Walter of Château-Thierry

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Walter of Château-Thierry[1] (died 1249) was a French theologian and scholastic philosopher. He became bishop of Paris in the final year of his life[2].

He wrote on the various meanings of conscience[3]. He was Chancellor of the University of Paris from 1246, and wrote critically of the lazy students and money-minded teachers[4].

[edit] Reference

  • Henricus Weisweiler (1952, Quaestiones ineditae de Assumptione B. V. Mariae

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Gautier, Gauthier, Gualter de Château-Thierry; Galterus, Gualterus, Gualterius de Castro Theodorici, Gualterus Cancellarius.
  2. ^ chateauthierry
  3. ^ Michael Bertram Crowe, The Changing Profile of the Natural Law (1977), p. 132.
  4. ^ Astrik L. Gabriel, Conflict between the Chancellor and University p. 145, in Albert Zimmermann (editor), Die Auseinandersetzungen an der Pariser Universität im XIII. Jahrhundert (1976).

[edit] External link