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Veterovata is a universal system for the classification of fossil remains of eggs[1]. There are three broad categories in the scheme, on the pattern of organismal phylogenetic classification, called oofamilies, oogenera and oospecies (collectively known as ootaxa[2]).

[edit] References

  1. ^ Mikhailov, K.E.; Bray, E.S. & Hirsch, K.F. (1996): Parataxonomy of fossil egg remains (Veterovata): basic principles and applications. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16(4): 763-769.
  2. ^ Amo, O, Cuenca–Bescós, G & Canudo, JI (1999) .Vertebrate eggshell fragments from the Lower Cretaceous (Lower Barremian) of Camino Canales (Galve Bassin, Province of Teruel, NE Spain). IV European Workshop on Vertebrate Palaeontology, Albaraccin, Spain.