Virtual reference

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Virtual reference services are the remote delivery of reference source materials that are provided to users who are not inside the library. They are used by people seeking to utilize resources who are unable (or unwilling) to visit a library. Providing remote based services for patrons has been a steady practice of libraries over the years. For example, a number of reference questions have been answered via phone, fax email and voice conferencing. However, with the widespread use and adaptation of Web culture, it has been the library institutions’ goal to incorporate and utilize remote based programs for the user’s advantage.


[edit] Features

Each virtual service that is offered by libraries is unique. However each program that is used has six distinct features.

[edit] Knowledge base

A knowledge base can be described as a chunk of information that users can access independently. An example of this is can a serialized listing of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that a user can read and use at his or her leisure.

[edit] Online chat

Instant messaging has become a very popular Web based feature. Instant messaging is a real time conversation that utilizes typed text instead of language. Users may feel a sense of satisfaction with the use of this tool because of their personalized interaction with staff.

[edit] Email

The use of email in responding to reference questions in libraries has been in use for years. Also, in some cases with Instant Messaging feature, a question may be asked that cannot be resolved in online chat. In this instance the staff member may document the inquiring patron’s email address and will the user a response.

[edit] Co-browsing

Co-browsing involves the ability to interact and control a user’s web browser. This function enables the librarian to actually “see” what the patron has on his or her computer screen. And this two way viewing system may aid the staff member in resolving the patron’s issue.

[edit] Pre-constructed message

In Virtual Reference Systems some forms of communication such as basic instructions for the use of databases, standard greetings and farewells are automated.

[edit] Statistical reporting

This feature is important in order for the library staff to effectively learn how the systems is used, to see patterns of use and the evaluate the overall effectiveness of the system.

[edit] Providers

Ask a Librarian, Florida's Virtual Reference Service, provides Live Chat Virtual Reference Service featuring cobrowsing and Email Virtual Reference service.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Breeding, M. (2001). Providing virtual reference service. Information Today, 18(4), 42-43.
  • Pace, Andrew. “Virtual Reference: What’s in a Name?” Computers in Libraries 23 (April 2003): 55-56.

[edit] External links

Chat reference libraries at Library and Information Science Wiki - list of libraries providing chat reference services