Vire River

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Vire at Pont-Farcy.
Vire at Pont-Farcy.
Origin Normandy
Mouth English Channel
Basin countries France
Length 118 km
Source elevation 300 m
Basin area 1,240 km²

The River Vire is a river in Normandy in France whose 118 km course crosses the départements of Calvados and Manche, flowing through the towns of Vire, Saint-Lô and Isigny-sur-Mer, finally flowing out into the English Channel.(Atlas, 2007)

The outflow of the Vire has been canalized and forms the port of Isigny-sur-Mer.

The poets of the Vire valley (Vau de Vire) are said to have given rise to vaudeville.

Places along the river:

[edit] Hydrology and water quality

The generally brownish waters of the Vire are moderately alkaline having been tested by Lumina Tech as pH 8.31. (Hogan, 2006) The river waters are relatively turbid, with a Secchi disc measurement of 12 centimetres.

[edit] References

  • Atlas des Routes de France, Solar Press: Donnees IGN (2007
  • Hogan, C. Michael, Water quality of freshwater bodies in France, Lumina Tech Press, Aberdeen, Scotland (2006)
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