Vietnamese people in Russia

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Vietnamese people in Russia
Total population


Regions with significant populations
Moscow, Vladivostok, St. Petersburg, and other large cities[2]
Vietnamese, Russian[3]
Mahayana Buddhism [4]
Related ethnic groups
Vietnamese people

Vietnamese people in Russia form the 72nd-largest ethnic minority community in Russia according to the 2002 census. With only 26,205 individuals, they are one of the smaller groups of Việt Kiều.[1][5] However, unofficial estimates put their population as high as 100,000 to 150,000.[6] Almost two-thirds reside in Moscow, concentrated in the southern part of the city, near the Akademicheskaya Metro station, where authorities have erected a statue of Ho Chi Minh.[1][7] Other large communities can be found in Vladivostok and St. Petersburg, though the community in Moscow is the most well-established and has the highest proportion of long-term residents (those who have been living there for more than 5 years).[2] Assessments of their proficiency in the Russian language vary as well; the Census recorded that roughly 80% could speak Russian, while one article in Vietnamese state-run media claimed that "many Vietnamese find it unnecessary to learn Russian. In fact, many hardly speak the language at all."[1][3] The Census also recorded that virtually all can speak Vietnamese.[8]

Most Vietnamese people in Russia are enterpreneurs in the retail industry; with Russia's 2007 reform of rules for retail markets, which put restrictions on the proportion of immigrant-owned shops and require Russian-language proficiency examinations as a condition of being granted a work permit and a business licence, many Vietnamese will have to close their businesses and find other lines of work, probably as manual labourers.[3] Students also form another important group; Ho Chi Minh himself studied in Moscow in the 1920s, along with other senior members of the Communist Party of Vietnam.[9] They were followed by an estimated total of 50,000 Vietnamese who studied in Russia during the Cold War.[10] Academic exchange between the two countries continued even after the collapse of the Soviet Union; as of 2006, roughly 4,000 Vietnamese students were studying in Russian universities; the Russian government provides scholarships to 160 of them.[11] Notable Vietnamese students who have studied in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union include Quynh Nguyen, a pianist from Hanoi who received a scholarshop to Moscow's Gnessin State Musical College.[12]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d Население по национальности и владению русским языком по субъектам Российской Федерации (Microsoft Excel) (Russian). Федеральная служба государственной статистики. Retrieved on 2006-12-01.
  2. ^ a b Mazirin, V.M. (2004). "Вьетнамцы в России: образ жизни, проблемы, перспективы (Vietnamese in Russia: ways of living, problems, perspectives)". Индокитай: тенденции развития (Indochina: Trends in development): 159-179, Moscow, Russia: Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University. 
  3. ^ a b c "Vietnamese in Russia waiting to be examined", VietnamNet Bridge, 2006-12-18. Retrieved on 2007-02-22. 
  4. ^ List of notable Buddhist temples in Russia
  5. ^ "Cộng đồng người Việt Nam ở nước ngoài", Quê Hương, 2005-03-09. Retrieved on 2007-02-22. (Vietnamese) 
  6. ^ Blagov, Sergei. "Russian rhetoric fails to boost business", Asia Times, 2000-02-08. Retrieved on 2007-02-22. 
  7. ^ Vo Hoai Nam. "Feeling warm by Uncle Ho's statue in Moscow", 2007-02-22. Retrieved on 2007-02-22. 
  8. ^ Владение языками (кроме русского) населением отдельных национальностей по республикам, автономной области и автономным округам Российской Федерации (Microsoft Excel) (Russian). Федеральная служба государственной статистики. Retrieved on 2006-12-01.
  9. ^ Quinn-Judge, Sophie (2002). Ho Chi Minh: The Missing Years: 1919-1941. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers. ISBN 1850656584.  (Page 125)
  10. ^ "Visit to Vietnam pays dividends for Putin" (2001-03-05). The Jamestown Foundation Monitor 7 (44). 
  11. ^ "Russia and Vietnam relations to become more steady", Communist Party of Vietnam Online Newspaper, 2006-06-09. Retrieved on 2007-02-22. 
  12. ^ "Pianist Quynh Nguyen: Hãy nhớ tên cô", VietNamNet, 2006-09-17. Retrieved on 2007-03-04. (Vietnamese) 

[edit] External links
