Volleyball World League Results

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This article gives the summarized final standings of each Volleyball World League tournament, an annual competition involving national men's volleyball teams. The most successful teams, as of 2007, have been: Italy, 8 times (1990-2, 1994-5, 1997, 1999-2000); and Brazil, 7 times (1993, 2001, 2003-7). The competition has been won once by the Netherlands (1996), Cuba (1998) and Russia (2002).

Year Host City (finals) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13-16
1990 Osaka, Japan Flag of Italy ITA Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of the Soviet Union URS Flag of France FRA Flag of Japan JPN Flag of the United States USA Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN  
1991 Milan, Italy Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of the Soviet Union URS Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of the United States USA Flag of Japan JPN Flag of France FRA Flag of South Korea KOR Flag of Canada CAN  
1992 Genova, Italy Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of the United States USA Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Commonwealth of Independent States CIS Flag of Canada CAN, Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN, Flag of South Korea KOR Flag of France FRA, Flag of Germany GER, Flag of Japan JPN  
1993 São Paulo, Brazil Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of Japan JPN, Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Germany GER, Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN Flag of the United States USA, Flag of South Korea KOR Flag of Greece GRE, Flag of Finland FIN  
1994 Milan, Italy Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Bulgaria BUL Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Greece GRE, Flag of Japan JPN, Flag of South Korea KOR Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN, Flag of Germany GER, Flag of the United States USA  
1995 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Bulgaria BUL Flag of South Korea KOR Flag of Spain ESP Flag of Japan JPN Flag of Greece GRE Flag of the United States USA Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN Flag of the Netherlands NED  
1996 Rotterdam, The Netherlands Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN Flag of Argentina ARG Flag of Bulgaria BUL Flag of Japan JPN Flag of Spain ESP Flag of Greece GRE  
1997 Moskow, Russia Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of Russia RUS Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Bulgaria BUL Flag of Yugoslavia YUG Flag of Argentina ARG Flag of Spain ESP Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN Flag of South Korea KOR Flag of Japan JPN  
1998 Milan, Italy Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of Russia RUS Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Brazil BRA, Flag of Yugoslavia YUG Flag of Bulgaria BUL, Flag of Spain ESP Flag of Argentina ARG Flag of Greece GRE, Flag of South Korea KOR, Flag of Poland POL  
1999 Mar del Plata, Argentina Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Spain ESP Flag of Argentina ARG Flag of France FRA Flag of Canada CAN, Flag of Poland POL Flag of Australia AUS, Flag of the Netherlands NED, Flag of Portugal POR  
2000 Rotterdam, The Netherlands Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Yugoslavia YUG Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of the United States USA Flag of France FRA Flag of Argentina ARG, Flag of Cuba CUB, Flag of Poland POL Flag of Canada CAN, Flag of Spain ESP  
2001 Katowice, Poland Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Yugoslavia YUG Flag of Cuba CUB, Flag of France FRA Flag of Poland POL, Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Greece GRE, Flag of Japan JPN, Flag of Spain ESP, Flag of the United States USA Flag of Argentina ARG, Flag of Germany GER, Flag of Portugal POR, Flag of Venezuela VEN
2002 Belo Horizonte, Brazil Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Yugoslavia YUG Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Poland POL, Flag of Spain ESP Flag of France FRA, Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Argentina ARG, Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN, Flag of Germany GER, Flag of Greece GRE Flag of Cuba CUB, Flag of Japan JPN, Flag of Portugal POR, Flag of Venezuela VEN
2003 Madrid, Spain Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Serbia and Montenegro SCG Flag of Italy ITA Flag of the Czech Republic CZE Flag of Bulgaria BUL, Flag of Spain ESP Flag of Greece GRE, Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Poland POL Flag of France FRA, Flag of Germany GER, Flag of the Netherlands NED Flag of Cuba CUB, Flag of Japan JPN, Flag of Portugal POR, Flag of Venezuela VEN
2004 Rome, Italy Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Serbia and Montenegro SCG Flag of Bulgaria BUL Flag of France FRA, Flag of Greece GRE Flag of Cuba CUB, Flag of Spain ESP, Flag of Poland POL Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN, Flag of Japan JPN, Flag of Portugal POR  
2005 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Serbia and Montenegro SCG Flag of Cuba CUB Flag of Poland POL Flag of Bulgaria BUL, Flag of Portugal POR Flag of Italy ITA, Flag of Greece GRE, Flag of Venezuela VEN Flag of France FRA, Flag of Argentina ARG, Flag of Japan JPN  
2006 Moscow, Russia Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of France FRA Flag of Russia RUS Flag of Bulgaria BUL Flag of Serbia and Montenegro SCG Flag of Italy ITA Flag of Argentina ARG, Flag of Cuba CUB, Flag of Poland POL Flag of Finland FIN, Flag of South Korea KOR, Flag of the United States USA Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN, Flag of Japan JPN, Flag of Egypt EGY, Flag of Portugal POR
2007 Katowice, Poland Flag of Brazil BRA Flag of Russia RUS Flag of the United States USA Flag of Poland POL Flag of Bulgaria BUL Flag of France FRA Flag of Cuba CUB, Flag of Finland FIN Flag of Italy ITA, Flag of Serbia SRB, Flag of the People's Republic of China CHN, Flag of South Korea KOR Flag of Argentina ARG, Flag of Egypt EGY, Flag of Japan JPN, Flag of Canada CAN

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