Walter the Wobot

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Walter is a fictional character from the Judge Dredd comic strip in British comic 2000 AD.

Walter was Judge Dredd's house robot. He is usually used in stories to provide comic relief, and he has a speech impediment which causes him to pronounce his r's as w's. He was made a free robot with the rights of a human citizen in 2099 for his loyal services during the First Robot War. However he was so devoted to Dredd that he chose to remain in Dredd's employ and even got rid of his freedom papers in exchange for a Deed of Ownership giving him to Dredd.

He left Dredd's service after he sustained serious damage at the hands of Mean Machine Angel. This was an effort by the writers to kill him off when Judge Dredd stories were becoming grittier and more mature. However, the character was brought back by John Wagner several years later; he now ran his own company and on the surface appeared to be a success, but still had issue from his former devotion to Dredd. He met Dredd again in 2115, helping him escape the forces of Judge Grice and wielding a vast amount of deadly weaponry, killing many ex-convict Judges in the process.

The next year, Walter snapped and attempted to lead a second Robot War, and actually shot Dredd to punish him for Dredd's harsh treatment of him over the years. Arrested by Rookie Judge Giant and sentenced to thirty years, he was freed from jail during the actual Second Robot War. Found by Dredd, he was paroled in 2122 and now lives with Mrs Gunderson as a community service. He helps her run her Judge Death-based tourist attraction.

[edit] Appearances

As well as numerous appearances in Judge Dredd, in 1978 Walter had his own eponymous comedy series (one-page episodes), in 2000 AD progs 50-61, 67-68, and 84-85. He had a substantial role in the Death Trap audio drama.

[edit] External links