whose density has been reduced by volumes of methane gas in bubble form. Methane is a product of the decomposition of dead living matter; on the seabed, at low temperatures and high pressures, the methane becomes a hydrated form, with a waxy layer which prevents the methane escaping, allowing it to accumulate. Undersea geological events can break the waxy layer, allowing huge volumes of the gas to escape, bubbling up to the surface. A Soviet oil rig was found to have finished up sixty feet below the seabed after one of these episodes.

Such an event could account for nothing to have ever been found of the Waratah.

[edit] Others

In 1971, South African author Geoffrey Jenkins used the mystery as the background for his thriller Scend of the Sea; Emlyn Brown has said that it was the inspiration for search for the ship.

David Willers theorized in his book 'In Search Of The Waratah' that the Waratah was scuppered off the coast of Tierra Del Fuego as the crew tried to sail to safety.

[edit] An Unlucky Name?

There were several other ships named Waratah in the late 19th century:

[edit] References

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Harris, 1989, p.118
  2. ^ Harris, 1989, p.119
  3. ^ Harris, 1989, p.122+138
  4. ^ Harris, 1989, p.125
  5. ^ Hansard, House of Representatives p2228 10 August 1909
  6. ^ Harris, 1989, p.129
  7. ^ Harris, 1989, p.130
  8. ^ Harris, 1989, p.130 + p.118 for Lloyds rating
  9. ^ Harris, 1989, p.131
  10. ^ Harris, 1989, p.130+140
  11. ^ Harris, 1989, p.133
  12. ^ Harris, 1989, p.130
  13. ^ Harris, 1989, p.141
  14. ^ Harris, 1989, p.139-141
  15. ^ Harris, 1989, p.146 (applies to whole paragraph above)
  16. ^ Harris, 1989
  17. ^ Harris, 1989, p.149
  18. ^ Harris, 1989, p.147-9
  19. ^ Harris, 1989, p.148
  20. ^ Harris, 1989, p.120
  21. ^ Harris, 1989, p.117