Victor Celorio

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Victor Celorio (born on July 27, 1957 in Mexico City) is an author, entrepreneur, inventor, and former union organizer. He lives and works in Gainesville, Florida, United States.

[edit] Inventions

As an inventor, Celorio obtained patents for the technology popularly known as Book On Demand, as well as that of Distributed Printing technology in which an e-book is distributed among as many printing centers as required for immediate production and delivery, thereby creating a vast network of digital bookstores and libraries. (US PATENTS 6012890 [1], 6213703 [2], Chinese Patent 97705, Mexican Patent 241092, others [3]).

As an en entrepreneur, Celorio foresaw the advent of what is now known as the internet. In the late eighties, he created a digital network of print on demand centers around Mexico City. In the nineties, he founded a company to market the technology that became known as Print on Demand or Book on Demand. [4]

In an interview published in The Seybold Report, written by George A. Alexander, (2002) [5] Victor Celorio described his love affair with books since he was a child. He knew he wanted to be a writer from the time he was 10 years old and he published his first short story at the age of 14 in a magazine called Al Sur del Sur. But growing up in Mexico, a country which is famous for its lack of bookstores, Celorio had a permanent hunger for books. Many years later, this hunger for books would lead to the creation of the technology known as Book-On-Demand. This technology proposes that mass production is a passé approach to manufacture.

Interestingly enough, mass production as a technology came to be understood fully thanks to the production of books. Celorio believes the same thing is happening through the manufacture on goods on demand.

[edit] Books

As an author, Celorio has published six books, both in Spanish and in English. His titles include one of the first books ever distributed through the internet. The book was entitled Proyecto Mexico (Blue Unicorn Editions Florida, 1995, ISBN 1-58396-059-7). This work is a political essay published in 1995 where the author proposes that Mexico, his country of origin, lacks a long term project as a country. Therefore, all political remedies to the problems affecting that country will lack a global goal and will be short term in nature. Thus, Mexico as a country will go from one short term solution to the next short term solution until a true national project is negotiated among all political parties.

His books include:

[edit] References and external links

There have been about 200 articles about Celorio and his book-printing invention, written by, among others, The New York Times, Forbes, Seybold Report, Publishers Weekly, Chicago Tribune, and the Rochester Institute of Technology; and interviews in National Public Radio; etc.

This short list includes a few of the US published articles as a sample. There have been articles written in many other countries (Canada, Mexico, Germany, Italy, India, China, etc).

  • Kleper, Michael L. ”The Handbook of Digital Publishing”. Vol. II. By, Rochester Institute of Technology. Page 565, Published by Prentis Hall, 2000 , ISBN 0-13-029371-7 Encyclopedia of Printing Technologies in 2 Volumes [6]
  • Lerner Michael, “New technology prints books while you wait”[7], Forbes Magazine, 06.04.99
  • Haack Douglas F. “The Simpleton Author’s Guide to“Self-Book Publishing and Printing”, 04, 2000 [8]
  • TAUB, ERIC A. “For Budding Authors, a Rapid-Fire Publisher”[9], New York Times. June 10, 2004,
  • APPLEBOME, PETER ”Our Towns; Have a Seat. Your Novel Will Be Out Momentarily.” September 12, 2004, New York Times[10]
  • Steven, Zeitchik, “Jersey Bookseller Becomes Publisher, Too” PW Daily for Booksellers – 4/29/2004 [11]
  • Mutter John . “U.S. Debut for In-Store, On-Demand Machines” Publishers Weekly. 5/17/2004 [12]
  • EDWARDS, STEVE. “InstaBook Launches ‘Books-On-Demand’”, May 26, 2004 • The Seybold Report • Analyzing Publishing Technologies • © 2004 Seybold Publications[13]
  • Zeitchik, Steven, “When We Are All Publishers” by PW NewsLine -- 4/28/2004[14]
  • ALEXANDER, GEORGE A. “The InstaBook Maker: book printing eases into the bookstore”, The Seybold Report • Analyzing Publishing Technologies • © 2004 Seybold Publications
  • Nishi, Dennis. “Publishing turns page with print on demand” Chicago Tribune Feb 14, 2004 [15]
  • Callea, Donna. “E-PUBLISHER MAKES MARK” Daytona Beach Press. [16]
  • LAPIDUS. PAUL. “Helping authors get into print” The Record, North Jersey News, July 12, 2006 [17]

NAME Victor Celorio
SHORT DESCRIPTION Aportations related to books
DATE OF BIRTH July 27, 1957