Victor Sasson

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Dr.Victor Sasson (born in Baghdad)[1] is a British-educated Iraqi Jewish writer. He holds academic degrees from the University of London, including an American PhD. His work entails publications on biblical texts, and on Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions in major journals. He has taught Hebrew, Arabic, and English. As well as living in Baghdad, he also lived in Jerusalem, London, Johannesburg, and New York. He is Associate Member of the Columbia University Seminar on Shakespeare and Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society. This is his first published novel. A biblical scholar, he has deciphered and translated Hebrew, Aramaic, and Edomite epigraphic texts.[1]

[edit] Bibliography

  • Destined To Die (2004)
  • Confessions of a Sheep for Slaughter
  • Dr. Bush and Mr. Hide

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Victor books online. Retrieved on 2007-08-18.

[edit] External links