Vitória (Porto)

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Coat of arms of Vitória
Parish coat of arms
Municipality Porto
Area 0.31 km²
 - Total 2,720 (2001)
 - Density 8,774/km²
Website: none

Vitória (pron. IPA[vi'tɔɾiɐ]) is a Portuguese parish of the municipality of Porto. It is 0.31 km² in area with 2,720 inhabitants as of 2001.

Vitória is one of the four districts within the UNESCO World Heritage Classified Zone of Porto, the others being São Nicolau, Sé, and Miragaia.

A major landmark of Vitória is the Tower dos Clérigos ("Torre dos Clerigos").

The Vitória district is bounded by the Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, São Nicolau, Sé, and Miragaia districts.