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The story of Wayne Weckwerth begins long ago with queen Elizabeth the first. She stumbled upon the technology of freezing things to preserve the life of something. Knowing that her bloodline would one day be at risk she used this technology and froze some of her eggs....after that long and grueling process she had them hidden in a stable environment where they would remain for nearly 600 years. During World War II some of Adolf Hitler's henchmen uncovered the Queen's frozen egg(s). They safely brought them to Hitler and explained what the Queen had done. Hitler thought it was a great idea and did the same with his sperm so that his bloodline would remain forever.However, after Hitlers defeat in 1945 he committed suicide leaving the samples behind. Before the American soldiers came to loot the Nazi headquarters a Nazi Captain known only by the last name of Weckwerth claimed the samples and fled to the United States where he would hid them for nearly 55 years. Near the end of his life the Captain knew that something had to be done with the he had them planted in the woman that married his son. So on May 7, 1990 the bastard son of Adolf Hitler and Queen Elizabeth the First was born and given the name Wayne...This secret operation has remained hidden for nearly 800 years.. any scholar will tel you this is false due to the lack of evidence but in the German scriptures there are still records remaining involving the Operations done by the Queen and Hitler. What will happen to Wayne? Many things still remain to be answered....