Wikipedia:Version 1.0 Editorial Team/Soil articles by quality

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Index Soil articles by quality assessment table log, statistics

Wikipedia:WikiProject Soil

Contact with WP Soil
Article Import Date Assess Ver Comments
Erosion [1] Top July 4, 2007 B
Soil [2] Top September 15, 2007 B 0.5 * From FAC: A notable omission is a section on the formation of soil (which I would put prior to the classification of soils); there is some information on this in soil in nature, but it gets mixed up with too much other stuff there. Something like this is what I would have expected. Comment September 08, 2006 by Peta.
  • References needed in the characteristics section. May, 2007.

Gleaned from the article talk page: (Paleorthid (talk) 00:14, 26 November 2007 (UTC))

  • Need more about how soil is important to the whole natural world, not just to us humans. Steve Dufour 13:51, 26 February 2007 (UTC)
  • Readability is poor (several comments. This is a longstanding concern)
  • Broaden the scope of this article to include knowledge from the fields of geotechnical engineering and soil mechanics. Basar 01:04, 26 August 2007 (UTC)
  • Expand on soil formation Basar 20:51, 27 August 2007 (UTC)
  • Include additional aspects of biology, ecology and geology (and more references). Drillerguy 12:34, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
  • Remove parts relating to other aspects of soil. Drillerguy 12:34, 13 September 2007 (UTC)

Indicators of importance: {{WPCD}}, >2000 backlinks -- Paleorthid 17:45, 1 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Carbon cycle [3] High December 17, 2007 B
Carbon dioxide sink [4] High December 3, 2007 B * references needed, especially to address the appearance of original research related to soil. -- Paleorthid (edit comment)
Clay [5] High November 27, 2007 B * needs wikify, restructuring and cleanup. -- Paleorthid 05:28, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
  • With >1500 articles linking to it, high importance to Wikipedia. -- Paleorthid (talk) 17:35, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
  • Cleanup needed in the Society section. -- Paleorthid (talk) 18:01, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
  • Ready for peer-review towards qualifying as a good article. -- Paleorthid (talk) 18:01, 24 November 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Land degradation [6] High December 6, 2007 B
List of U.S. state soils [7] High December 6, 2007 B
Nitrogen cycle [8] High July 4, 2007 B Considerable editing is still needed. Needs improved prose, filling in important gaps on decomposition and units of mass on global scale, clean up references, expand context to better discuss drivers, persistence, effects, and influences. Needs work like all the biogeochemical cycle articles. Of these, carbon cycle looks to be in the best shape and may serve as a partial example of where to go with this article. -- Paleorthid 19:59, 2 December 2006 (UTC) (edit comment)
Root [9] High December 17, 2007 B
Soil classification [10] High August 7, 2007 B
Soil conservation [11] High December 6, 2007 B
Soil ecology [12] High November 24, 2007 B Considerable editing is still needed. Needs improved prose. It has some gaps such as some treatment of characteristics in different environments, species diversity and on research approaches-innovations-advances. It needs editing for balance. Paleorthid (talk) 19:33, 21 November 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Terra preta [13] High December 9, 2007 B *Needs extensive cleanup.--Paleorthid (talk) 06:55, 8 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Water content [14] High November 27, 2007 B
Aeolian processes [15] Mid December 17, 2007 B
Agrology [16] Mid December 9, 2007 B
Antigo (soil) [17] Mid December 6, 2007 B
Arbuscular mycorrhiza [18] Mid December 17, 2007 B
Drainage research [19] Mid December 9, 2007 B
Mycorrhiza [20] Mid December 17, 2007 B
Natural organic matter [21] Mid December 9, 2007 B
Neal Menzies [22] Mid February 19, 2008 B
San Joaquin (soil) [23] Mid December 9, 2007 B
Soils retrogression and degradation [24] Mid July 4, 2007 B
Weathering [25] Mid January 18, 2008 B
George Demas [26] Low December 6, 2007 B * WP:MOS published works, consider for A-class after that. -- Paleorthid 19:33, 3 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
SaltMod [27] Low December 9, 2007 B *Needs cleanup, then peer review--Paleorthid (talk) 06:31, 8 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Soil science [28] Top July 4, 2007 Start * Needs organization, more images, wikify and cleanup. -- Paleorthid 16:58, 1 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Fertilizer [29] High July 4, 2007 Start *Needs to be harmonized plant nutrition. -- Paleorthid 01:05, 2 December 2007 (UTC)

Indicators of importance: {{WPCD}}, 2.3M hits for Google search (edit comment)

Hans Jenny (pedologist) [30] High December 17, 2007 Start
Mollisols [31] High December 17, 2007 Start
Nitrification [32] High July 4, 2007 Start Needs cleanup, especially sectional structure. -- Paleorthid 01:52, 17 January 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Nitrogen fixation [33] High July 4, 2007 Start Cleanup rough content structure, especially in biological nitrogen fixation section. Discussion of history of understanding, first fixation on geologic timescale. Quantify contribution to nitrogen cycle, energy requirement for chemical fixation, energy source for biological fixation. -- Paleorthid 05:03, 6 December 2006 (UTC) (edit comment)
Pedogenesis [34] High July 4, 2007 Start
Permeability (earth sciences) [35] High December 23, 2007 Start
Phosphorus cycle [36] High December 9, 2007 Start
Soil biology [37] High July 4, 2007 Start * Needs expansion, cleanup, pictures, and intext references. -- Paleorthid 04:02, 3 December 2007 (UTC)

Indicators of importance: >40 backlinks, categorical article, 0.2M Google results for phrase -- Paleorthid 04:02, 3 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Soil chemistry [38] High July 4, 2007 Start Expand concepts. Needs early history and key developments - Paleorthid 03:27, 2 December 2006 (UTC) (edit comment)
Soil pH [39] High July 4, 2007 Start * Needs cleanup and organization with better & more references. -- Paleorthid (talk) 06:21, 28 November 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Soil salinity [40] High July 4, 2007 Start
Soil structure [41] High July 4, 2007 Start
Soil survey [42] High July 4, 2007 Start
Sulfur cycle [43] High December 17, 2007 Start
Agricultural soil science [44] Mid December 17, 2007 Start
Alfisols [45] Mid December 6, 2007 Start * unreferenced statement conflicts with referenced content at Paleopedological_record#Records_of_the_various_soil_groups -- Paleorthid 20:05, 3 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Alkali soils [46] Mid December 23, 2007 Start
Andisols [47] Mid December 9, 2007 Start
Aridisols [48] Mid December 6, 2007 Start
Bernard Palissy [49] Mid December 9, 2007 Start
Biochar [50] Mid December 14, 2007 Start
Biorhexistasy [51] Mid July 4, 2007 Start
Bioswale [52] Mid December 14, 2007 Start
Bog [53] Mid July 4, 2007 Start *Improve along lines of German wikipedia Bog article with diagrams and more extensive and structured treatment. -- Paleorthid 05:22, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

Indicators of importance: {{WPCD}}, >500 backlinks -- Paleorthid 17:13, 1 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Brown earth [54] Mid December 9, 2007 Start
Brown podzolic [55] Mid December 9, 2007 Start
Capacitance probe [56] Mid December 9, 2007 Start * expand content to development timeline, notable characteristics and applications.--Paleorthid (talk) 06:11, 8 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Dryland salinity [57] Mid December 9, 2007 Start
Ecological land classification [58] Mid December 9, 2007 Start
Environmental soil science [59] Mid December 17, 2007 Start
Erosion prediction [60] Mid October 28, 2007 Start
Fen [61] Mid July 4, 2007 Start
Fragipan [62] Mid December 6, 2007 Start
Franklin Hiram King [63] Mid May 14, 2008 Start
Frost heaving [64] Mid August 7, 2007 Start
Geosmin [65] Mid December 14, 2007 Start
Glomeromycota [66] Mid December 17, 2007 Start
Humus [67] Mid July 4, 2007 Start * Needs references, wikify and cleanup. -- Paleorthid 19:47, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

Indications of importance: {{WPCD}}, >200 backlinks (edit comment)

Infiltrometer [68] Mid January 18, 2008 Start *Expand to cover sprinkler infiltrometer. -- Paleorthid (talk) 03:13, 14 January 2008 (UTC) (edit comment)
Leaching (agriculture) [69] Mid April 22, 2008 Start
Lithotroph [70] Mid December 17, 2007 Start
Marsh [71] Mid July 4, 2007 Start
National Cooperative Soil Survey [72] Mid December 14, 2007 Start *Once history is up to date, seems B-Class--Paleorthid (talk) 18:42, 11 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Peat [73] Mid January 18, 2008 Start
Petrichor [74] Mid December 9, 2007 Start
Podsol [75] Mid December 3, 2007 Start Indicator of importance: Podsols are widely recognized: Mid to High importance. -- Paleorthid (talk) 23:48, 4 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Prime farmland [76] Mid December 3, 2007 Start * add depth. -- Paleorthid 01:03, 3 December 2007 (UTC)

Indicators of importance:<20 backlinks but 71.3K Google results -- Paleorthid 01:03, 3 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Rhizobia [77] Mid December 17, 2007 Start
Rhizosphere (ecology) [78] Mid December 17, 2007 Start
Rothamsted Experimental Station [79] Mid January 18, 2008 Start
Salinity in Australia [80] Mid December 9, 2007 Start
Salt marsh [81] Mid December 6, 2007 Start
Sand [82] Mid July 4, 2007 Start * Needs references. -- Paleorthid (talk) 07:15, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
  • Would benefit from expanded perspective. The opening "As used by geologists, sand particles range in diameter from 0.0625..." is made from a narrow perspective. Other disciplines are involved and the size definition varies between nations as well as between disciplines. -- Paleorthid (talk) 07:15, 24 November 2007 (UTC)

indications of importance

Silt [83] Mid July 4, 2007 Start
Soil biodiversity [84] Mid November 24, 2007 Start Needs cleanup and wikification. -- Paleorthid (talk) 20:42, 22 November 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Soil carbon [85] Mid December 3, 2007 Start * Needs cleanup and wikification. -- Paleorthid 05:52, 1 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Soil crust [86] Mid December 17, 2007 Start
Soil functions [87] Mid December 9, 2007 Start Needs multidisciplinary collaboration. Soil functions has a narrow meaning in digital soil mapping. This article needs to address the wider application of the term. --Paleorthid (talk) 05:10, 16 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Soil health [88] Mid December 3, 2007 Start * Needs references, cleanup, and wikification -- Paleorthid 05:55, 1 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Soil horizon [89] Mid January 18, 2008 Start
Soil morphology [90] Mid May 21, 2008 Start
Soil physics [91] Mid December 17, 2007 Start
Soil test [92] Mid May 14, 2008 Start
Soil type [93] Mid July 4, 2007 Start * The article should be expanded to encompass the generally accepted uses for the term. -- Paleorthid (talk) 18:39, 28 November 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Solum [94] Mid December 14, 2007 Start
Swamp [95] Mid July 4, 2007 Start Big problem with this article:

swamp: A seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.

marsh: An area of soft, wet, low-lying land, characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition zone between water and land.

(Source, Am. Heritage Dict.)

The "swamps" in Florida are marshes.

The largest swamp in the US is the Atchafalaya. (edit comment)

Taproot [96] Mid December 17, 2007 Start
Tillage [97] Mid December 9, 2007 Start
Water potential [98] Mid July 4, 2007 Start * Article is getting better, but it still needs some editing and references added.
  • This is a very important topic for plant physiology and soil science, but I'm not sure how important it is for physics as a whole, so I rated it "low". cheers, Wcornwell 13:10, 14 April 2007 (UTC)
  • Rated as mid importance from an overall Wikipedia perspective. -- Paleorthid 16:48, 1 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Windsor (soil) [99] Mid December 6, 2007 Start
World Reference Base for Soil Resources [100] Mid March 19, 2008 Start
Acid sulfate soil [101] Low December 3, 2007 Start
Active layer [102] Low December 3, 2007 Start * unsourced material since June 2007 -- Paleorthid 19:21, 1 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Australian Soil Classification [103] Low December 6, 2007 Start
Bama (soil) [104] Low December 14, 2007 Start
Biosolids [105] Low December 17, 2007 Start
Bulk soil [106] Low December 9, 2007 Start
Casa Grande (soil) [107] Low March 31, 2008 Start
Cation exchange capacity [108] Low July 4, 2007 Start Expand. Need significance to soil improvement and plant growth. Values of various materials. pH dependence. -- Paleorthid 04:12, 2 December 2006 (UTC) (edit comment)
Characterisation of pore space in soil [109] Low December 9, 2007 Start
Charlottetown (soil series) [110] Low March 31, 2008 Start
Cutans [111] Low December 14, 2007 Start
Dark earth [112] Low December 9, 2007 Start
Denitrifying bacteria [113] Low December 17, 2007 Start
Digital soil mapping [114] Low January 18, 2008 Start
Drilosphere [115] Low December 9, 2007 Start
Duripan [116] Low December 6, 2007 Start
Fill dirt [117] Low January 18, 2008 Start
Flatwood [118] Low February 4, 2008 Start
Gelisols [119] Low February 4, 2008 Start
Guelph soil [120] Low February 4, 2008 Start
Gypsisols [121] Low December 3, 2007 Start
Hardpan [122] Low November 30, 2007 Start * Expand and improve prose. Needs better layout and organization -- Paleorthid (talk) 00:50, 28 November 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Hilo (soil) [123] Low December 3, 2007 Start
History of Soil Science [124] Low December 3, 2007 Start * Needs extensive work, additional sources. -- Paleorthid 18:11, 1 December 2007 (UTC)

Indications of importance: <10 backlinks, 8.8K google hits on the phrase. -- Paleorthid 18:11, 1 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Histosol [125] Low December 3, 2007 Start
Human impacts on the nitrogen cycle [126] Low January 18, 2008 Start
Hydric soil [127] Low December 9, 2007 Start
Illuvium [128] Low December 6, 2007 Start
International Union of Soil Sciences [129] Low January 21, 2008 Start
Land reclamation [130] Low January 22, 2008 Start
Loam [131] Low July 4, 2007 Start
Loess [132] Low July 4, 2007 Start
Lunar soil [133] Low January 18, 2008 Start *Expand on soil mechanics section topics w/ intext citations.--Paleorthid (talk) 17:20, 9 January 2008 (UTC) (edit comment)
Muck (soil) [134] Low December 9, 2007 Start
Paxton (soil) [135] Low December 17, 2007 Start
Pedalfer [136] Low February 4, 2008 Start
Pedocal [137] Low February 4, 2008 Start
Pedodiversity [138] Low December 3, 2007 Start * cleanup needed. wfy intext citations. -- Paleorthid 20:12, 2 December 2007 (UTC)

Indications of importances: no backlinks, 2.3K google hits -- Paleorthid 20:12, 2 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Pedometrics [139] Low March 11, 2008 Start
Plinthite [140] Low December 14, 2007 Start
Pore water pressure [141] Low January 26, 2008 Start
Psamment [142] Low December 3, 2007 Start
Seitz (soil) [143] Low May 14, 2008 Start
Soil food web [144] Low February 4, 2008 Start
Soil inference system [145] Low March 11, 2008 Start
Soil life [146] Low February 4, 2008 Start
Soil thermal properties [147] Low January 18, 2008 Start
Subaqueous soil [148] Low February 4, 2008 Start
Tanana (soil) [149] Low May 14, 2008 Start
Thaw depth [150] Low December 17, 2007 Start
Threebear (soil) [151] Low May 14, 2008 Start
Tropical peat [152] Low February 4, 2008 Start
Umbrisol [153] Low March 19, 2008 Start
Yedoma [154] Low December 6, 2007 Start
Geohumus [155] December 9, 2007 Start
List of Raised and Transitional Bogs of Switzerland [156] March 4, 2008 Start
List of vineyard soil types [157] November 24, 2007 Start
Paleopedology [158] July 4, 2007 Start
Paleosol [159] July 4, 2007 Start
Saprolite [160] July 4, 2007 Start
Soil map [161] July 4, 2007 Start
Soil profile [162] July 4, 2007 Start
Soil solarization [163] December 9, 2007 Start
Vertisol [164] July 4, 2007 Start
Edaphology [165] High July 4, 2007 Stub
Abdul Karim (soil scientist) [166] Mid December 9, 2007 Stub
Alfred Hartemink [167] Mid December 6, 2007 Stub * Notable published works should be listed. -- Paleorthid (talk) 15:32, 5 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Biogeochemical cycle [168] Mid January 2, 2008 Stub
Biogeology [169] Mid December 17, 2007 Stub
Biomineralisation [170] Mid December 6, 2007 Stub
Chernozem [171] Mid May 14, 2008 Stub
Degree of saturation [172] Mid December 9, 2007 Stub
Dispersion (geology) [173] Mid December 6, 2007 Stub
Edaphic [174] Mid December 17, 2007 Stub
Fibrous root system [175] Mid December 17, 2007 Stub
Gas diffusion in soil [176] Mid December 9, 2007 Stub
Gley soil [177] Mid November 30, 2007 Stub
Humin [178] Mid December 9, 2007 Stub
Immobilization [179] Mid December 9, 2007 Stub
Inceptisols [180] Mid December 6, 2007 Stub
Mineralization (soil) [181] Mid December 9, 2007 Stub
Myakka (soil) [182] Mid December 17, 2007 Stub
Orthent [183] Mid December 9, 2007 Stub
Pedosphere [184] Mid July 4, 2007 Stub
Pedotope [185] Mid December 9, 2007 Stub
Plaggen soil [186] Mid July 4, 2007 Stub
Rankers [187] Mid December 6, 2007 Stub
Rendzina [188] Mid December 6, 2007 Stub
Septic drain field [189] Mid January 18, 2008 Stub *Expand drain field discussion at septic tank, expand further here. Types of design, limitations and solutions, life expectation, licensed professional. Address french drain not same thing. -- Paleorthid (talk) 16:39, 9 January 2008 (UTC) (edit comment)
Serpentine soil [190] Mid December 14, 2007 Stub
Soil Science Society of America [191] Mid December 9, 2007 Stub
Soil color [192] Mid December 14, 2007 Stub
Soil organic matter [193] Mid March 19, 2008 Stub
Soil respiration [194] Mid December 17, 2007 Stub
Stuttgart (soil) [195] Mid July 4, 2007 Stub
Tifton (soil) [196] Mid December 17, 2007 Stub
Acrisol [197] Low December 3, 2007 Stub
Antecedent soil moisture [198] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Baer's law [199] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Bevameter [200] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Canadian system of soil classification [201] Low December 3, 2007 Stub * Expand. -- Paleorthid 00:58, 3 December 2007 (UTC)

Indicators of importance: <10 backlinks, 5.2K Google results on exact phrase -- Paleorthid 00:58, 3 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Cecil (soil) [202] Low December 17, 2007 Stub
Claypan [203] Low January 18, 2008 Stub
Cryoturbation [204] Low November 30, 2007 Stub * Needs expansion, improved prose, and an image. -- Paleorthid (talk) 00:42, 28 November 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Downer (soil) [205] Low December 17, 2007 Stub
Duricrust [206] Low September 24, 2007 Stub
European Soil Bureau Network [207] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Ferrallitisation [208] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Frost line [209] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Glomalin [210] Low November 30, 2007 Stub * Needs expansion (history, chemistry, controversy), improved prose, and an image. Paleorthid (talk) 00:39, 28 November 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Houdek (soil) [211] Low November 24, 2007 Stub Needs to be expanded. See San Joaquin (soil) (edit comment)
Hume (soil) [212] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Hydropedology [213] Low December 3, 2007 Stub * Expand. -- Paleorthid 00:55, 3 December 2007 (UTC)

Indicators of importance: no backlinks, 2.6K Google results -- Paleorthid 00:55, 3 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)

Hydrophobic soil [214] Low February 4, 2008 Stub
International Committee on Anthropogenic Soils [215] Low December 6, 2007 Stub
International Soil Reference and Information Centre [216] Low January 26, 2008 Stub
Kalkaska Sand [217] Low December 17, 2007 Stub
Laimosphere [218] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Linear aeration [219] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Miami (soil) [220] Low December 14, 2007 Stub
Mudcrete [221] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Narragansett (soil) [222] Low July 4, 2007 Stub To do: format consistent with other state soils. -- Paleorthid 16:07, 3 December 2006 (UTC) (edit comment)
Natchez silt loam [223] Low December 3, 2007 Stub
Orovada (soil) [224] Low December 17, 2007 Stub
Port Silt Loam [225] Low December 3, 2007 Stub
Pygmy forest [226] Low December 3, 2007 Stub
Red Mediterranean soil [227] Low February 4, 2008 Stub
Saline seep [228] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Scobey (soil) [229] Low December 17, 2007 Stub
Sodication [230] Low April 15, 2008 Stub
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act [231] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Soil conditioner [232] Low January 2, 2008 Stub
Soil flora [233] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Soil quality [234] Low June 8, 2008 Stub
Soil series [235] Low December 14, 2007 Stub
Soil zoology [236] Low December 9, 2007 Stub
Takir (soil) [237] Low May 5, 2008 Stub
Terra rosa (soil) [238] Low April 15, 2008 Stub
Udic moisture regime [239] Low December 17, 2007 Stub
Wade Hurt [240] Low December 9, 2007 Stub *need photo
  • need bio taxobox
  • expand on NRCS career
  • Add publications using references listed in Field Indicators.
  • Expand on Field Indicators of Hydric Soils, move FIHS to new article. -- Paleorthid (talk) 18:12, 9 January 2008 (UTC) (edit comment)
Alluvial desert [241] December 6, 2007 Stub * Needs expert attention, and a good definition from a reliable source. -- Paleorthid 14:03, 3 December 2007 (UTC) (edit comment)
Deposit feeder [242] December 17, 2007 Stub
Geoponic [243] December 14, 2007 Stub
Rill [244] July 4, 2007 Stub
Saturnin Zawadzki [245] December 14, 2007 Stub
Soil acidification [246] July 4, 2007 Stub
Solonetz [247] July 4, 2007 Stub
Subsoil [248] July 4, 2007 Stub
Talik [249] July 4, 2007 Stub
Terramechanics [250] December 6, 2007 Stub
Calcareous [251] December 20, 2007 Unassessed
Consolidation (soil) [252] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Earthworm [253] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Ericoid mycorrhiza [254] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Georg Wiegner [255] December 14, 2007 Unassessed
Heterokaryosis [256] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Humic acid [257] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Lumbricus terrestris [258] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Nitrifying bacteria [259] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Porosity [260] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Reducing environment [261] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Soil cement [262] December 14, 2007 Unassessed
Soil gradation [263] December 14, 2007 Unassessed
Soil inoculant [264] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Soil liquefaction [265] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Soil nailing [266] December 14, 2007 Unassessed
Soil resilience [267] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Soil water (retention) [268] December 14, 2007 Unassessed
Topsoil [269] December 14, 2007 Unassessed
Unified Soil Classification System [270] December 14, 2007 Unassessed
Void ratio [271] December 17, 2007 Unassessed
Wind Erosion on European Light Soils [272] December 23, 2007 Unassessed
See also: assessed article categories. Last update: June 11, 2008