
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyone who's bored can remove the links on here to existing article (not just redirect pages). I only want the reds and redirects.

  1. abrikosov lattice
  2. acceleration operator
  3. acoustic fluidization
  4. acoustic radiation
  5. acoustooptical tunable fi...
  6. action and reaction
  7. action integral
  8. action-angle variables
  9. Adams-Williamson equation | adams-williamson equation
  10. adiabatic bulk modulus
  11. adiabatic lapse
  12. admiralty knot
  13. advanced time
  14. advective derivative
  15. aharonov-bohm effect
  16. airy disk
  17. airy pattern
  18. alc loop
  19. alpha decay
  20. alpha effect
  21. alpha radiation
  22. alpha ray
  23. amagat
  24. amplitude closure relatio...
  25. analytic signal
  26. angle of attack
  27. angle of incidence
  28. angle of reflection
  29. angle of refraction
  30. angular acceleration
  31. angular dispersion
  32. angular distance
  33. angular magnification
  34. angular momentum commutat...
  35. angular momentum density
  36. angular momentum operators
  37. angular momentum
  38. angular resolution
  39. angular size
  40. angular velocity
  41. annihilation operator
  42. anomalous dispersion
  43. anomalous magnetic moment
  44. anomalous Zeeman effect | anomalous zeeman effect
  45. antenna efficiency
  46. antenna gain
  47. antenna power pattern
  48. antenna temperature
  49. antenna voltage pattern
  50. antibaryon
  51. antiferrimagnetism
  52. antilepton
  53. antimeson
  54. anti-Stokes bands | anti-stokes bands
  55. apdram
  56. aperture efficiency
  57. aperture factor
  58. aperture stop
  59. apgrain
  60. apodization
  61. apothecaries' system of w...
  62. apounce
  63. apparent horizon
  64. appound
  65. apscruple
  66. archimedean screw
  67. archimedes' number
  68. argument of latitude
  69. argument of pericenter
  70. arpent area
  71. arpent length
  72. ascending node
  73. asymmetry parameter
  74. athermalization
  75. atmospheric diffusion
  76. atmospheric layers
  77. atomic decay
  78. atomic force microscopy
  79. atomic mass number
  80. atomic mass unit
  81. atomic pile
  82. atomic polarizibility
  83. atomic spectra
  84. atomic spring constant
  85. attached eddies
  86. attack angle
  87. auditory range
  88. automatic level control l...
  89. avogadro's hypothesis
  90. avogadro's principle
  91. avoirdupois system of uni...
  92. azimuthal quantum number
  93. babinet compensator
  94. babinet's paradox
  95. bagnold friction law
  96. bagnold number
  97. balmer formula
  98. balmer lines
  99. bandwidth pattern
  100. bandwidth smearing
  101. bandwidth synthesis
  102. bardeen potential
  103. Bardeen-Petterson effect | bardeen-petterson effect
  104. barkhausen effect
  105. barnett effect
  106. barometric law
  107. barotropic equation
  108. barrel distortion
  109. barrier penetration
  110. barrier
  111. baryon number
  112. baseband signal
  113. batterman's effect
  114. bbgky hierarchy
  115. bcs theory
  116. beam area
  117. beam convolution
  118. beam pattern
  119. beam solid angle
  120. beam width
  121. beam--clamped at both ends
  122. beam--freely supported at...
  123. beam--one end clamped, on...
  124. beam--one end clamped, on...
  125. beat frequency
  126. beer's law
  127. Bekenstein-Hawking formula | bekenstein-hawking formula
  128. bell's inequalities
  129. bénard configuration
  130. bending moment
  131. benedick effect
  132. bennett's relation
  133. Ben-Reuven lineshape | ben-reuven lineshape
  134. bernoulli effect
  135. bernoulli principle
  136. bernoulli's equation
  137. bernstein mode
  138. berry phase
  139. Bertotti-Robinson solution | bertotti-robinson solution
  140. bertrand's method
  141. beta radiation
  142. beta ray
  143. Bethe-Peierls-Weiss approximation | bethe-peierls-weiss approximation
  144. Bezold-Brücke effect | bezold-brücke effect
  145. bgk waves
  146. bhabha scattering
  147. binary diffusion coefficient
  148. binding fraction
  149. binet's equation
  150. bingham number
  151. bingham plastic model
  152. biot number
  153. biot
  154. Birch-Murnaghan equation | birch-murnaghan equation
  155. birch's law
  156. birkhoff's theorem
  157. bispectrum analysis
  158. bjorken scaling function
  159. bkl singularity
  160. black hole no hair theorem | no hair theorem
  161. black light
  162. blackbody function
  163. blackbody radiation
  164. blackbody spectrum
  165. blackbody temperature
  166. Blandford-Znajek process | blandford-znajek process
  167. blasius profile
  168. blast wave
  169. blazed grating
  170. bloch theorem
  171. Bloch-Grüneisen resistivity | bloch-grüneisen resistivity
  172. blumentritt equation
  173. bob pendulum
  174. body wave
  175. bohm diffusion
  176. Bohm-Aharonov effect | bohm-aharonov effect | Aharonov-Bohm effect
  177. Bohm-Gross dispersion relations | bohm-gross dispersion relations
  178. bohr energy
  179. bohr magneton
  180. bohr quantum hypothesis
  181. bohr radius
  182. boltzmann distribution
  183. boltzmann equation
  184. boltzmann factor
  185. Boltzmann H-theorem | Boltzmann's H-theorem | Boltzmann h-theorem | Boltzmann's h-theorem | H-theorem
  186. bond albedo
  187. bondi mass
  188. Bondi-Gold steady-state cosmology | bondi-gold steady-state cosmology
  189. bondi's radiating metric
  190. bonnet's theorem
  191. boom of logs
  192. born postulate
  193. Born-Oppenheimer approximation | born-oppenheimer approximation
  194. bose distribution
  195. Bose-Einstein condensation | bose-einstein condensation
  196. Bose-Einstein distribution | bose-einstein distribution
  197. Bose-Einstein statistics | bose-einstein statistics
  198. bouguer gravity
  199. bouguer's law of extinction
  200. bound charge
  201. bound current density
  202. bound electrons
  203. bound object
  204. bound surface charge density
  205. bound surface current
  206. boundary conditions
  207. boundary layer separation
  208. bound-bound transitions
  209. bound-free transitions
  210. boussinesq equations
  211. boussinesq number
  212. box standing waves
  213. Boyer-Lindquist coordinat... | boyer-lindquist coordinat...
  214. brace notation
  215. brachistochrone problem
  216. bragg cell
  217. bragg raft
  218. bragg relation
  219. bragg's law
  220. branching ratio
  221. brayton cycle
  222. breeder reactor
  223. breit's equation
  224. Breit-Wigner resonance | breit-wigner resonance
  225. Breit-Wigner formula | breit-wigner formula
  226. bremsstrahlung effect
  227. brewster's angle
  228. bridgman effect
  229. brightness temperature
  230. brightness wave
  231. brillouin function
  232. brillouin scattering
  233. brouwer theory
  234. brown noise
  235. bruns' theorem
  236. Brunt-Väisälä frequency | brunt-väisälä frequency
  237. bubble chamber
  238. Buckingham's Pi theorem | buckingham's pi theorem
  239. buckling length
  240. bulk modulus
  241. bulk viscosity
  242. bullen parameter
  243. buoyancy force
  244. buoyancy oscillation
  245. buoyancy pressure
  246. Buys-Ballot's laws | buys-ballot's laws
  247. cabibo angle
  248. cabibo mixing
  249. Callan-Gross relation | callan-gross relation
  250. caloric theory
  251. canonical distributions
  252. canonical ensemble
  253. canonical field theory
  254. canonical invariant
  255. canonical momentum
  256. canonical transformation
  257. capillary tube
  258. capillary wave
  259. carcinotron
  260. cardioid orbit
  261. carnot engine
  262. casimir force
  263. casimir trick
  264. Casimir-Polder force | casimir-polder force
  265. casimir's function
  266. cassini laws
  267. cassini states
  268. castigliano's theorem
  269. cauchy's formula
  270. causality problem
  271. cavendish balance
  272. cavity radiation
  273. celestial to equatorial c...
  274. celestial to equatorial c...
  275. center of curvature
  276. central force
  277. central orbit
  278. centrifugal acceleration
  279. centrifugal force inversi...
  280. centrifugal force
  281. centrifugal potential
  282. centripetal acceleration
  283. cerenkov radiation
  284. chandrasekhar limit
  285. chandrasekhar mass limit
  286. chandrasekhar mean opacity
  287. charge density
  288. charge four-vector
  289. charged particle
  290. charles's theorem
  291. chemical potential
  292. cherenkov radiation
  293. Chern-Simmons angle | chern-simmons angle
  294. chi1+chi2 effect
  295. chief ray
  296. Child-Langmuir law | child-langmuir law
  297. chladni figure
  298. christiansen frequency
  299. chromatic aberration
  300. chromoelectric field
  301. chronology protection conjecture
  302. circular orbit
  303. circular pipe
  304. circular polarization
  305. cl circuit
  306. clairaut's equation
  307. clapeyron's equation
  308. clarke orbit
  309. classical electron radius
  310. classical physics
  311. clausius theorem
  312. Clausius-Mossotti relation | clausius-mossotti relation
  313. clean algorithm
  314. clean beam
  315. clean map
  316. Clebsch-Gordan coefficient | clebsch-gordan coefficient
  317. closed orbit
  318. closure amplitude relatio...
  319. closure phase relations
  320. cloud chamber
  321. clr circuit
  322. cluster expansion
  323. coaxial cables
  324. coefficient of finesse
  325. coefficient of restitution
  326. coherence function
  327. coherence length
  328. coherence time
  329. coherent backscattering
  330. coherent scattering
  331. collision coefficient
  332. collision integral
  333. color force
  334. colossal magnetoresistance
  335. column density
  336. column mass density
  337. column number density
  338. combined law of thermodyn...
  339. compacton
  340. complete set of commuting...
  341. complex correlator
  342. complex gain
  343. complex impedance
  344. compressible fluid
  345. compressional wave
  346. compton radius
  347. compton scattering
  348. compton shift
  349. compton tube
  350. compton wavelength
  351. conducting rotating sphere
  352. conical refraction
  353. connected element interfe...
  354. conoscope
  355. conservation of angular m...
  356. conservation of baryon nu...
  357. conservation of charge
  358. conservation of mass
  359. conservation of momentum
  360. conservation of parity
  361. conservation of symmetry
  362. conservative system
  363. constant deviation prism
  364. contact transformation
  365. continuity equation
  366. convective mixing time
  367. cooling force
  368. cooper electron pair
  369. coorbital satellites
  370. copenhagen problem
  371. coriolis acceleration
  372. coriolis frequency
  373. coriolis parameter
  374. correlation interferometer
  375. cosmic background radiati...
  376. cosmic censorship hypothe...
  377. cosmic microwave backgrou...
  378. cosmological density
  379. cosmological distance
  380. cosmological equations
  381. cosmological optical depth
  382. cotes' spiral orbit
  383. Cotton-Mouton effect | cotton-mouton effect
  384. couette flow
  385. coulomb energy
  386. coulomb force
  387. coulomb gauge
  388. coulomb potential
  389. coulomb's constant
  390. coupled pendula
  391. cowling's theorem
  392. CP-symmetry | cp-symmetry
  393. CPT theorem | cpt theorem
  394. CR circuit | cr circuit | LCR circuit
  395. creation operator
  396. critical angle
  397. critical density
  398. critical phenomenon
  399. critical point opalescence
  400. critical Rayleigh number | critical rayleigh number
  401. critical size
  402. cross correlator
  403. cube gravitational force
  404. curie temperature
  405. Curie-Weiss law | curie-weiss law
  406. current density four-vect...
  407. current density
  408. current ring
  409. current sheet
  410. curvature of the universe
  411. cyclic coordinates
  412. cyclotron formula
  413. cyclotron frequency
  414. cyclotron radiation
  415. cylinder drag
  416. cylinder gravitational po...
  417. cylinder heat diffusion
  418. cylindrical wave
  419. d'Alembert's paradox | d'alembert's paradox
  420. d'Alembert's principle | d'alembert's principle
  421. dalton's atomic hypothesis
  422. dalton's law
  423. damped simple harmonic mo...
  424. Daniel Bernoulli's princi... | daniel bernoulli's princi...
  425. Darwin-Radau equation | darwin-radau equation
  426. data mile
  427. de Broglie wavelength | de broglie wavelength
  428. de Broglie wavenumber | de Broglie wavenumber
  429. de Haas-van Alphen effect | de haas-van alphen effect
  430. de Sitter cosmological model | de sitter cosmological model | de Sitter universe
  431. de Sitter effect | de sitter effect
  432. debye frequency
  433. debye length
  434. debye model
  435. debye temperature
  436. debye theory
  437. Debye-Falkenhagen effect | debye-falkenhagen effect
  438. deceleration parameter
  439. decibel scale | decibel
  440. deflection angle
  441. deformable body
  442. degeneracy pressure
  443. degree of freedom
  444. delay beam
  445. delay pattern
  446. delay tracking
  447. density scale height
  448. density weighting function
  449. depolarization factor
  450. descending node
  451. destructive interference
  452. detailed balance
  453. diatomic ideal gas
  454. dicke paradox
  455. dielectric constant
  456. dielectric reflection
  457. diesel cycle
  458. differential thermal anal...
  459. diffraction grating
  460. diffraction limit
  461. diffraction pattern
  462. diffraction-limited optics
  463. diffuse reflection
  464. diffusion coefficient
  465. diffusion equation
  466. dimensional analysis
  467. dimensionless logarithmic...
  468. dipole antenna
  469. dipole approximation
  470. dipole moment
  471. dirac matrices
  472. dirty beam
  473. dirty map
  474. disintegration process
  475. disk dynamo
  476. dispersion relation
  477. displacement current
  478. displacement electric fie...
  479. disturbing function
  480. disturbing potential
  481. diurnal libration
  482. dobson unit
  483. doppler broadening
  484. doppler lineshape
  485. double beta decay
  486. double pendulum
  487. double prism
  488. double refraction
  489. double slit interference
  490. double-sideband receiver
  491. downward continuation
  492. drag coefficient
  493. drag force
  494. drag power
  495. duality principle
  496. Dulong-Petit law | dulong-petit law
  497. dynamic pressure
  498. dynamic range
  499. dynamic viscosity
  500. dynamical ellipticity
  501. dynamo equation
  502. eccentric anomaly
  503. eccentricity perturbations
  504. eddies
  505. eddington luminosity
  506. Eddington-Lemaître cosmological model | Eddington-Lemaître cosmology | eddington-lemaître cosmological model | eddington-lemaître cosmology
  507. Eddington-Robertson metric | eddington-robertson metric
  508. eddy diffusion coefficient
  509. eddy diffusion
  510. eddy viscosity
  511. edge effects
  512. ehrenfest principle
  513. ehrenfest theorem
  514. eikonal
  515. eikonal approximation
  516. einstein coefficients
  517. einstein cosmological mod...
  518. einstein field equations
  519. einstein formula
  520. einstein relation
  521. einstein temperature
  522. Einstein-de Haas effect | einstein-de haas effect
  523. Einstein-de Sitter cosmological model | Einstein-de Sitter cosmology | einstein-de sitter cosmological model | Einstein-de Sitter cosmology | Einstein-de Sitter universe
  524. Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox | einstein-podolsky-rosen paradox | EPR paradox | epr paradox | EPR experiment | epr experiment
  525. ekman layer
  526. ekman number
  527. elastic collision
  528. elastic deformation
  529. elastic energy
  530. elastic limit
  531. elastic modulus
  532. elastic plate
  533. elastic p-wave
  534. elastic ratio
  535. elastic rod
  536. elastic s-wave
  537. elastic wave
  538. electric dipole moment
  539. electric dipole radiation
  540. electric force
  541. electric monopole
  542. electric multipole expans...
  543. electric permittivity
  544. electric polarizibility
  545. electric potential energy
  546. electric potential
  547. electric quadrupole moment
  548. electric quadrupole radia...
  549. electric quadrupole
  550. electric scalar potential
  551. electric susceptibility
  552. electric torque
  553. electrical conductance
  554. electrical conduction
  555. electrical conductivity
  556. electromagnetic field ten...
  557. electromagnetic field
  558. electromagnetic force
  559. electromagnetic radiation
  560. electromagnetic spectrum
  561. electromagnetic wave
  562. electromotive force
  563. electron angular momentum
  564. electron antineutrino
  565. electron aufbau
  566. electron capture
  567. electron charge
  568. electron degeneracy press...
  569. electron magnetic moment
  570. electron magnetic resonan...
  571. electron mass
  572. electron microscope
  573. electron neutrino
  574. electron orbital
  575. electron pair production
  576. electron paramagnetic res...
  577. electron quantum numbers
  578. electron radius
  579. electron spectra
  580. electron spin resonance
  581. electrooptical effect
  582. electrophoric effect
  583. electrorheological fluid
  584. electrostatic force
  585. electrostatic unit
  586. electrostatic wave
  587. electroweak force
  588. electroweak theory
  589. ellipsoid gravitational f...
  590. ellipsometric parameters
  591. elliptic polarization
  592. elliptical orbit
  593. emissivity coefficient
  594. emissivity density
  595. energy density
  596. energy flux
  597. energy function
  598. energy usage
  599. entrance pupil
  600. ephah
  601. equation of center
  602. equation of state
  603. equatorial to celestial c...
  604. equilibrium postulate
  605. equinoctial precession
  606. equivalence principle of...
  607. equivalence principle of...
  608. equivalent thickness
  609. erfle eyepiece
  610. étalon
  611. eternal black hole
  612. ether drag
  613. eulerian coordinates
  614. euler's equation of invis...
  615. euler's equations of moti...
  616. euler's two-point orbit d...
  617. evanescent wave
  618. evolution operator
  619. Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem | ewald-oseen extinction theorem
  620. exchange coupling
  621. exit pupil
  622. exitance
  623. exotic material
  624. expansion of the universe
  625. expansion parameter
  626. expansion postulate
  627. expansion rate
  628. expectation value postula...
  629. extensive variable
  630. external force
  631. extinction coefficient
  632. extinction cross section
  633. extraordinary ray
  634. f- and g-functions
  635. f- and g-series
  636. Fabry-Perot étalon | fabry-perot étalon
  637. Fabry-Perot interferometer | fabry-perot interferometer
  638. far infrared
  639. faraday rotation
  640. faraday's constant
  641. faraday's induction law
  642. Faster-Than-Light | FTL | faster-than-light | faster than light
  643. fermi distribution
  644. fermi energy
  645. fermi momentum
  646. fermi temperature
  647. fermi velocity
  648. Fermi-Dirac distribution | fermi-dirac distribution
  649. Fermi-Dirac statistics | fermi-dirac statistics
  650. fermion degeneracy pressure
  651. Fermi-Pasta-Ulam experiment | fermi-pasta-ulam experiment
  652. ferrielectricity
  653. feynman diagram
  654. fictitious force
  655. field curvature
  656. field emission microscope
  657. field emission
  658. field of view
  659. field quantization
  660. fifth force
  661. fine structure constant
  662. fine structure formula
  663. fine structure
  664. finesse coefficient
  665. finite parallel planes
  666. finite rotations
  667. finite square potential w...
  668. first law of thermodynami...
  669. fizeau fringes
  670. fizeau wheel
  671. flexural rigidity
  672. flexural wave
  673. flicker noise
  674. fluctuations
  675. fluidounce
  676. fluorescent lamp
  677. flux density
  678. f-number
  679. focal length
  680. focal plane
  681. foot pound
  682. force density
  683. forced convection
  684. force-free magnetic field
  685. foucault pendulum
  686. foucault test
  687. fountain effect
  688. fourier transform spectroscopy
  689. fourier's law
  690. frame dragging
  691. fraunhofer diffraction
  692. fraunhofer diffraction--c...
  693. fraunhofer diffraction--d...
  694. fraunhofer diffraction--e...
  695. fraunhofer diffraction--r...
  696. fraunhofer diffraction--s...
  697. fraunhofer limit
  698. free charge
  699. free convection
  700. free current density
  701. free expansion
  702. free fall
  703. free particle
  704. free precession
  705. free-free transitions
  706. free-streaming photons
  707. frenkel exciton
  708. fresnel diffraction
  709. fresnel diffraction--circ...
  710. fresnel equations
  711. fresnel lens
  712. fresnel number
  713. fresnel reflection coefficient
  714. fresnel rhomb
  715. fresnel transmission coefficient
  716. Fresnel-Arago laws | fresnel-arago laws
  717. Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction | fresnel-kirchhoff diffraction
  718. fresnel's biprism
  719. fresnel's double mirror
  720. fresnel's double prism
  721. frictional force
  722. fried length
  723. Friedmann-Lemaître cosmological model | Friedmann-Lemaître cosmology | Friedmann-Lemaître universe | friedmann-lemaître cosmological model | friedmann-lemaître cosmology | friedmann-lemaître universe
  724. friedmann's equation
  725. fringe frequency
  726. fringe pattern
  727. fringe period
  728. fringe rotation
  729. fringe stopping
  730. fringe tracking
  731. fringe visibility
  732. fringes of equal inclinat...
  733. froude number
  734. frozen flux approximation
  735. frustrated total internal...
  736. f-stop
  737. fundamental constants
  738. fundamental forces
  739. fundamental mode
  740. fundamental particle
  741. fusion bomb
  742. galilean transformation
  743. galilei invariant
  744. gamma radiation
  745. gas constant
  746. gauge pressure
  747. gauge transformation
  748. gaunt factor
  749. Gauss-Encke-Merton method | gauss-encke-merton method
  750. gaussian gravitational co...
  751. gaussian lens formula
  752. gaussian optics
  753. gaussian units
  754. gaussian vectors
  755. gauss's method
  756. gauss's principle of leas...
  757. geiger counter
  758. geiger-nuttall law
  759. gell-mann/nishima law
  760. general theory of relativity
  761. generalized coordinate
  762. generalized force
  763. generalized momentum
  764. generalized work
  765. generating function
  766. geoid anomalies
  767. geometric albedo
  768. geometric optics
  769. geostationary orbit
  770. geostationary transfer or...
  771. geostrophic equation
  772. geostrophic flow
  773. g-function
  774. giant magnetoresistance
  775. gibbs ensemble
  776. gibbs free energy
  777. gibbs' paradox
  778. gibbs' phase rule
  779. Gibbs-Thomson law | gibbs-thomson law
  780. Glan-Foucault prism | glan-foucault prism
  781. Glan-Thompson prism | glan-thompson prism
  782. Glashow-Weinberg-Salam theory | glashow-weinberg-salam theory
  783. global methods
  784. global positional satellites
  785. global positioning system
  786. golay cell
  787. Gold-Humphreys skin tempe... | gold-humphreys skin tempe...
  788. Goldreich-Schuler theorem | goldreich-schuler theorem
  789. goldschmidt's mineralogic...
  790. golitsyn number
  791. Goos-Hähnchen effect | goos-hähnchen effect
  792. Gould-Trivelpiece waves | gould-trivelpiece waves
  793. graham's law of effusion
  794. grand canonical ensemble
  795. granular material
  796. grating equation
  797. gravitational acceleration
  798. gravitational boost
  799. gravitational constant
  800. gravitational energy
  801. gravitational field
  802. gravitational force
  803. gravitational lensing
  804. gravitational mass
  805. gravitational moment
  806. gravitational multipole e...
  807. gravitational potential e...
  808. gravitational potential
  809. gravitational quadrupole...
  810. gravitational radiation
  811. gravitational redshift
  812. gravitational scattering
  813. gravitational wave
  814. gravity assist
  815. gravity wave
  816. gross lineshape
  817. group velocity
  818. grüneisen equation of sta...
  819. grüneisen parameters
  820. gunn oscillator
  821. gyromagnetic moment
  822. gyromagnetic ratio
  823. gyroscopic precession
  824. Hagen-Poiseuille flow | hagen-poiseuille flow
  825. half-infinite screen diff...
  826. half-infinite square pote...
  827. hall coefficient
  828. hall voltage
  829. hamiltonian coordinates
  830. hamiltonian mechanics
  831. hamiltonian operator
  832. hamiltonian optics
  833. Hamilton-Jacobi equation | hamilton-jacobi equation
  834. hamilton's characteristic...
  835. hamilton's equations
  836. hamilton's principal func...
  837. hamilton's principle
  838. hamilton's theorem
  839. hanson theory
  840. harmonic law
  841. harmonic number
  842. harmonic oscillator
  843. harmonic waves
  844. hartmann constants
  845. hartmann dispersion formu...
  846. hartmann test
  847. hasenöhrl effect
  848. hawking effect
  849. h-bar
  850. hearing range
  851. heat capacity ratio
  852. heat capacity
  853. heat conduction equation-...
  854. heat conduction equation-...
  855. heat conduction equation-...
  856. heat conduction equation
  857. heat conduction
  858. heat conductivity
  859. heat conductor
  860. heat death
  861. heat diffusion equation
  862. heat diffusion
  863. heat engine
  864. heat index
  865. heat release
  866. heat reservoir
  867. heat transport
  868. Heaviside-Lorentz system | heaviside-lorentz system
  869. heavy hydrogen
  870. heisenberg picture
  871. heisenberg uncertainty principle | heisenberg's uncertainty principle | uncertainty principle
  872. helium nucleus
  873. helmholtz equation
  874. helmholtz free energy
  875. helmholtz resonator
  876. Helmholtz-Kirchhoff integ... | helmholtz-kirchhoff integ...
  877. herget's method
  878. heron's problem
  879. Herrick and Liu method | herrick and liu method
  880. hertz effect
  881. Herzberg-Teller effect | herzberg-teller effect
  882. heterodyne conversion
  883. Heyney-Greenstein phase f... | heyney-greenstein phase f...
  884. h-function
  885. hidden variables
  886. high spin
  887. hohmann transfer orbit
  888. holonomic constraints
  889. hoop conjecture
  890. Hoyle-Narlikar cosmologic... | hoyle-narlikar cosmologic...
  891. H-Theorem | h-theorem
  892. hubble age
  893. hund's rule
  894. huygens' principle
  895. Huygens-Fresnel principle | huygens-fresnel principle
  896. hybrid mapping
  897. hydrogen atom
  898. hydrogen lines
  899. hydrogen maser frequency...
  900. hydrogen molecule ion
  901. hydrogen molecule
  902. hydrogen ortho-para states
  903. hydrogen spin-flip transi...
  904. hydromagnetic equation
  905. hydrostatic equation
  906. hydrostatic equilibrium
  907. hydrostatic law
  908. hyperbolic orbit
  909. hyperdeformed nucleus
  910. hyperfine splitting
  911. hysteresis coefficient
  912. hysteresis effect
  913. ideal gas
  914. image rejection mixer
  915. impact parameter
  916. improper time
  917. inch of mercury
  918. inclined plane
  919. incoherent scattering
  920. incompressible fluid
  921. index of refraction
  922. indistinguishable particl...
  923. induced radioactivity
  924. induction coil
  925. induction electric field
  926. inelastic collision
  927. inelastic neutron scatter...
  928. inertia ellipsoid
  929. inertial force
  930. inertial mass
  931. inertial reference frame
  932. infinite parallel planes
  933. infinite plane
  934. infinite square potential...
  935. infrared detector
  936. infrared reflectance spec...
  937. infrared spectroscopy
  938. instaton
  939. integrated density
  940. intensity interferometer
  941. intensive variable
  942. interaction energy
  943. interference pattern
  944. interferogram
  945. intermediate frequency
  946. intermediate vector boson
  947. intermittency factor
  948. intermittency
  949. internal energy
  950. internal froude number
  951. internal peltier effect
  952. internal wave
  953. international system of u...
  954. intersystem crossing
  955. inverse beta decay
  956. inverse centimeter
  957. inverse compton effect
  958. inverse photoelectric eff...
  959. inverse richardson effect
  960. inverse square law
  961. ionization fraction
  962. irreversible process
  963. isomer shift
  964. isoplanicity assumption
  965. isostacy
  966. isothermal bulk modulus
  967. isothermal compressibilit...
  968. isotope effect
  969. isotopomer
  970. jacobi integral
  971. jeans escape
  972. jeans instability
  973. jeans length
  974. j-number
  975. johnson noise
  976. jones matrix
  977. jones vector
  978. josephson junction
  979. joukovski theorem
  980. joule cycle
  981. joule heating
  982. Joule-Thomson coefficient | joule-thomson coefficient
  983. Joule-Thomson effect | joule-thomson effect
  984. Joule-Thomson process | joule-thomson process
  985. jump rope
  986. kamiltonian
  987. kármán constant
  988. kármán trail
  989. kármán vortex street
  990. kármán vortex trail
  991. kármán-howarth equation
  992. kaye effect
  993. kellner eyepiece
  994. kelvin circulation theorem
  995. kelvin jet effect
  996. kelvin wave
  997. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability | kelvin-helmholtz instability
  998. kepler problem
  999. kepler's first law
  1000. kepler's second law
  1001. kepler's third law
  1002. kerr black hole
  1003. kerr cell
  1004. kerr effect
  1005. kerr metric
  1006. Kerr-Newman black hole | kerr-newman black hole
  1007. kinematic viscosity
  1008. kinetic energy operator
  1009. kinetic friction
  1010. kinetic lineshape
  1011. kinetic theory
  1012. kirchhoff diffraction the...
  1013. kirchhoff integral
  1014. kirchhoff junction rule
  1015. kirchhoff loop rule
  1016. kirchhoff's law
  1017. kirchhoff's rules
  1018. Klein-Gordon equation | klein-gordon equation
  1019. Klein-Nishima formula | klein-nishima formula
  1020. knife-edge diffraction
  1021. Knox-Thompson interferometer | knox-thompson interferometer
  1022. Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix | kobayashi-maskawa matrix
  1023. kolmogorov spectrum
  1024. kondo effect
  1025. Korteweg-de Vries equation | korteweg-de vries equation
  1026. kovalevskaya top
  1027. Kronig-Kramers relations | kronig-kramers relations
  1028. Kronig-Penney model | kronig-penney model
  1029. kruskal coordinates
  1030. Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates | kruskal-szekeres coordinates
  1031. Kutta-Zhukovski theorem | kutta-zhukovski theorem
  1032. ladder operator
  1033. lagrange fundamental brac...
  1034. lagrange invariant
  1035. lagrange's equations
  1036. lagrange's planetary equa...
  1037. lagrangian coordinates
  1038. lagrangian turbulence
  1039. lamb shift
  1040. lamb wave
  1041. lambda transition
  1042. lambert surface
  1043. lambert's law
  1044. lambert's theorem
  1045. lamé constants
  1046. lamé factor
  1047. laminar flow
  1048. Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert... | landau-lifschitz-gilbert...
  1049. Lane-Emden equation | lane-emden equation
  1050. langevin formula
  1051. langevin function
  1052. langmuir waves
  1053. Langmuir-Blodgett film | langmuir-blodgett film
  1054. laplace length
  1055. laplace plane
  1056. laplace resonance
  1057. laplace series
  1058. Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector | laplace-runge-lenz vector
  1059. laplace's equation
  1060. laplace's law
  1061. laplace's method
  1062. Laplace-Young law | laplace-young law
  1063. larmor power
  1064. laser cooling
  1065. laser trapping
  1066. latent heat of fusion
  1067. latent heat of vaporizati...
  1068. lattice displacement
  1069. lattice quantum chromodyn...
  1070. law of atmospheres
  1071. law of combining volumes
  1072. law of inertia
  1073. law of reflection
  1074. law of refraction
  1075. law of the lever
  1076. Le Châtelier's principle | le châtelier's principle
  1077. least action principle
  1078. least curvature principle
  1079. least time principle
  1080. lemaître cosmological mod...
  1081. lens aberrations
  1082. lens formula
  1083. lens maker's formula
  1084. lepton number
  1085. lever rule
  1086. libration in latitude
  1087. libration in longitude
  1088. Liénard-Jones potential | liénard-jones potential
  1089. Liénard-Wiechert potential | liénard-wiechert potential
  1090. lift coefficient
  1091. lift force
  1092. light cone
  1093. light wave
  1094. line broadening
  1095. line charge
  1096. line of apsides
  1097. line of nodes
  1098. line profile
  1099. linear magnification
  1100. linear momentum
  1101. linear polarization
  1102. linear stability theory
  1103. lineshape
  1104. liouville's equation
  1105. liquid drop model
  1106. liquid metallic hydrogen
  1107. liquid mirror
  1108. lloyd's mirror
  1109. local oscillator chain
  1110. local thermodynamic equil...
  1111. long hundredweight
  1112. long ton
  1113. longitude at epoch
  1114. longitude of pericenter
  1115. longitude of perihelion
  1116. longitude of the ascendin...
  1117. longitudinal wave
  1118. loop gain
  1119. lorentz contraction
  1120. lorentz force
  1121. lorentz invariant
  1122. lorentzian lineshape
  1123. lorentz's conjecture
  1124. lorenz gauge
  1125. lorenz relation
  1126. loschmidt number
  1127. loss tangent
  1128. love number
  1129. love wave
  1130. loveluck black hole
  1131. low spin
  1132. low temperature
  1133. lower sideband
  1134. lr circuit
  1135. luminiferous ether
  1136. luminosity distance
  1137. luminous flux
  1138. luminous intensity
  1139. lunisolar precession
  1140. maccullagh's formula
  1141. mach number
  1142. Mach-Zehnder interferometer | mach-zehnder interferometer
  1143. magic angle
  1144. magic number
  1145. magnetic diffusivity
  1146. magnetic dipole moment
  1147. magnetic domain
  1148. magnetic exciton
  1149. magnetic field energy density
  1150. magnetic flux density
  1151. magnetic flux
  1152. magnetic force microscopy
  1153. magnetic force
  1154. magnetic permeability
  1155. magnetic polarization
  1156. magnetic potential energy
  1157. magnetic quantum number
  1158. magnetic scalar potential
  1159. magnetic susceptibility
  1160. magnetic torque
  1161. magnetic vector potential
  1162. magnetizability
  1163. magnetization
  1164. magnetized sphere magneti...
  1165. magnetohydrodynamic fluid
  1166. magnetooptical effect
  1167. magnetooptical rotation
  1168. magnetorheological fluid
  1169. magnus effect
  1170. malmquist effect
  1171. Malus and Dupin theorem | malus and dupin theorem
  1172. malus's law
  1173. mandelstam coordinates
  1174. many-body problem
  1175. marangoni effect
  1176. mariotte law
  1177. Martin-Puplett interferometer | martin-puplett interferometer
  1178. mason number
  1179. mass increase
  1180. matrix element
  1181. matrix mechanics
  1182. maxwell displacement curr...
  1183. maxwell distribution
  1184. maxwell electromagnetic f...
  1185. maxwell equations
  1186. maxwell equations--dielec...
  1187. maxwell equations--steady...
  1188. maxwell helix rotation ef...
  1189. maxwell relation--index o...
  1190. maxwell relations
  1191. maxwell strain rate model
  1192. maxwell stress tensor
  1193. maxwell time
  1194. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution | maxwell-boltzmann distribution
  1195. Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics | maxwell-boltzmann statistics
  1196. mcconnell effect
  1197. mean anomaly
  1198. mean free path
  1199. mean lifetime
  1200. mean longitude at epoch
  1201. mean longitude
  1202. mean motion
  1203. mean speed theorem
  1204. measurement of observables
  1205. mechanical birefringence
  1206. mechanical equilibrium
  1207. mechanical equivalent of...
  1208. meissner effect
  1209. mersenne's laws
  1210. method of point charges--...
  1211. method of point charges--...
  1212. method of point charges--...
  1213. method of point charges--...
  1214. method of point charges--...
  1215. method of point charges
  1216. metric pound
  1217. michelson fringe visibili...
  1218. michelson interferometer
  1219. michelson stellar interferometer
  1220. Michelson-Morley experiment | michelson-morley experiment
  1221. microcanonical ensemble
  1222. microwave spectroscopy
  1223. mid-ocean ridge
  1224. mie scattering
  1225. Mie-Grüneisen potential | mie-grüneisen potential
  1226. millikan oil drop experiment | millikan's oil drop experiment
  1227. millimeter of mercury
  1228. mill's cross
  1229. milne equation
  1230. milne relations
  1231. minkowski metric
  1232. mirror formula
  1233. mirror tests
  1234. mixing length theory
  1235. mixing length
  1236. moisture tension
  1237. molecular dynamics
  1238. molecular spectra
  1239. møller scattering
  1240. Mollwo-Ivey law | mollwo-ivey law
  1241. molniya orbit
  1242. moment of inertia ratio
  1243. moment of inertia tensor
  1244. moment of inertia
  1245. moment of inertia--cone
  1246. moment of inertia--cylinder
  1247. moment of inertia--earth
  1248. moment of inertia--ellipsoid
  1249. moment of inertia--ellipse
  1250. moment of inertia--ellipt...
  1251. moment of inertia--hoop
  1252. moment of inertia--oblate...
  1253. moment of inertia--prolat...
  1254. moment of inertia--rectan...
  1255. moment of inertia--rectan...
  1256. moment of inertia--ring
  1257. moment of inertia--rod
  1258. moment of inertia--sphere
  1259. moment of inertia--spheri...
  1260. moment of inertia--torus
  1261. momentum commutator
  1262. momentum density
  1263. momentum four-vector
  1264. momentum operator
  1265. momentum space
  1266. monatomic ideal gas
  1267. Monin-Obukhov length | monin-obukhov length
  1268. mooney rhomb
  1269. mössbauer effect
  1270. mössbauer spectroscopy
  1271. Moulton-Väisälä method | moulton-väisälä method
  1272. mu meson | muon
  1273. mueller matrix
  1274. multi-frequency synthesis
  1275. multiple reflection inter...
  1276. multiple scattering
  1277. multiple slit interference
  1278. multiplex advantage
  1279. multipole expansion
  1280. multipole radiation
  1281. muon neutrino
  1282. murnaghan equation
  1283. mutual coherence function
  1284. mutual inductance
  1285. mutual intensity
  1286. naked singularity
  1287. Navier-Stokes equations--...
  1288. Navier-Stokes equations | navier-stokes equations
  1289. n-body problem
  1290. near infrared
  1291. néel temperature
  1292. negative charge
  1293. nernst effect
  1294. nernst equation
  1295. neutrino oscillation
  1296. neutron star
  1297. newtonian cosmology
  1298. newtonian fluid
  1299. newtonian shear
  1300. newton's first law
  1301. newton's law for fluids
  1302. newton's law of cooling
  1303. newton's laws
  1304. newton's rings
  1305. nicol prism
  1306. nielsen's form
  1307. no slip condition
  1308. nodal line
  1309. noise power
  1310. noise temperature
  1311. nonlinear optics
  1312. nonsynchronous rotation
  1313. nontracking interferomete...
  1314. n-operator
  1315. nordtvedt coefficient
  1316. nordtvedt effect
  1317. normal dispersion
  1318. normal force
  1319. normal incidence
  1320. normal mode
  1321. normal mode--sphere
  1322. nuclear bomb
  1323. nuclear disintegration
  1324. nuclear magnetic resonanc...
  1325. nuclear magneton
  1326. nuclear mass defect
  1327. nuclear radiation
  1328. nuclear reactor
  1329. nuclear shell model
  1330. nucleation center
  1331. number density
  1332. nusselt number
  1333. oblate spheroid gravitati...
  1334. oblateness constant
  1335. obliquity-induced precess...
  1336. octahedron gravitational...
  1337. ohm's phase law
  1338. oil drop experiment
  1339. okorokov effect
  1340. opalescence
  1341. optical aberrations
  1342. optical activity
  1343. optical depth
  1344. optical interferometry
  1345. optical path length
  1346. optical path
  1347. optical rotation
  1348. optical sign
  1349. optical sine theorem
  1350. optics sign conventions
  1351. orbit determination
  1352. orbital angular momentum
  1353. orbital coordinate transf...
  1354. orbital coordinates
  1355. orbital elements
  1356. orbital mechanics
  1357. orbital perturbation
  1358. orbital precession
  1359. orbital reference system
  1360. orbital resonance
  1361. orbital stability
  1362. ordinary ray
  1363. organized self-criticality
  1364. ortho-para hydrogen
  1365. orthoscopic eyepiece
  1366. oscillator strength
  1367. osculating orbital elemen...
  1368. osmotic pressure
  1369. overhauser effect
  1370. overtone number
  1371. packing fraction
  1372. painlevé problem
  1373. pair production
  1374. parabolic orbit
  1375. parallel axis theorem
  1376. parallel plate capacitor
  1377. parallel wires
  1378. parallelepiped gravitatio...
  1379. paraxial approximation
  1380. paraxial refraction
  1381. partial pressure
  1382. particle annihilation
  1383. particle decay
  1384. particle detector
  1385. particle in a box
  1386. particle physics
  1387. partition function
  1388. Paschen-Back effect | paschen-back effect
  1389. pattern function
  1390. pauli matrices
  1391. péclet number
  1392. Pellin-Broca prism | pellin-broca prism
  1393. pendulum gravity determination
  1394. pendulum small oscillation
  1395. penning effect
  1396. penning trap
  1397. penrose singularity theor...
  1398. perfect cosmological prin...
  1399. permeability of free space
  1400. permittivity of free space
  1401. perturbation theory--orbi...
  1402. perturbation theory--quan...
  1403. petzval condition
  1404. petzval field curvature
  1405. phase angle
  1406. phase closure relations
  1407. phase function
  1408. phase integral
  1409. phase reference center
  1410. phase referencing
  1411. phase rule
  1412. phase shift
  1413. phase space trajectory
  1414. phase switching
  1415. phase transformation
  1416. phase velocity
  1417. phased-array radar
  1418. photodissociation
  1419. photoelastic effect
  1420. photorefraction
  1421. photorefractive effect
  1422. physical libration
  1423. physical optics
  1424. physical pendulum
  1425. pi meson
  1426. pinch effect
  1427. pincushion distortion
  1428. pink noise
  1429. planar orbit
  1430. planck area
  1431. planck energy
  1432. planck flux density
  1433. planck function
  1434. planck intensity density
  1435. planck law
  1436. planck mass
  1437. planck occupancy
  1438. planck postulate
  1439. planck spectrum
  1440. planck time
  1441. planck wavelength
  1442. planck's radiation equati...
  1443. Planck-Wheeler area | planck-wheeler area
  1444. plane wave
  1445. planetary aberration
  1446. planetary precession
  1447. plasma frequency
  1448. plasma opacity
  1449. plastic deformation
  1450. plate thermal equilibrium
  1451. plössl eyepiece
  1452. plum pudding model
  1453. Pochhammer-Chree wave | pochhammer-chree wave
  1454. pockels effect
  1455. pohl interferometer
  1456. poincaré elements
  1457. poincaré integral invaria...
  1458. poincaré's problem
  1459. poincaré's theorem
  1460. poinsot construction
  1461. point charge
  1462. point mass
  1463. poiseuille flow
  1464. poisson bracket
  1465. poisson ratio
  1466. poisson spot
  1467. poisson's equation
  1468. polar orbit
  1469. polarimetry
  1470. polarization interferomet...
  1471. polarization ratio
  1472. polarizer
  1473. polarizing processes
  1474. pole height
  1475. polyhedron gravitational...
  1476. polytropic profile
  1477. pomega
  1478. pomeranchuk cooling
  1479. position commutators
  1480. position operator
  1481. position space
  1482. positive charge
  1483. positron emission
  1484. post-Newtonian approximation | post-newtonian approximation
  1485. potential difference
  1486. potential four-vector
  1487. potential step
  1488. potential temperature
  1489. potential well
  1490. potts model
  1491. pound-force
  1492. pound-mass
  1493. pound-volume
  1494. power pattern
  1495. power--lens
  1496. power--refractive surface
  1497. poynting flux
  1498. poynting theorem
  1499. poynting vector
  1500. Poynting-Robertson effect | poynting-robertson effect
  1501. prandtl number
  1502. precession of perihelion
  1503. precession of the equinox...
  1504. precessional constant
  1505. precessional torque
  1506. precipitable micron
  1507. pressure profile
  1508. pressure scale height
  1509. pressure wave
  1510. price's theorem
  1511. primary beam
  1512. principal moments of inertia
  1513. principal quantum number
  1514. principle of special relativity
  1515. probability density current
  1516. probability density flux
  1517. probability density
  1518. prolate spheroid gravitat...
  1519. propagation constant
  1520. propagation vector
  1521. proper area
  1522. proper circumference
  1523. proper distance
  1524. proper radius
  1525. proper size
  1526. proper time
  1527. proper velocity
  1528. proton mass
  1529. proximity effect
  1530. prussian hat
  1531. pseudorapidity
  1532. purkinje effect
  1533. p-wave
  1534. pyroelectric effect
  1535. pythagoras's law
  1536. q star
  1537. quadrature network
  1538. quadrupole moment
  1539. quantum computing
  1540. quantum gravitation
  1541. quantum group
  1542. quantum interference
  1543. quantum mechanical tunnel...
  1544. quantum mirage
  1545. quantum numbers
  1546. quantum reflection
  1547. quantum smarandache paradoxes
  1548. quark color
  1549. radiancy
  1550. radiant intensity
  1551. radiation constant
  1552. radiation density
  1553. radiation field
  1554. radiation pressure
  1555. radiation resistance
  1556. radiation zone
  1557. radiative cooling
  1558. radiative equilibrium
  1559. radiative time constant
  1560. radiative transfer equati...
  1561. radiative transfer equati...
  1562. radiative transfer
  1563. radio absorption coeffici...
  1564. radio absorption length
  1565. radio spectrum
  1566. radio wave
  1567. radioactive decay
  1568. radioactive decay
  1569. radiometer equation
  1570. radius of gyration
  1571. ram pressure
  1572. raman cooling
  1573. raman spectroscopy
  1574. Ramsauer-Townsend effect | ramsauer-townsend effect
  1575. rankine cycle
  1576. rapidity
  1577. Rarita-Schwinger equation | rarita-schwinger equation
  1578. rate coefficient
  1579. ray parameter
  1580. rayleigh criterion
  1581. rayleigh number
  1582. rayleigh phase function
  1583. rayleigh water test
  1584. Rayleigh-Benard convection | rayleigh-benard convection
  1585. Rayleigh-Jeans law | rayleigh-jeans law
  1586. Rayleigh-Jeans limit | rayleigh-jeans limit
  1587. Rayleigh-Jeans spectrum | rayleigh-jeans spectrum
  1588. Rayleigh-Lamb wave | rayleigh-lamb wave
  1589. razin effect
  1590. reaction wheel
  1591. reciprocity theorem
  1592. recirculator
  1593. reduced mass
  1594. redundancy calibration
  1595. redundancy factor
  1596. reech number
  1597. reference plane
  1598. reflecting prism
  1599. reflection coefficient
  1600. reflection grating
  1601. reflection polarization
  1602. refractive index
  1603. refractivity
  1604. regge calculus
  1605. regge pole
  1606. Reissner-Nordström black... | reissner-nordström black...
  1607. relative permeability
  1608. relative permittivity
  1609. relative wind
  1610. relativistic beta
  1611. relativistic gamma
  1612. relativistic momentum
  1613. relativistic precession
  1614. relativistic redshift
  1615. relativistic two-body pro...
  1616. relaxation field effect
  1617. Renner-Teller effect | renner-teller effect
  1618. resolving power
  1619. resonant cavity
  1620. rest mass
  1621. restoring force
  1622. restricted three-body pro...
  1623. retardance
  1624. retarded acceleration
  1625. retarded time
  1626. retrograde orbit
  1627. reuss mineral mixing theo...
  1628. reversible process
  1629. reynolds number
  1630. reynolds stress
  1631. rhe
  1632. rhenomorous constraints
  1633. rhomb
  1634. richards' equation
  1635. richardson effect
  1636. richardson number
  1637. rigid body
  1638. rijke tube resonator
  1639. ring interferometer
  1640. ring lobes
  1641. robertson metric
  1642. Robertson-Walker line element robertson-walker line element
  1643. robins effect
  1644. roche lobe
  1645. rocket equation
  1646. ronchi test
  1647. root-mean-square current
  1648. root-mean-square voltage
  1649. rosenbluth equation
  1650. rossby number
  1651. rossby wave
  1652. rosseland mean opacity
  1653. rotary power
  1654. rotating axes
  1655. rotating fluid
  1656. rotation spectra
  1657. rotational distortion
  1658. rotational potential
  1659. rotational quantum number
  1660. rotational stability
  1661. routh's rule
  1662. Russell-Saunders states | russell-saunders states
  1663. rutherford scattering
  1664. rutherford's model
  1665. rydberg constant
  1666. rydberg frequency
  1667. sagnac interferometer
  1668. saha equation
  1669. Saint-Venant's theorem | saint-venant's theorem
  1670. satellite resonances
  1671. saturation adiabatic lapse
  1672. scalar diffraction theory
  1673. scalar potential
  1674. scale height
  1675. scattering coefficient
  1676. scattering matrix
  1677. scattering polarization
  1678. schmidt number
  1679. schottky diode
  1680. schottky effect
  1681. schrödinger equation | schroedinger equation
  1682. schrödinger picture | schroedinger picture
  1683. Schubnikow-de Haas effect | schubnikow-de haas effect
  1684. schwarzschild black hole-...
  1685. schwarzschild black hole-...
  1686. schwarzschild black hole-...
  1687. schwarzschild black hole-...
  1688. schwarzschild black hole-...
  1689. schwarzschild black hole
  1690. schwarzschild criterion
  1691. schwarzschild distributio...
  1692. schwarzschild metric
  1693. schwarzschild radius
  1694. schwarzschild solution
  1695. Schwarzschild-Milne integ... | schwarzschild-milne integ...
  1696. Schwinger-Lüders-Pauli th... | schwinger-lüders-pauli th...
  1697. scleronomous constraints
  1698. scoptic Stiles-Crawford e... | scoptic stiles-crawford e...
  1699. scott effect
  1700. second law of thermodynamics
  1701. second viscosity coefficient
  1702. sedov equation
  1703. seismic energy
  1704. seismic equation
  1705. seismic moment
  1706. seismic parameter
  1707. seismic strain
  1708. seismic stress
  1709. selection rules
  1710. self calibration
  1711. self inductance
  1712. self-gravitating sphere
  1713. self-organized criticality
  1714. semilatus rectum
  1715. sensitivity factor
  1716. shalimar treaty
  1717. shear stress
  1718. shear viscosity
  1719. shear wave
  1720. shock front
  1721. shock wave
  1722. short hundredweight
  1723. short ton
  1724. SI units | si units
  1725. sidelobe
  1726. simple albedo
  1727. simple harmonic oscillato...
  1728. simple harmonic oscillator
  1729. simple pendulum
  1730. single scattering albedo
  1731. single scattering
  1732. single-sideband receiver
  1733. singular perturbation the...
  1734. singularity theorem
  1735. sis receiver
  1736. size factor
  1737. skin depth
  1738. skin temperature
  1739. skipping rope
  1740. sky frequency
  1741. slater determinant
  1742. slingshot effect
  1743. small divisors problem
  1744. small oscillations
  1745. smoothing function
  1746. snu
  1747. solar neutrino unit
  1748. soleil compensator
  1749. solid state physics
  1750. solid state theory
  1751. solidification
  1752. solutal convection
  1753. sommerfeld model
  1754. Sommerfeld-Wilson quantization | Sommerfeld-Wilson quantization
  1755. sonic boom
  1756. sound wave
  1757. spacetime four-vector
  1758. spacetime interval
  1759. spark chamber
  1760. spatial coherence function
  1761. spatial coherence scale
  1762. spatial frequency
  1763. special theory of relativ...
  1764. specific angular momentum
  1765. specific heat capacity
  1766. specific heat
  1767. specific intensity
  1768. specific rotary power
  1769. speckle interferometry
  1770. spectral line broadening
  1771. spectral resolution
  1772. spectral sensitivity func...
  1773. spectroscopic state
  1774. specular reflection
  1775. sphere capacitance
  1776. sphere electric field
  1777. sphere gravitational force
  1778. sphere gravitational pote...
  1779. sphere radiative cooling
  1780. sphere size
  1781. sphere thermal equilibrium
  1782. spherical aberration
  1783. spherical bowl
  1784. spherical mirror
  1785. spherical potential well
  1786. spherical shell gravitati...
  1787. spherical shell magnetic...
  1788. spherical surface refract...
  1789. spherical wave
  1790. spheroid gravitational po...
  1791. spin angular momentum
  1792. spin glass
  1793. spin magnetic dipole mome...
  1794. spin quantum number
  1795. spin-down time
  1796. spinning sidebands
  1797. spontaneous Jahn-Teller e...
  1798. spontaneous magnetization
  1799. spontaneous raman effect
  1800. spread spectrum
  1801. spring constant
  1802. springs--three masses
  1803. springs--three springs an...
  1804. springs--two springs and...
  1805. springs--two springs in p...
  1806. springs--two springs in s...
  1807. square potential well
  1808. squire's theorem
  1809. stagnation pressure
  1810. standard temperature and...
  1811. standing wave
  1812. starting friction
  1813. state variable
  1814. static electricity
  1815. static equilibrium
  1816. static friction
  1817. static isotropic metric
  1818. static jahn-teller effect
  1819. static pressure
  1820. statistical equilibrium
  1821. statute mile
  1822. Stefan-Boltzmann constant | stefan-boltzmann constant
  1823. Stefan-Boltzmann law | stefan-boltzmann law
  1824. steinmetz's equation
  1825. stellar aberration
  1826. stellar interferometer
  1827. stellar temperature
  1828. Stern-Gerlach experiment | stern-gerlach experiment
  1829. stimulated emission
  1830. stimulated raman effect
  1831. stirling cycle
  1832. stokes bands
  1833. stokes flow
  1834. stokes flow--cylinder
  1835. stokes flow--sphere
  1836. stokes' inclination factor
  1837. stokes' law
  1838. stokes paradox
  1839. stokes parameters
  1840. stokes relations
  1841. stokes shift
  1842. stokes vector
  1843. stokes velocity
  1844. Stoner-Anderson equation... | stoner-anderson equation...
  1845. straight edge diffraction
  1846. strain rate
  1847. strain tensor
  1848. strain-stress relations
  1849. stratification parameter
  1850. stream function
  1851. strehl ratio
  1852. stress refringence
  1853. stress tensor
  1854. stress-strain relationshi...
  1855. string wave
  1856. strobe effect
  1857. strong force
  1858. strong law of action and...
  1859. strouhal number
  1860. stumpff function
  1861. sub-Lorentzian lineshape | sub-lorentzian lineshape
  1862. submillimeter
  1863. substantive derivative
  1864. sudokov effect
  1865. sun-synchronous orbit
  1866. Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect | sunyaev-zel'dovich effect
  1867. superadiabatic lapse
  1868. superconductor-insulator-...
  1869. surface brightness
  1870. surface charge density
  1871. surface current
  1872. surface physics
  1873. surface roughness
  1874. surface wave
  1875. s-wave
  1876. symmetric top
  1877. symmetry transformations
  1878. synchrotron radiation
  1879. synoptic parameters
  1880. synthesis imaging aliasing
  1881. synthesis imaging antenna...
  1882. synthesis imaging array
  1883. synthesis imaging bandpas...
  1884. synthesis imaging bandwid...
  1885. synthesis imaging baselin...
  1886. synthesis imaging beam pa...
  1887. synthesis imaging calibra...
  1888. synthesis imaging coordin...
  1889. synthesis imaging coordin...
  1890. synthesis imaging distrib...
  1891. synthesis imaging errors
  1892. synthesis imaging field o...
  1893. synthesis imaging geometr...
  1894. synthesis imaging gibbs p...
  1895. synthesis imaging gridding
  1896. synthesis imaging line su...
  1897. synthesis imaging line su...
  1898. synthesis imaging line su...
  1899. synthesis imaging line su...
  1900. synthesis imaging mapping
  1901. synthesis imaging noise
  1902. synthesis imaging primary...
  1903. synthesis imaging signal-...
  1904. synthesis imaging
  1905. synthesized beam
  1906. system temperature
  1907. tangential force
  1908. tapering
  1909. tau neutrino
  1910. tauon neutrino
  1911. tautochrone problem
  1912. taylor number
  1913. Taylor-Proudman theorem | taylor-proudman theorem
  1914. telegraphy equations
  1915. temperature wave
  1916. terebizh null test
  1917. terminal distance
  1918. terminal velocity
  1919. terminal voltage
  1920. test particle
  1921. tetrahedron gravitational...
  1922. theory of general relativ...
  1923. theory of special relativ...
  1924. thermal absorption coeffi...
  1925. thermal boundary layer
  1926. thermal conductivity
  1927. thermal conductor
  1928. thermal convection
  1929. thermal diffusion
  1930. thermal diffusivity
  1931. thermal equilibrium
  1932. thermal expansion coeffic...
  1933. thermal inertia
  1934. thermal pressure
  1935. thermal radiation
  1936. thermal resistance coeffi...
  1937. thermal wave
  1938. thermal wind equation
  1939. thermodynamic beta
  1940. thermodynamic calorie
  1941. thermodynamic cycle
  1942. thermodynamic functions
  1943. thermodynamic laws
  1944. thermodynamic systems
  1945. thermoelectric effect
  1946. thermomagnetism
  1947. thermomechanical effect
  1948. thevenin equivalent circu...
  1949. thick lens doublet
  1950. thick lens formula
  1951. thin film
  1952. thin lens doublet
  1953. thin lens formula
  1954. third law of thermodynami...
  1955. thomson cross section
  1956. thomson model
  1957. thought experiment
  1958. three-body problem
  1959. throttling process
  1960. thrust coefficient
  1961. tidal acceleration
  1962. tidal heating
  1963. tidal torque
  1964. time dilation
  1965. time of flight
  1966. time of pericenter passage
  1967. time-bandwidth product
  1968. time's arrows
  1969. timescale number
  1970. tippe top
  1971. tisserand parameter
  1972. toda lattice
  1973. Tollman-Schlichting wave | tollman-schlichting wave
  1974. ton of tnt
  1975. topsy-turvy top
  1976. torsional constant
  1977. torsional pendulum
  1978. torsional rigidity
  1979. torsional torque
  1980. total angular momentum qu...
  1981. total angular momentum
  1982. total internal reflection
  1983. transfer equation
  1984. transfer function
  1985. transmission line
  1986. transverse wave
  1987. traveling wave
  1988. tree branch scaling
  1989. triple point
  1990. trirefringence
  1991. troy ounce
  1992. troy pound
  1993. troy system of units
  1994. true anomaly
  1995. true longitude
  1996. tunneling effect
  1997. tunneling time
  1998. turbulent convection
  1999. turbulent diffusion
  2000. two-body problem
  2001. two-element interferometer
  2002. two-stream approximation
  2003. Twyman-Green interferometer | twyman-green interferometer
  2004. ultraviolet catastrophe
  2005. uniaxial indicatrix
  2006. uniaxial
  2007. United States system of liquid and dry measures | united states system of liquid and dry measures
  2008. universal gas constant
  2009. universal gravitational constant
  2010. universal logarithmic wall law
  2011. universal variables
  2012. unpolarized
  2013. upper sideband
  2014. upward continuation
  2015. vacuum diode
  2016. vacuum fluctuations
  2017. vacuum permeability
  2018. vacuum permittivity
  2019. vacuum polarization
  2020. vacuum tube
  2021. Valentine-Fischer number | valentine-fischer number
  2022. van Cittert-Zernicke theo... | van Cittert-Zernicke theo...
  2023. van der Waals gas | van der waals gas
  2024. van Vleck relation | van vleck relation
  2025. van Vleck-Weisskopf lines... | van vleck-weisskopf lines...
  2026. variation of latitude
  2027. vector diffraction theory
  2028. vector potential
  2029. velocity four-vector
  2030. velocity potential
  2031. venturi tube
  2032. verdet constant
  2033. vergence
  2034. verlet method
  2035. very long baseline interf...
  2036. vibration spectra
  2037. virial theorem
  2038. virtual displacement
  2039. virtual particle
  2040. virtual photon
  2041. virtual work
  2042. viscous force
  2043. visibility function
  2044. visibility function--circ...
  2045. visibility function--cosi...
  2046. visibility function--disk
  2047. visibility function--elli...
  2048. visibility function--gaus...
  2049. vis-viva equation
  2050. vlasov equation
  2051. voight mineral mixing the...
  2052. voigt effect
  2053. voigt lineshape
  2054. volta effect
  2055. voltaic pile
  2056. volume charge
  2057. volume current
  2058. volume expansion coeffici...
  2059. volume expansion
  2060. vortex street
  2061. vorticity equation
  2062. wall attachment
  2063. wall law
  2064. wall turbulence
  2065. water wave
  2066. wave equation
  2067. wave impedance
  2068. wave mechanics
  2069. wave plate
  2070. wave superposition
  2071. wave vector
  2072. wave velocity
  2073. wave-particle duality
  2074. w-boson
  2075. weak force
  2076. weak interaction
  2077. weak law of action and re...
  2078. weber number
  2079. weighting function (radia...
  2080. weighting function (synth...
  2081. weighting function
  2082. weiss magneton
  2083. weizsäcker's semi-empiric...
  2084. white light fringe
  2085. wien law
  2086. wiener criterion
  2087. wigner effect
  2088. wigner force
  2089. wigner function
  2090. wimshurst machine
  2091. wind chill factor
  2092. winslow effect
  2093. winston cone
  2094. wire proportional counter
  2095. wollaston prism
  2096. work function
  2097. w-particle
  2098. x-ray absorption edge spectroscopy
  2099. x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
  2100. x-ray diffraction
  2101. x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
  2102. x-ray line spectrum
  2103. x-ray powder diffraction
  2104. x-ray spectroscopy
  2105. x-ray transmittance spectroscopy
  2106. x-wave
  2107. yagi antenna
  2108. Yang-Mills equations | yang-mills equations
  2109. Yang-Mills theory | yang-mills theory
  2110. yarkovsky effect
  2111. y-factor
  2112. yield strength
  2113. yield stress
  2114. young's double slit experiment
  2115. Yule-Nielsen effect | yule-nielsen effect
  2116. z-boson
  2117. zeeman splitting
  2118. zero spacing flux
  2119. zeroth law of thermodynamics
  2120. Zhevakin-Naumov lineshape | zhevakin-naumov lineshape
  2121. zone plate
  2122. z-particle