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Category Mineral
Chemical formula Ca10(Mg, Fe)2Al4(SiO4)5(Si2O7)2(OH,F)4
Molecular Weight 1,422.09 gm
Color Yellow, green, brown - rarely blue or red
Crystal habit Massive to columnar
Crystal system Tetragonal
Cleavage Poor to very poor
Fracture Sub conchoidal
Mohs Scale hardness 6.5
Luster Vitreous to resinous
Refractive index nω = 1.702 - 1.742 nε = 1.698 - 1.736
Optical Properties Uniaxial (-)
Birefringence 0.0040-0.0060
Pleochroism slight in colored varieties
Streak White
Specific gravity 3.35 - 3.45
Solubility Vesuvianite is virtually insolouble in acids
Diaphaneity Subtransparent to Translucent
Other Characteristics striated lengthwise

Vesuvianite, also known as idocrase is a green, brown, yellow, or blue silicate mineral. Vesuvianite occurs as tetragonal crystals in skarn deposits and limestones that have been subjected to contact metamorphism. It was first discovered within included blocks or adjacent to lavas on Mount Vesuvius, hence it's name.

A bluish variety known as cyprine has been reported from Franklin, New Jersey and other locations, the blue is due to impurities of copper. Californite is a name sometimes used for jade-like vesuvianite, also known as California-, American- or Vesuvianite-jade. Xanthite is a manganese rich variety. Wiluite is an optically positive variety from Wilui, Siberia. Idocrase is an older synonym sometimes used for gemstone quality vesuvianite.


[edit] References

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