User talk:VKing

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[edit] Unwikipedian insults will be removed in the interest of Wikipedia

Look here guys, this cannot be. One started insulting the other and later on the other insulted back. Especcially the second one could take legal action against Wikipedia as well, because as the publisher it is also responsible for the illegal and punishable parts of the text hereunder. These parts should and will be removed, for this reason. James Blond 06:29, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Subject


This whole discussion hereunderis about a website, to wich their was a link on the Userpage.

Nowhere is written, that VKing is the author of it. Still somebody started talking to him as if he is; (which by the way the last mentioned doesn't deny).

(It's about "Noteurom", the Northern-Europide Movement)[1]. VKing 03:34, 10 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] A History Lesson for You

One of the first attempts of Subtropical races, to subject and dominate the Northern-European area, was made by the Roman empire. One of the first attempts of Subtropical races, to subject and dominate the Northern-European area, was made by the Roman empire.

Allthough it didn't reach up to the outmost North, big parts of the zone above the 50th degree of latitude have been made part of this empire.

Attempts? What the hell are you talking about, they succeeded very well and held Gaul (France), Britannia (England) and parts of Germania (Germany) for very long. Even nazi bastards usualy love the Roman Empire. The Sieg Heil salute comes from there.

The fact, that these invadors obviously wanted something, that Nature didn't want, was proved by the fall of that regime, due to mainly decadence.

Hardly, there are many reasons that play together as to why the western roman empire fell (the eastern one went on untill 1453) but decadence is not one of them. Among others are the reason that germanic tribes invaded the empire from all frontiers. The empire had weak emperors and the generals were fighting each other for the throne instead of the germanians. Anyway theese germanians "wanted something nature didn't want" and divided the empire in to several parts. Visigoth Kingdom (Spain), Vandal Kingdom (North Africa=, Kingdom of Odoacer (Italy) etc.

Later on, Spanish invadors tried the same thing. They as well dominated several Northern-European countries, before they finally were beaten and chased away.

Spain didn't controll any Northern European country, they held the Netherlands for a while but it's a Western European country.

Then came the French with their Napoleon. At Waterloo once more became clear, that Nature cannot stay oppressed.

...the french derive from a germanic tribe for germania superior called the Franks. They settled the area of Gaul when there were only a few Greek and Celtic settlements there. Soon however the romans would come and conquer them. Dividet impera. It took the full effort of theese "aryan nations" to subdue France. Napoleon was originally from Corsica, an Italian island conquered by France.

Quite different tactics have been practised by Asians. Their Jewish advance-guard didn't invade here with millitary violence. They came as displaced-persons and were very humble at first. But they infiltrated in all levels of society, including their genetical aspect. This kept going on, untill the limits were reached, in the opinion of many autochtones. German soldiers, supported by partisans in surrounding countries, tried to put an end to it, with their millitary force.

....nobody here in Germany is proud of what the idiot nazis and Hitler did. But what is done is done and now we have to live with it. And you don't think that people from Northern Europe left to settle the southern parts? Vikings settled crimea, the volga river and Northern Greece after getting land from the emperor. Infiltrated? It's called assimilation, dickhead. Actually it has been speculated why Hitler chose or didn't chose the jews. It might have been that they were a sizable minority, that he had jewish decent etc. We can't know for sure.

This may not have been the best way to do so. After all, they didn't reach, what they were aiming for. In the end there were still strangers present in 'crevices and holes'.

Yeah damn, too bad they failed. They just managed to gas 6 milion jews to the death. Too bad they didn't kill the lot of them.

But what would have been passed to the Northern-European area, if these soldiers wouldn't have made this attempt? What they have done in their extreme exertion, may have been enough for the autochtone part of population, to escape from a deadly Asian strangehold.

Germanys poppulation is like 80-85 MILION people, the majority of theese are ethnic germans. Jews usualy marry only jews for religious reasons, there are several thousand ethnic germans for every jew, theres no chanse in hell that the jews ever could grow to be large enough to "threathen" the germans.

There is a theory, that says, that this was a 'Trojan horse', that started growing again and after some ten years was big enough (in ethnical, economomical and political sense), to open the gate for many other kinds of (sub-)tropical immigrants. Their argument for this may have been, that in this way their presence would be less striking and the number of (sub-)tropicals would grow that fast, that what happened during the war, less likely could happen once again.

Yeah that sounds like a really valid theory. The jews decided to sacrifice over 6 milion of their own kin in concentration camps so that evil black haired people could secretly invade northern europe. Thats a very good concpiration theory, I'm convinced. I'm sure you didn't know that Germany was allied with Italy and Japan either.--DerMeister 12:20, 13 January 2007 (UTC)

Youre homepage is awfull and concist of so many factual errors that it makes me want to laugh.

Protestantism can be seen as the Northern-Europide reaction on oppression and excesses, that people in this zone have suffered of, at the time Catholicism was dominating big parts of it.

Catholicism dominated all of western europe for a very long time. Protestantism has NOTHING, not a pice of SHIT to do with racial bullshit. Martin Luther didn't like the way the popes thought that they were god-on-earth and hence added a third (main-)branch to the christian religion... That and many more reasons but deffinetly no racial ones. Most people of his time belive that the antiquity (Greece, Imperium Romanum) was the time of humanitys peak. Where the reformation was successfull it wasn't met with joy. It was met with disgust and seen as blasphemy in Sweden(Finland), Germany etc. But time heals all wounds and eventually the people were converted.

troubles, that are deviding the population of Northern-Ireland may be regarded to be an agressive attempt of subtropical Catholics, to submit this last Northern-Europide part of this naturally completely moderated country, as well, while autochtone Northern-Europides keep resisting against this heavily.

Youre precious Northern-Europeans of Ireland are NOT resisting the hostile takeover of the country by Italians. By Thor and Odin the evil Italians have brown eyes and black hair! MEIN GOTT SOMEBODY KILL THEM! *end of sarcasm* The protestant Irish are resisting the religion, it has nothing to do with race. The same thing happened everywhere when countries converted from ROMAN CATHOLICISM TO PROTESTANTISM, I repeat, it has nothing to do with race.

One thing however is quite clear. All violence, that has been used by Catholics in this region untill now, is far from according to one of the main Catholic principles. For this religion's hero-in-a-novel is said to have teached once, that one even shouldn't use violence, when somebody has hit him in the face. "One should just show his other cheek then" .

Catholic principles? You mean CHRISTIAN principles, protestantism is a branch of the christian religion. God damn it you'll probably break down and die when you see this; but all christians hold Jesus as number one, hence they have the exact same god. We just interpret him differently. The evil Italians, the malicious Greeks and the fair-haired, tall, blue-eyed beautiful Sweedes have the same god. And this god, guess where he's from? Judea! Thats latin for ISRAEL! ZOMG by Huginn and Munninn, by Mjölner and Slejpner, by Odins lost eye and Thors beard, our god is a JEW!

I could go on like this for ever, man I hate nazis.--DerMeister 21:39, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

About Russia: The history of the biggest Northern-European country, since 1917, the year in which an end came to the rule of the empires, called "Tsaar", gives a very strong impression of continuing agression by blackhaired allochtones from subtropical countries, situated southern of it, against the autochtone Northern-Europide inhabitants.

The only part of the Russian Empire that belonged to Northern Europe was the Grand Duchy of Finland, other than that Russia is based only in Eastern Europe. Further the Russian empire lost several provinces in 1917 I cant imagine why you picked that year. Perhaps you meant untill 1917. In that case, OK. However Russia was for hundreds of years and (if for some reason youre counting it into Northern Europe) is still the largest Northern European contry. Altough, it still is like I said earlier an Eastern European contry. The empires name was not Tsaar, it was the emperors title, simply put it's russian for imperator. You will be surprised to know that the Russians had an emperor because they saw them selves as the ones who carried on the legacy of the Greek Empire, the Byzantine Empire which in turn carried on the legacy of the Roman Empire. It was not the agression of the southern inhabitants of the enormous Russian empire that brought it to it's knees at the October Revolution in 1917. It was the communists, hence it was in internal struggle. Besides the evil black-haired demons of the Empire didn't willingly reside inside Russias borders, they had been invaded by the Tsaars armies.

Lenin was blackhaired and in the end of his rule he took to very bloody measures, to reach his political goals.

Lenin had blondish hair and was of Swedish, Russian and some other decent. He used very bloody measures because the Tsar was killing his own people needlesly. Im not a supporter of communism, I hate it hence I hate Lenins ideology but I dont blame him personaly for the many deaths of the revolution.

Stalin, who followed him up, was blackhaired and his name is about a synonim of 'governing by most bloody policy', in case against mainly Northern-Europide farmers, of which many milions have been deported and killed.

Stalin was a maniac, indeed. What the name means? Who cares? Are you being supersticial? Stalin did have black hair yes, but so did the Tsar closest to heart of all Russians, Peter I of Russia or Peter the Great. His politics hurt everyone, not just the ethnic russians.

The 'reign' of this tiran between 1964 and 1982 may not have been exactly bloody, but it was very oppressive in other ways. (Very un-Northern-Europide, so to say, in an, in itself, very Northern-European country).

Ok now youre just lying... The reign of Bresnjev want anti-anything special, exept those who opposed communism. It wasn't racial at all. You have again prooved that you are a total shit head.

Gorbatsjov, who started in 1985, was blackhaired and opened the Russian gate for Western capitalistic and materialistic trends and methods. 'Glasnost' led to freedom of press, and allthough this sounds positive, in reality it is not much more, than an endless stream of propaganda for all, that corresponds with the wishes of the mainly blackhaired (often Jewish) owners of the media, via which it is spread.

Gorbatjov has been awarded with the nobel prize for peace... Altough I can agree with you on one thing here. Freedom of speach and freedom of the press should be abandoned. Idiots like you shouldn't be allowed to express them selves.

Jeltsin (grey-, but probably not blackhaired) was voted President of Russia in 1990. He had to share power with Sovjet-Union-President Gorbatjov.

Boris Jeltsin was a world known drunk...

When this lastmentioned presidency ended in 1995, Russia was a democracy, with many, if not all, characteristics of Western Northern-European democraties, which means, that it's autochtone Northern-Europide inhabitants (as far as they are still there), are being dominated more and more and even eliminated genetically by blackhaired races, not only from Southern former-Sovjet-States, but also from as good as all sub-tropical and tropical countries on Earth.

They arent being dominated by anybody. They can vote for anyone they want.

One last thing, Russians arent northern european, they are eastern-slavs. P.S. Youre an idiot. --DerMeister 22:25, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Reactions from VKing to the 'thunder from hell' above

Wow, saw this only now. Thought, that one of the main rules on Wikipedia is, that users are not allowed to insult other users. So it would be legitimate, to throw this whole evidence of missing strong enough arguments, off of this page. But then, among others because it shows this verbal and argumentational helplessness so clearly, that will be left behind for now.

Besides, it will be amusing, to make clear, how stupid a lot of the remarks in question are. Only problem is, that there's not enough time, to do this all at once. So for now it will just be started.

Having read almost all of this 'thunder from hell', the impression remains, that to some there is Southern-Europe, Western-Europe, Eastern-Europe and Northern-Europe, whereas the Eastern and the Western parts of Northern and Southern Europe would not, nota bene NOT, be part of Eastern, respectively Western-Europe????????????? VKing 01:10, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] To continue

Next, (to start with the item on top):

[edit] a

Attempts? What the hell are you talking about, they succeeded very well and held Gaul (France), Britannia (England) and parts of Germania (Germany) for very long. Even nazi bastards usualy love the Roman Empire. The Sieg Heil salute comes from there.

That's because Hitler probably was a blackhaired Roman bastard, who's main interest seems to have been, to direct the Northern-Europide movement, that wanted to stop the elimination of that race in it's own natural territory (among others by Stalin in Russia) thus, that it would fail. No wonder that his secretary was evidently Jewish. Some ( predominanly) Northern-Europides may in a way like the Romans a bit, indeed. But that's mostly because they're partly Italian. VKing 02:57, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

What the hell are you talking about? It's very hard to understand you, your grammar is poor as hell. Anyway Stalin was Georgian. I'm German and I love the heritage of the Roman Empire and Greece. Without them we wouldn't have an alphabet, mathematics etc. Even if it might be true that the Greeks are more closely related to the celts than belived before and that blonde/red haid war common durring the classical period I hardly think that it was their black hare that brought them to their knees. --DerMeister 18:24, 23 January 2007 (UTC)
Who said it was that? Not VKing.
But it might very well be, that it was their subtropicallity, that brought them on their knees in temperate Northern-Europe. Don't forget, that in those days, subtropicals living in the temperate-climate zone didn't have central heating, electric light, solar centra, and airplanes, to fly over a weekend to their own more intens sunlight. Living a more or less natural life in the less sunny North may have weekened them conciderably. This, whereas agression takes extra strength.
Without them we wouldn't have an alphabet, mathematics etc.
So what? Then Northern-Europides would anyway be able to communicate in their own natural way.
Whithout mathematics a lot of things wouldn't be possible, that now are causing catastrophes like the greenhouse-effect.
Especcially living in the temperate climatezone by as many tropicals and subtropicals, as are nowadays, while they need very much energy for building and furnishing houses, for heating, light, transport, etc., because otherwise they as well would be brought on their knees here, is one of those things.
VKing 02:48, 10 March 2007 (UTC)
And more than that: Stalin was a Georgian yes, and Hitler was a subtropical Austrian, who might even have been partly Italian. And his secretary was evidently Jewish and Adolf Eichmann was evidently 100% Jewish!?
In the classical period blond/red hair was as common as the darkblue hair of the Greeks. But orangeblond hair then was as common in the temperate area, as it still is. VKing 06:17, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] b

"there are many reasons that play together as to why the western roman empire fell (the eastern one went on untill 1453) but decadence is not one of them."

We've been teached in school, that they were as decadent as helll. Their "Vomaria" (special rooms to vomit) were symptomatic for that. This may have been one of the reasons, why the empire's emperors were that weak, that intern conflicts were inevitable, so that the German tribes could regain their natural territory from these sub-tropical occupants. So the succes was only temporarily. Supposing it was meant to be permanent, in this sence it was not more than an effort, that after a while failed.VKing 11:25, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

Id rather have a "Vomaria" than wash my self in the spit and snot of my comrades like the vikings did. And I don't see you calling THEM decadent. Oh shit sorry, they couldn't have been, they were blonde!

So what youre saying is that there is some sort of a god protecting the blondes from the evil romans? "It wasn't meant to be"... The only laws that nature has are those of Newton. And what about the germanic tribes that occupied Italy and North africa? You still didn't comment on them. --DerMeister 18:24, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

How did Newton declare that vegetarians have a prooved smaller chance to become ill and averagely live longer than meateaters?
As for the Germanics in Italy and Northern-Africa: frankly, didn't know about that, but a glance at the article about them gives the impression, that this happened, after the Western Roman empire fell. In that case it must be seen as a reprisal for what those subtropicals first did in the temperate area.

More or less a return-visit, but not for the sake of politeness.VKing 07:15, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] c

"Spain didn't controll any Northern European country, they held the Netherlands for a while but it's a Western European country."

The Netherlands and Belgium are both situated above rhe 50th degree of latidude, so they're in the temperate climatezone, so they're not Southern-European, but Northern-European, both in the Western part of Europe. Those Spanish occupied these countries for quite a while and they killed many thousands of citizens here, to make clear, that they wanted them to stop protesting ("Protestants") against the oppressing Roman Catholic religion, that had been forced on them since the Middle-age, but was not corresponding with their different specific Northern character.VKing 13:01, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

Parts of Khazakstan are above your shitty line (ps. your shitty line was made up by the ancient Greeks). The Dutch were protesting against the Spanish crown not catholicism. The independence war and the religion twist were two totaly different things. Still today many are roman catholics. --DerMeister 18:24, 23 January 2007 (UTC)
And there are a lot of ethnic Spanish living in the country again; (decendents of miners, of beachtypes on the Costa's, illegal infiltrants, etc.). Besides in Brussels there's something going on, that might be regarded as a new, this time combined, effort, to finally and definitively submit Northern Europe to among others the old Southern agressors from France, Spain and Italy.

[edit] d

"Youre dumber than a goose."

Gooses are much more intelligent beings than some naked apes may think. For instance they don't behave in a way, that's briinging the planet on which they live, closer and closer to abyss.

Actually only 3 chromosomes differ between chimpanzees and humans. They are very smart and can even learn to calculate, yes they are naked but so are the geese. And no they are not briging the earth to decline, neither are the apes, they are incapable of it.

We humans are but thats not because of racial mixing... It's our fault, the western world, a lot of the problem belongs to your beloved northern Europe. Besides, it's a saying, don't take it litteraly. --DerMeister 18:24, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

Gooses and apes usually don't wear clothes, but still they're not naked in the sence, it was used in the title of that famous book. Gooses naturally are dressed with feathers and apes with hair all over. But humans generally spoken as good as only have hair on their head; for the rest their skin naturally is uncovered.
A lot of the environmental problems would be caused in Northern Europe and not be a consequence of racial mixture.
Well, there's no doubt, that the USA are the country in which racial mixture is most prominent. Now take a look at the percentages, in which the separate continents contribute to the global emission of CO2. The number one position is helt by Uncle Sam, unthreatened by far and one might get the impression, that they can hardly deminish their polluting activities, because then they would really be confronted with the mixed reality in their country. As long as they can drive and fly away from that reality, it is bearable. But in this way they indeed seem to be driving and flying straight to abyss. VKing 04:29, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] e

Whatever "the French with their Napoleon" ethnically were, by the time they came here, predominantly Greek or Roman, they were blackhaired non-Northern-Europides, trying to occupy Northern-European territory permanently.VKing 15:10, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

Still... What about the germanians that occupied northern Africa and southern Europe?--DerMeister 18:24, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] f

"nobody here in Germany is proud of what the idiot nazis and Hitler did."

Ever heard of Neo-Nazi's?

They make out like 0,001 % of the population. You can find assholes everywhere. But among the common folks the only time anybody waves a German flag is when theres a soccer game on. It's uncommon to have nationalistic feelings, if you do you don't show it. --DerMeister 16:13, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

The question is not whether they (as far as they're still present there) are proud of what their army then did, but in how far they now think it was necessary and right, or wrong. In case they (still) think it had to be done, or tried, they won't be shouting it out, for whatever a reason. What they did, may have been a matter of selfdefense. They saw how things were going in Russia and may have wanted to prevent, that the same thing would happen to them. What would Jews have done, when in their own country blond German fugitives were taking in more and more places in society, that used to belong to them? Indeed, this might be unthinkable, because they simply wouldn't have let them into their country. But generally spoken it's a law of nature, that when one animal enters the territory of another and starts behaving in a way, the other cannot bear, this last mentioned starts making clear, that it wants the intruding animal to leave. And when it doesn't leave, the other one starts threatening to use violence. And when the unwanted guest than still doesn't leave, the animal that's defending it's natural territory will attack and wound the other one. And when this still is not enough, than it simply will kill it. And when there's a hunter, who prevents this natural developement by killing the animal, that was defending it's territory, than it's hardly a question, whether he did that wrong, from the sustainability point of view. So one 'd better be carefull with using words like "idiot" and "assholes" in a context like this. VKing 04:46, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

"But what is done is done and now we have to live with it. And you don't think that people from Northern Europe left to settle the southern parts? Vikings settled crimea, the volga river and Northern Greece after getting land from the emperor."

There are relatively few Northern-Europides, that emigrated to subtropical countries, yes. What could they do, if they had to live in a country, dominated by blackhaired, anyway? Besides, those were mostly, if not all, well to do Northern-Europides, who spent a lot of their fortune there and not masses of have-nots, that went there to take in the auochtones' jobs, houses, and social places in general.

Again I can't understand what youre trying to say. Relatively few emigrated? Fine I don't know about that. They had to live in a country with black haired people, at home or in their new country?! Actually many who settled were just soldiers who got land. As for stealing jobs when speaking of soemthing that happened so long ago I'm not even gonna comment on it. The social structure was way different, stealing a job was impossible.

And do you really think that the people who move to norhtern europe WANT to come here? They come here because of wars in their home lands and because theres no future. Largely thanks to the western world, they cant develop since they owe us so much money. Everyone is most comftorable around their own and at home. If only it was possible for everyone to stay at home. --DerMeister 16:13, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

Very well possible, that they don't want to come to N-Eur. But what can they do? Their subtropical congeners in countries like Japan (the richest of them all) and the USA simply don't let them in, or hardly do (some 10 asylants a year in Japan).

In N-Eur. we did what we could, to be more human than that. But there are limits. It cannot be so, that the autochtone people is threatened in it's existance, as a result of it's humane and tollerant attidude to members of complete different peoples. Besides the negative fortune of most NW-Eur. Countries in many cases is much bigger than the one of so called Third-World countries. But what about subtropical Asians and Africans, who came to NW-Europe, simply because they could earn more here, than in their own countries? They could very well have stayed there. They didn't have to leave. But subtropicals, who were in temperate Eur. already (S-Europeans and Jews) could use them very well in their struggle with autochtone laborors. As a matter of fact these bankers, financers, employers and politicians kept letting these strangers in and giving them the places in society, that belonged to the autochtone N-Europides. In the mean time, in the regions from where al those strangers went to N-Eur. things also went wrong, simply because all those merely young men all had their natural function in their own society there and couldn't carry it out any more, after they left. What happened in countries like Rwanda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur etc. Most likely wouln't have happened, if not so many Near-Asians, Northern and Central Aficides would have been busy taking in NW-Eur.

By the way what has been said already about the Germanics being for a while in subtropical area, also goes for the Vikings; this was a reaction on earlier agression in their climatezone by subtropicals like the Romans. VKing 04:53, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] g

"Infiltrated? It's called assimilation,"

Infiltrators call it "assimilation".

Youre one of those idiots that whine when immigrants live in suburbs "they don't work, they don't assimilate yada yada yada" and then when they do you start whining that they are stealing your jobs and they think that they are German. You never get satisfied. --DerMeister 16:13, 24 January 2007 (UTC)
In certain N-Eur. countries immigrants don't live in suburbs. In suburbs lives the small percentage of autochtones, that one way or another has survived.
It's not very likely, that the 'idiots' that whine, when immigrants don't work and assimilate are the same persons as those, who whine, that they steel their jobs and think they belong to the immigrationcountry.
And besides these two categories, there is a third one; It whines that the strangers still are around in the country and new ones still are admitted. VKing 02:56, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] h

"Actually it has been speculated why Hitler chose or didn't chose the jews. It might have been that they were a sizable minority, that he had jewish decent etc. We can't know for sure."

If somebody doesn't know, why an individual, that wanted power in the Germany of those days, had to tell the people, that he would make an end to what the Jewish and the Gipsies were doing to them, than he is far from 101% German. He probably is more Jewish, than Europide.VKing 12:00, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

You said it your self, he could have chosen to POINT OUT the gypsies instead of the jews. I'm talking about that he chose to make jews the lowliest of all races, when he could have chosen the Polish minority for an example. And for your information I got light blonde hair, blue eyes and am of German/Austrian noble decent, the house of Essen. I am a Zionist though, thats enough to be called a jew by some, and I don't mind. † In hoc signo vinces † --DerMeister 16:13, 24 January 2007 (UTC)
He chose the Jews and the gypsies, and the homosexuals and some intellectuals.
He didn't chose the Polish minority, because they came from a neighbour Northern-European country and in principle belonged to the race, that was intended to be saved. VKing 02:27, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] i

"Germanys poppulation is like 80-85 MILION people, the majority of theese are ethnic germans."

Must be Southern-Germans, from the third of the country, that finds itself beneath the 50th degree of latitude. They're subtropical and so darkhaired. The quoted text is about Northern-Europides, lightblond, blue- eyed, who are the natural inhabitants of the Northern two/third of the country and the surrounding countries in the same latitude.

"Jews usualy marry only jews for religious reasons, there are several thousand ethnic germans for every jew, theres no chanse in hell that the jews ever could grow to be large enough to "threathen" the germans."

Certain kinds of immigrants not only have descendants with the woman, they married. Often that sort of behaviour makes them hated by autochtones. This kind of problems is avoided, when those fugitives are concentrated in fugitive-camps, like happened and happens as good as everywhere, except in Northern-Europe.VKing 21:31, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

Oh yeah, like where, Africa? Give me some statistics that prooves that immigrants more commonly cheat on their wives. My god, seriously, where are you getting all this shit from?--DerMeister 19:02, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] j

"Where the reformation was successfull it wasn't met with joy. It was met with disgust and seen as blasphemy in Sweden(Finland), Germany etc."

In itself this is contradictionary. No religion can be succesfull, where it is "met with disgust and seen as blasphemie". But probably it were the subtropical catholics, that were already living in Northern-Europe, and wanted their kind of religion to stay the one and only here, that didn't like the Northern-Europides to have their own, more 'temperate' version of Christianity. VKing 02:39, 25 January 2007 (UTC)

Everyone was against it from the beginning, there were revolutions in Sweden and Germany and the 30-year war started as a direct result of protestantism. Eventually the revolutions were quelled and the people were subdued. --DerMeister 19:02, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
The fact that there were wars and other kinds of trouble about it prooves, that there were pro's and contra's, not just contra's. VKing 02:43, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] k

"The evil Italians, the malicious Greeks and the fair-haired, tall, blue-eyed beautiful Sweedes have the same god. And this god, guess where he's from? Judea! Thats latin for ISRAEL! ZOMG by Huginn and Munninn, by Mjölner and Slejpner, by Odins lost eye and Thors beard, our god is a JEW! I could go on like this for ever, man I hate nazis."

Idiots don't know the difference between a human being down here on Earth and the being, or what else it may be, that once created all Universe, in which planet Earth is no more than a grain of sand in the Sahara-desert.

Ehh.. Yeah... What? --DerMeister 20:02, 26 January 2007 (UTC)

It even never has been prooved, that this human being ever really has existed. So when that novel says he could walk upon water and make thousands of breads out of one, this is no more or less, than the same kind of fairy tale, as Harry Potter is.

Sigh... It has been prooved over and over again that a dude named Jesus existed wether he was the son of God or not is debated. And yeah, if you don't belive in God then I guess it sounds like a fairy tale. But as for me, he has prooven that he exists far too many times for me to ignore. --DerMeister 20:02, 26 January 2007 (UTC)

When God is a Jew, than why didn't he free Israel from the Palestinian threat, so that that wall wouldn't have to be built? VKing 01:45, 26 January 2007 (UTC)

Because the jews haven't admitted him as the messiah, when they do it will happen, a basic biblical phrophecy.--DerMeister 20:02, 26 January 2007 (UTC)
Why doesn't he make them do it? He's god; he can easily do that. VKing 04:51, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] l

"It was not the agression of the southern inhabitants of the enormous Russian empire that brought it to it's knees at the October Revolution in 1917."

Could be, that in that year an end came to the old situation, in which the Roman/Greek ("Romanovs") Emperors, in cooperation with their armies, that were mainly consisting of invaders from the subtropical, Asian, South, (Tartares, Kozaks) held the autochtone Northern-Euopide population of mostly peasants, oppressed. But in the mean time, the number of immigrated civilians from the Kaukasus was that big, that they felt, one or more of them could be the new emperor(s). One of them, Marx, had told them, in which way it would be reachable. How much worse it became for Europides, after that Asian take-over, can be described with one word: "Stalinism". It's not a theory of an insider, that no, but it might be near to the facts anyway. Any better and more reasonable is welcome. VKing 16:54, 26 January 2007 (UTC)

Again I'm having an immensly hard time trying to understand you. Please dude, don't try to write in such a factual way, just say what you have to say. When you write like that you try to sound like a book but youre mixing in your naitive languages grammar big time. Youre tossing words from left to right which don't fit in the context at all.

If youre trying to say that the Kazaks and other ethnic groups which lived in Russian annexed territories were invading northern Russia youre wrong. Russia was still heavily fedual, unlike from other European countries after Napoleons reforms. Meaning everybody is a peasant exept the nobility. The Tsar of Russia was of Russian, German, Swedish, Danish etc. descent and he ruled the country. The caucassians hardly even ruled their own province. Okay, now youre just making up stuff. Karl Marx was a kazak? .... he was German (maybe of Jewish descent). You haven't even read what I said before; stalinism wasn't just bad for the ethnic Russians, it was bad for EVERYONE! The last phrase is pure "what!?", what are you talking about? What isn't? --DerMeister 20:02, 26 January 2007 (UTC)

The last phrase meant to say, that the user, who wrote it, is aware of the fact, that he's far from an insider in this matter and therefor only guessing, what it could have been there and then in Russia.
Marx indeed (formally) was not a Kazak. But he (evidently) was partly Asian and as subtropical as the subtropicals, that more and more populated Nothern-European Russia. If Stalinism wouldn't have been

better for them, they wouldn't have supported it.

"Boris Jeltsin was a world known drunk..."

of strong drinks, that have been and still are produced and puched by blackhaired infiltrants, in order to weaken the Northern-Europide autochtones.

Ehh.. Vodka is as Russian as it gets.
And so might Jeltsin be. But what are the "world known" sources, that show, he was a drunk?
"They arent being dominated by anybody."
They mostly have been dominated by ......, like the one in the mirror of DerMeister, although the last mentioned pretends, to be not darkhaired. In that case it's an exception, that confirms the rule. He must have been abused too often by darkhaired in his youth. Now the only thing he still can do, is plead for his masters. He still doesn't realise, that there's a big chance, that if the Nazi's wouldn't have done what they did, he himself wouldn't have been existing at all.VKing 02:17, 28 January 2007 (UTC)
Heh, nazi boy ran out of propaganda eh? Well it's a risk you gotta take when you try to bull shit people. I got many blonde friends and none of them are nazis so quite frankly.

And I wouldn't be existing because? Because the evil jews would have killed me? Give me a break, in a million years they would still be a minority and they couldn't do a shit. And quite frankly I don't give a rats ass about if I would have been born with dark hair/eyes. I was born with blue eyes and blonde hair, who gives a crap? My girlfriend has black hair and you don't see me bitching about it. You still haven't commented on what I told you about my friend. He comes from one of em' evil temperate countries, Greece, yet he has light blonde hair and blue eyes, looks just as German as I do. So... Should he still be thrown in to a concentration camp? --DerMeister 16:11, 29 January 2007 (UTC)

VKing's control of DerMeister's native language most likely is a thousand times better than DerMeister's control of VKing's native language.
Greece is not temperate, it's subtropical. If that friend looks temperate, he probably decends from temperates, that emigrated.
The Jews wouldn't have killed you, but eventually (before you existed)the one or both of your parents, that was/were/is/are lightblond and bleu-eyed. They wouldn't have to be a majority for that. Just neighboors or something would do. But indeed, later on, both the Jews and the gypsies might have stolen (and eaten) you. Why do you think temperate Germans were so furious about them? Not just because they saw, what Stalin was doing to their congeners and realised, that the same thing could happen to them, sooner or later. VKing 03:17, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

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