Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and Governance

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The Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and Governance is the nonprofit and public sector research and outreach institute of Virginia Tech.

[edit] Introduction and Activities

Virginia Tech's Institute for Policy and Governance(IPG) is a major research and outreach body for state and local governments in Virginia and nonprofit/civil society organizations across the globe. IPG seeks to improve the response of government, businesses, and nonprofit institutions to various policy challenges such as healthcare, social services, regional infrastructure, and workforce and economic development. To accomplish these goals, IPG engages in an active program of policy research, dissemination, implementation, and technical assistance involving faculty and graduate students. IPG exercises outreach to state agencies, local governments, and the community in the form of seminars, internships, and volunteer service. The PSC comprises independent population researchers who pursue their own agendas with the support of the PSC staff. A large portfolio of both domestic and international research is supported by the Center. The Center is strong in several key areas of demographic research, which can be grouped into several major areas: 1) Family Formation, Fertility, and Children; 2) Health, Disability, and Mortality; 3) Human Capital, Labor and Wealth; 4) Aging; 5) Population dynamics; 6) Group Disparities; 7) Ideational Factors; 8) Methodology; and 9) Regional Studies.