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Greyhawk Realm
Viscounty and Town of Verbobonc
Motto Earth and stone, man and gnome
Region Old Ferrond
Ruler Viscount Langard
Government Semi-independent nation owing fealty to Veluna, but nearly autonomous in practice
Established Unknown
Capital Verbobonc
Major Towns Verbobonc
Provinces Fourteen freeholds and fiefs, all under 500 square miles; entire viscounty is a bishopric under Saint Cuthbert, divided into eight "guardianships"” overseen by abbots; some guardianships include more than one political fief.
Resources copper, gems, timber
Coinage [Modified Furyondy] leaf (pp), wheatsheaf (gp), knight (ep), spire (sp), common (cp)
Population 177,800
Races Humans (Ofsr) 79%, Elves (sylvan) 9%, Gnomes 5%, Halflings 3%, Dwarves 2%, Half-elves 1%, Half-orc 1%
Languages Common
Alignments LG*, N, LN
Religions St Cuthbert*, Ehlonna, Zilchus, Fharlanghn, Obad-Hai, Beory
Allies Veluna, Furyondy (distrusted), Knights of the Hart (distrusted), Kron Hills gnomes (distrusted, technically in rebellion currently), Dyvers, Greyhawk
Enemies Empire of Iuz, Pomarj, various evil cults (especially Iuz, Vecna, Zuggtmoy, Temple of Elemental Evil)

In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Verbobonc, properly known as the Viscounty and Town of Verbobonc, is a semi-independent nation of the Flanaess. Though Verbobonc owes fealty to the Archclericy of Veluna, it is nearly autonomous in practice.


[edit] History

[edit] Geography and climate

The Viscounty of Verbobonc is bordered to the north by the Velverdyva River, and extends roughly 15 miles into the Kron Hills to the south. Verbobonc is bordered to the east by the Gnarley Forest and the lands of Dyvers.

[edit] People

[edit] Population

As of 591 CY, the population of Verbobonc totaled 177,800 persons, the vast majority being humans of chiefly Oeridian stock. Elves, halflings, dwarves, and gnomes make up less than 20% of the total population.

[edit] Religion

[edit] Languages

[edit] Government

[edit] Administrative Divisions

[edit] Executive Branch

[edit] Legislative Branch

[edit] Heraldry

[edit] Economy

After Dyvers, Verbobonc is the second-largest port on the Velverdyva, and brings much wealth to the Viscounty.

[edit] Resources

Verbobonc does a brisk trade in gems and copper from its local mines, and also harvests timber from the nearby Gnarley Forest. The town is renowned across the Flanaess for its gnomish smiths.

[edit] Currency

The Verbobonc standard coinage is a modified version of Furyondy's coinage, consisting of the platinum leaf (pp), gold wheatsheaf (gp), electrum knight (ep), silver spire (sp), and copper common (cp).

[edit] Transportation

[edit] Military

[edit] Verbobonc in the Living Greyhawk campaign

In the Living Greyhawk campaign, Verbobonc corresponds to the states of Illinois and Indiana. It pioneered a system for allowing Living Greyhawk player characters to develop towns, open businesses, and establish strongholds, something previously beyond the scope of the Living Greyhawk campaign. Player-created towns include Cienega Valley, which is located in the Kron hills and is known for its fine wines and Irondelve, a subterranean Dwarven community beneath the Lortmill mountains.

[edit] References

  • LaMontagne, Chad, Michael Maenza, and Vernon L Vincent. The Walker's Guide to Verbobonc. (Wizards of the Coast, 2006). Available online: [1]

[edit] External links