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City of Villarrobledo
General Information
Autonomous community: Castile-La Mancha
Country: Spain
Postal code: 02600
Area code: 34 (Spain) + 967 (Albacete)
Flag of Villarrobledo
Flag of the city of Villarrobledo
Mayor Pedro A. Ruiz Santos (PSOE)
Population: 24.729 (2005)
Population density: 28,67/km²
Location of Villarrobledo in the province of Albacete
Area: 861,25 km²
Location: 39,16° N 2,36° W
Altitude 721 m

Villarrobledo is a Spanish city and municipality in the province of Albacete, part of the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha.

Villarrobledo has the major world surface with cultivated vineyards (more than 30.000 has., approximately 48.000.000 of vines) as well as that of major world production of wine under the appellation (in Spanish Denominación de Origen) La Mancha. Also, is an important center of Manchego cheese production and exportation and has other important industries like metallurgy and logistic.

In the city interesting events are celebrated as the Carnival (Spanish), the Villa-Rock-Bledo Music Festival (Spanish), the Holy Week or the International Chess Open 'Ciudad de Villarrobledo'.


[edit] Geography

Place of La Encantada, Villarrobledo; botanical microreserve.
Place of La Encantada, Villarrobledo; botanical microreserve.

It is placed in full heart of La Mancha, a spanish region with approximately 26.000 km² of almost perfect plain, on the oriental half of the Submeseta Meridional and in levels between the 600 and 800 meters, which limits are Montes de Toledo, Sierra Morena, Sierra de Alcaraz and Serranía de Cuenca.

Land area limits
North Las Mesas, Las Pedroñeras, El Provencio, San Clemente and Casas de los Pinos -Province of Cuenca-
East Minaya, La Roda and Munera - Province of Albacete-
South Munera, El Bonillo and Ossa de Montiel -Province of Albacete-
West Alhambra and Socuéllamos -Province of Ciudad Real-.

[edit] Climate

Villarrobledo has a climate that registers extreme temperatures: very low in Winter (there have been produced values below -20º) and very high in Summer (over 40 º). The dominant winds are Solano -from East- in Summer, Cierzo -cold wind from Northwest- in Winter and Ábrego -from Southwest- in all time . Nevertheless that big contrasts, the winter cold and the summer heat are dry (and for ende, more healthy and easy to fight). Spring and Autumn are frankly agreeable.

2005 CLIMATIC DATA (Juanaco place's observatory)
MONTH MAT (date)
Maximum absolut
mat (date)
Minimal absolut
Minimal relative
humidity average
P mm
WS m/s
Wind speed
January 16'9 °C (21/01) -13'5 °C (27/01) 67'50% 1'20 2'10
February 18'1 °C (13/02) -8'8 °C (18/02) 63'37% 7'60 3'11
March 23'9 °C (20/03) -8'7 °C (08/03) 57'90% 12'40 3'25
April 28'8 °C (30/04) -2'6 °C (10/04) 51'94% 7'80 3'54
May 32'5 °C (27/05) 2'9 °C (06/05) 43'40% 16'00 2'72
June 37'3 °C (22/06) 11'9 °C (02/06) 41'18% 9'40 2'61
July 38'8 °C (16/07) 12'7 °C (30/07) 35'48% 1'20 2'90
August 39'3 °C (08/08) 7 °C (22/08) 36'89% 0'00 2'49
September 34'3 °C (03/09) 2'1 °C (19/09) 48'50% 13'00 2'36
October 29'6 °C (01/10) 1'4 °C (04/10) 67'73% 58'00 2'20
November 21'9 °C (03/11) -3'1 °C (30/11) 75'32% 26'60 2'30
December 12'7 °C (07/12) -5'2 °C (15/12) 78'17 % 14'80 2'72

The scanty rainfalls, has taking place during Spring and at the end of Autumn. The annual rainfall average are 39 ' 02 mm. Also, the rains appears in Summer as big isolated storms. The snowfalls, generally not very copious, are producing in December and January, and, exceptionally, in Spring.

[edit] Demographics

  • Population: 24.729 inhabitants.
  • Demonymes: (In spanish language) Villarrobletano/a or Villarrobledense. Also correct are Villarrobledano/a and Villarrobletense, though they have minor use.
  • Entities: City of Villarrobledo and the minor entities of Casas de Peña (<100 hab.), Moharras (deserted) and Ventas de Alcolea (<100 hab.).
  • Neighborhoods: Asturias (Pío XII), Centro, Juan Valero, San Antón, Socuéllamos, Virgen de la Caridad (Casas Baratas) and Pintores.

At present, there is a notable demographic increase by the massive immigration of citizens of East Europe. A City Council information on 2006, considers the number of immigrants in 3.324 persons, of whom 2.011 (60,50%) are men, and 1.313 (39,50 remaining %) women, proceeding from 43 different countries. Ten countries that more citizens contribute are: Romania, Ukraine, Morocco, Moldavia, Colombia, Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Bulgaria and Peru.

[edit] Government

2003–2007 legislature
1.–Pedro Antonio Ruiz Santos (Alcalde- Presidente)
2.–José Antonio Cabañero Losa
3.–Carmen Martínez Parra
4.–Antonio Arribas Castillo
5.–María José Parra Jareño
6.–Juan Luis Íñiguez Perea
7.–María Paz Saez Montejano
8.–Juan Ramon Martínez Valero
9.–María Rosario Herrera Gómez
10.–Marco Antonio Blázquez Herreros
11.–María Elvira Calero Nueda
12.–Andrés Jiménez Collado
1.–Bernardo Cabañero González
2.–Roman Lacoba Martínez
3.–Caridad Martínez Marhuenda
4.–Mariano López Ortiz
1.–Maria Belen Alite Landete
2.–Antonio Sánchez Moreno
3.–Luis Martínez García
1.–Rafael Núñez Paez
2.–Teresa Lozano Laguía
Not assigned1
1Chosen originally under PP
Renaissantist portic of City Hall (1599)
Renaissantist portic of City Hall (1599)

In the town are organisms and dependent organizations from all the levels in which is divided the Public Administration in Spain, from closest to the citizen (Local Administration), to the superior level (General Administration of the State).

The City Council of Villarrobledo, presided by PSOE, is made up by the Councillors listed in the right table.

Also, Villarrobledo is head of #6 Judicial Party of the province of Albacete, that includes in its demarcation the municipalities of El Bonillo, Munera, Ossa de Montiel and Villarrobledo.

[edit] History

Gothic Portic of San Blas Church (XIV century)
Gothic Portic of San Blas Church (XIV century)

The present location of Villarrobledo dates from 1292, according to diverse historical sources. Nevertheless, within the ample municipal term, have vestiges of almost all the historical cultures that have existed in the Iberian Peninsula, testifying settlements, more or less stable and important, from Paleolithic.

[edit] Archaeological findings

[edit] Paleolithic

...nos atreveríamos a definir la industria lítica del yacimiento de La Jaraba dentro de ... la fase del Achelense Superior final con micoquiense...

José Luis Serna López, Avance al estudio del yacimiento achelense de La Jaraba (Villarrobledo, Albacete)

Between La Jaraba and La Paradica places, there are found remains of the first human accessions in the province of Albacete correspondents to Upper Acheulean (Lower Paleolithic). In this place there have been found diverse stone tools, manufactured on nuclei or stone chips, which can be contemplated at present in the archaeological section of the Albacete Provincial Museum. There are other five archaeological deposits from Middle Paleolithic.

[edit] Bronze Age

There are many fortified settlements from the Bronze Age, specially in the south zone of the municipal term, related to the Bronze Culture of La Mancha or Motillas Culture

[edit] Iberians

[edit] Romans

[edit] Visigoths

...Ergávica, insigne capital de valeroso distrito en el extremo de la Celtiberia, y silla episcopal en tiempo de los godos con el nombre de Arcávica. Dilatábase ... su territorio, ... al Sur, en ... Casa de Lipa, cerca de Villarrobledo... Mi estudio..., ha puesto en claro estas reducciones geográficas...

Aureliano Fernández- Guerra y Orbe, Una Tésera celtíbera. -Datos sobre las ciudades celtibéricas de Ergávica, Munda, Cértima y Contrebia

Historically, it is documented in the Hitación de Wamba the existence of the Church of Lila, (also known as Lipa, Liba or Belida) in las Casas de Lipa -place of La Elipa, less than 10 km to the south of the urban center- assigned to the Bishoprics of Mentesa (Villanueva de la Fuente, Ciudad Real) (III century to VII century) and Ergávica (Santaver near Cañaveruelas, Cuenca) (600 to 693).

[edit] Modern era

The Battle of Villarrobledo was fought here in 1836.

[edit] Natives

[edit] External links

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