Villa Pomán

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Villa Pomán is in the Pomán Department, Catamarca Province, Argentina.

The department of Pomán raises himself in the western foothills of The Ambato, that is to say al western of San Fernando of the Valley of Catamarca Pomán is found limited, toward the North by the department of Andalgalá; with the Province of the Rioja toward the South; with the department of Ambato and Capayán, toward the east; and with the departments of Bethlehem and Tinogasta toward the West.

The Village of Pomán, he possesses an average height of 1.327 meters above sea level and distant to 164 km. of the capital city. This village this Surrounded by Natural Beauties that are shown for their delight. SURFACE The total surface of Pomán is of 4.859 km², what equals to a 4,8% of the Provincial Territory.

[edit] Architectural beauties

The Village of Pomán possesses extraordinary places for it practices of the Tourism Ventures. Pomán. ...., town of mountain watered by streams they invite to rest, to appreciate the fruits of the land or to travel through Valleys or Fractions.

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