Vinyl Box Set (7 LP's)

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Vinyl Box Set
Image:Vinyl Vox Set.jpg
Box set by Bright Eyes
Released September 9, 2003

The first five Bright Eyes releases together in one vinyl box set. 5 Releases on 7 LPs - Remastered with 5 Additional Tracks.


[edit] Track listing

[edit] A Collection of Songs Written and Recorded 1995-1997

  • Previously unavailable on vinyl on 2 LPs
  1. The Invisible Gardener
  2. Patient Hope In New Snow
  3. Saturday as Usual
  4. Falling Out of Love at This Volume
  5. Exaltation on a Cool, Kitchen Floor
  6. The Awful Sweetness of Escaping Sweat
  7. Puella Quam Amo Est Pulchra
  8. Driving Fast Through a Big City at Night
  9. How Many Lights Do You See?
  10. I Watched You Taking Off
  11. A Celebration Upon Completion
  12. Emily, Sing Something Sweet
  13. All of the Truth
  14. One Straw (Please)
  15. Lila
  16. A Few Minutes on Friday
  17. Supriya
  18. Solid Jackson
  19. Feb. 15th
  20. The 'Feel Good' Revolution

[edit] Letting Off the Happiness

  • Original vinyl cover art plus Japanese import bonus track.
  1. If Winter Ends
  2. Padraic my Prince
  3. Contrast and Compare
  4. The City Has Sex
  5. The Difference in the Shades
  6. Touch
  7. June on the West Coast
  8. Pull My Hair
  9. Empty Canyon/Empty Canteen
  10. A Poetic Retelling of an Unfortunate Seduction
  11. Tereza and Tomas

[edit] Every Day and Every Night EP

  1. A Line Allows Progress, a Circle Does Not.
  2. A Perfect Sonnet
  3. On My Way to Work
  4. A New Arrangement
  5. Neely O'Hara

[edit] Fevers and Mirrors

  • With two Japanese Import bonus tracks remastered on 2 LPs
  1. A Spindle, a Darkness, a Fever and a Necklace
  2. A Scale, a Mirror and Those Indifferent Clocks
  3. The Calendar Hung Itself
  4. Something Vague
  5. The Joy of Discovery
  6. The Movement of a Hand
  7. Arienette
  8. When the Curious Girl Realizes She is Under Glass
  9. Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh
  10. The Center of the World
  11. Jetsabel Removes the Undesirables
  12. Sunrise, Sunset.
  13. An Attempt to Tip the Scales
  14. A Song to Pass the Time

[edit] Don't Be Frightened of Turning the Page

  1. Going for the Gold
  2. Oh, You Are the Roots That Sleep Beneath My Feet and Hold the Earth in Place
  3. I Won't Ever Be Happy Again
  4. No Lies, Just Love
  5. Kathy with a K's Song
  6. Mirrors and Fevers