Włodzimierz Klata

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Włodzimierz Klata (ur. 6 July 1963 r. in Lębork) - mayor city Lębork, and in summers 2002-2007 his deputy.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Education

Learnt he in Basic School No. 8 in Lęborku (1970-1978), and then at Secondary school General educations them. Stefan Żeromskiego in Lęborku (1978-1982). It is [[the graduate ( the person)| the graduate] the] the graduate's studies on Department of Mathematics of Physics Chemistry the Nicolaus' University the Kopernika in the Toruniu ( the master's diploma got in 1987 r.). He later attended on postgraduate studies: the multimedia techniques (the Engineering college of Danzig, 2001 r.) as well as the sociology ( the Institute of Philosophy and the Sociology the Polish Akademii of Sciences in Warsaw, 2006 r.).

[edit] Professional career

From 1994 r. be connected with government administration and council. In years 1994-1998 he was the councillor the m and the member of Board of City the Lęborka. Later in 1998 r. was in Lęborku the Manager of District Office. Then in years 2000-2002 Village mayor Cewic, which he appointed as komisarycznego administrator populaces Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek (because in May 2000 r. occupants populaces Cewice dismissed in referendum Advice Populaces and village mayorand). In years 1998-2002 he was the district councillors also and the Chairman of Committee of Review Advice Administrative district. And in years 2002-2007 Lęborka was the Deputy of Mayor of City, where he deals with supervising education and geodezyjnymi matters. In choices 10 February 2008 Lęborka be promoted at Mayor's office.

[edit] Private Life

It is married. Wife Katarzyna is translator juror j. German, come from from well-known Kashubian rhodium Janków from Mściszewic. My children's dwójkę. Son Michael studies on Varsovian University, and córeczka Zosia is Pre - school child.

By many years together with wife Polyglot led in Lęborku first Linguistic Agency. In years 2000-2002 Regional S. was in name of Marshal of Province Pomorskiego the member of supervisory advice of Pomeranian Agency Development administering with Słupską Special Economic Zone A..

It is the member the Association Kaszubsko - Pomorskie where he initiated in Cewicach the serial event " the Tabaczenie - the Cewicka the Pipe of Room".

From 1987 r. worked as mathematician and physicist at basic school in Łebuni, and from 1989 r. as physicist at Secondary school General education No. 1 in Lęborku. By several years he was to teaching of physics the consultant in English language at English Social General the education Secondary school in Lęborku.

In 1989 r. put near Copernicus. His work was valued: he received the Silver Cross of Contribution and he became awarded through periodical twice "the Knowledge and the Life".

From 1993 it supports year protection actively say consumers. By several ostatnich the summers of full moon the function of member of board Club Federacji Consumers in Lęborku.

He Współtworzył, and the wiceprzewodniczącym of Association is at present Council Agreement earth Lęborska. Bulletin deals with journalist activity współtworzyć Crown (1998-2000), bulletin Lęborskie Facts (from 1999r.) as well as his internet service www.fakty.lebork.pl (from 2001 r.).

He participated in works of European Association of Astronomical Education actively. In he 2000 r. just on invitation the ESEA delivered on seminar the lecture in the Varna the consecrated in process of teaching of physics the innovatory methods of activation of youth with astronomy entitled Shadows the and the stones.

[edit] External links
