Vera Duckworth

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Coronation Street character
Vera as she appeared in November 2007.
Vera Duckworth
Portrayed by Elizabeth Dawn
Duration 1974–2008
First appearance 19 August 1974
Last appearance 18 January 2008
Date of birth 3 September 1937(1937-09-03)
Date of death 18 January 2008 (aged 70)
Status Deceased
Occupation Retired

Veronica "Vera" Duckworth (née Burton), played by Elizabeth Dawn, was a popular fictional character on the British soap opera Coronation Street, first appearing in August 1974 as a full time character and last appearing in episode 6,734 on Friday 18 January 2008, where the character peacefully died in her sleep from heart failure.


[edit] Overview

Vera first appeared in 1974, working in the Mark Brittan mailorder warehouse on Coronation Street, and became a particular friend of Ivy Tilsley. She moved into No.9 Coronation Street in 1983, much to the dismay of her new neighbours.

She was married to Jack Duckworth, but they argued frequently although she still made an effort with Jack, often using the comically spoken phrase "Don't you love me any more, Jack?". Despite their problems, Jack and Vera still cared about each other. Together, they formed a very popular soap couple.

[edit] The Duckworths' marriage

The Duckworth marriage was always rocky due to their wayward son, Terry, and extramarital flings. Jack once had an affair with Street man-eater Bet Lynch, and went on a dating programme in which he donned a wig, fake name and French accent. Vera, who also took part in the dating scheme, was shocked to see Jack's video. She pretended to meet him in The Rovers Return pub, wearing a ginger wig, and then she turned around and shocked Jack.

Vera also had her fair share of lovers: she was tempted by a former romance in 1991 in Blackpool, but stayed with her husband. In 2000, when she believed she was about to die in an operation, she confessed to Jack that Terry was not his real son, but the product of a fling early in their marriage.

[edit] Working

Vera had a variety of jobs over the years. In 1974 she was working in the Mark Brittain mail order warehouse on Coronation Street working alongside packers, Ivy Tilsley and Edna Gee also working at the warehouse were Ken Barlow, Gail Potter, and Tricia Hopkins. After the warehouse fire in 1975, Mike Baldwin opened up his clothing factory- Baldwins Casuals, Vera worked at the factory as a machinist, working alongside many of the streets residents including Ivy Tilsley, Elsie Tanner, Ida Clough, Shirley Armitage, Ernest Bishop, and Emily Bishop. After working at the factory for 13 years, in 1989 Mike Baldwin sold it to developers, and it was demolished. Vera had a career change in mid 1989 after her lodger Curly Watts got her a Job at Bettabuys Supermarket, this time working under bosses, Curly Watts and Reg Holdsworth, workmates included Kimberley Taylor and again, Ivy Tilsley. In 1995 the Duckworths were left some money after Jack's brother had died, and they bought the Rovers Return Inn, with Vera becoming the Landlady, after four years in the pub it all went pear-shaped and they sold to Alec Gilroy. For a short time in 1999 Vera & Jack moved into Eunice Gee's Bed and Breakfast, and when Eunice moved to Spain to help her sister run a bar, she left Vera and Jack as Managers of the B&B. When Eunice sold the business, Vera decided to slow down a bit and got herself a Job in Roy's Rolls café, working part time alongside Roy Cropper, Hayley Cropper, and later Frankie Baldwin and Becky Granger. In 2007 after a fall in which Vera hurt her ankle she decided to retire for good.

[edit] Wedding in Las Vegas

Another thing that rocked Vera's world was when, during their trip to the United States, Jack confessed to having lied at their wedding (by making a smudge on his year of birth to make it look like another number), and said he was two years older than he really was just to impress a young Vera. Since they were not legally married, they tied the knot in the famous Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas. This story played out on the home video 'Viva Las Vegas' and was not featured in the regular series, so may not be part of the series' canon.

[edit] Children and grandchildren

The Duckworths have three grandchildren: Paul (by Andrea Clayton), Tommy (by Lisa Horton), and Ben (by Tricia Armstrong), but didn't see any of them for a long time due to Terry's reluctance to be a father. Paul was conceived in the mid-1980s, but the teenage Andrea Clayton fled with her family to escape Terry. In the early-1990s, Terry made his girlfriend, Lisa Horton, pregnant. He was imprisoned but vowed to marry her, and the pair were delighted when Terry was allowed out of prison (albeit handcuffed) for one day only for his wedding. They duly married and the groom tried to make a run for it from the police, and he revealed that he only married a heartbroken Lisa to try to escape. She gave birth to Tommy and set up home with Des Barnes, but was tragically run over and killed. Jack and Vera took the little boy in, but while they loved having their grandson around they found it very difficult to make ends meet, as Vera had quit her job to care for Tommy full-time. Regardless of this, she looked forward to the approaching Christmas, as Terry was due to be released from prison and she hoped they would then be a proper family. However it wasn't to be, as upon leaving prison Terry took Tommy to the Lisa's parents in Blackpool and then returned without him, having agreed to give him to the Hortons in exchange for £2,000 a year. Vera could only sit by and watch as Terry lied that he had done it for Jack and Vera's sake, causing Jack to punch and disown his son. Despite pleading with Terry and Lisa's father to return him, the two refused. Terry quickly left the street and Vera was left completely devastated. Finally, a one-night stand with barmaid Tricia Armstrong resulted in baby Ben, but Terry didn't want to know, and she left with a new lover. The Duckworths tried several times to win Tommy from the Hortons, but to no avail.

[edit] Royal ancestors?

In 1993, at Vera's mother Amy Burton's funeral, a man named Joss Shackelton approached Vera and told her that he was the father she had never known. He also stunned her when he let her in on the family secret — his father was the illegitimate grandson of King Edward VII, thus Vera believes herself to be a second cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II. Joss lived with the Duckworths for a while before moving into his old flat, where he later died of a heart attack.

[edit] Jack's Christmas present

Jack and Vera calmed down over the years and took in the likes of Tyrone Dobbs as a surrogate son for wayward Terry, who was often in prison or some sort of trouble. They were very well-known as a down-to-earth northern couple and comic double act. Jack adores keeping pigeons, but Vera could not stand them. In 2006, Jack agreed to sell his dead body for a certain sum of cash to an artist who enjoys painting stuffed humans, so he could buy Vera a Christmas present. When Vera discovered this, she argued with the woman, who then turned up, inspired by Vera, they agreed to both pose for the artist, but on condition that they would be buried as normal.

[edit] 2007

Vera was restricted for most of 2007 to her house due to an injury to her ankle and was cared by Molly Compton and Tyrone Dobbs who bought her a baby monitor so Jack, Molly and Tyrone could talk to Vera while they were in the pub. Later Jack and Vera's grandson Paul Clayton arrived on the street but little did Vera know that Paul was scamming Jack and Vera out of money, stealing the money from Jack and blaming it on Tyrone. Vera was disappointed in Tyrone but Molly was adamant that Tyrone hadn't stolen the money, Vera refused this of Molly and could never believe that her own flesh and blood could steal from her. Jack & Vera celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary with a party at the Rovers in August 2007. Vera decided that she and Jack were to move to their dream place of Blackpool but Paul was forced to confess to Jack that he had stolen the money for the house. Jack was appalled but had to keep it secret from Vera as he didn't want to hurt her and destroy her dreams. Vera still desperately wanted to move to Blackpool so Jack eventually told Vera that he spent a lot of the money they saved to help Paul buy his half of the restaurant, but added the excuse that he spent it before he knew they were going to Blackpool. Jack knew that if he told Vera the truth she would be heart broken and she was still greatly upset and went to bed to get over the shock.

[edit] Moving to Blackpool

On the 7 January 2008, Vera wanted to further her plans to move to Blackpool so Tyrone went all the way to Blackpool to get her property brochures to help them decide which properties they could afford, Vera was overjoyed and grateful that she had more choice. On 11 January 2008, Vera picked a house in Blackpool that she wanted her and Jack to leave to, she and Jack put in an offer for the house for £10,000 less than the asking price, Vera picked up the phone and said that she felt like she was going to have one of her "premonitions." Vera's "premonitions" were right and the phone rang after Molly and Tyrone came back into the house and told Jack and Vera that they wanted to put in an offer for the house, Vera and Jack were elated as were Molly and Tyrone. On the 14 January 2008 Vera was making further preparations for the move to Blackpool and even started packing, some objects brought back memories for her and she wanted Paul to stay on and live with Molly and Tyrone at No.9, Jack told her that they should leave them to sort out the living arrangements, but Tyrone was later convinced by Molly to let Paul stay for the extra rent. On the 15 January 2008, Molly was deciding plans for the house for after Jack and Vera were leaving. Vera saw her plans to add wooden floorings but Vera cut in saying that the houses on the street were simple for "simple" working class people, Tyrone and Jack agreed with Vera as she reminisced about serving meals and her time at No.9, Vera became a bit reluctant and asked Jack if they were doing the right thing. Later Jack, Vera, Molly, Tyrone and Paul all gathered at the Rovers and toasted to their future as they were departing in six weeks time. Vera and Jack were adamant that they wanted to keep their departure under wraps as they didn't want a big fuss.

[edit] Death

On the 18 January 2008, Vera and Jack went over to Blackpool to measure up the house in preparation for their move there in six weeks time. Vera complained that her shoes were uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Paul had found an old photo of the couple from when they were younger and had taken it to get a copy in better condition, which pleasantly surprised Jack and Vera when they returned. Vera complained about her shoes and Jack sat her down and pulled them off. Vera told Jack that she loved him and she had never loved any one else and pushed Jack to say the same. A little reluctantly, as always, he did and grabbed her slippers for her. He then said that he was going to go to the Rovers for a short while and although Vera tried to insist on him staying with her he said he wouldn't be long and he had been with Vera all day and needed some time to relax.

Vera's final moments alive.
Vera's final moments alive.

When he returned he found Vera had fallen asleep in her armchair. He tried to wake her up but she did not move and when he felt for pulse it wasn't there. Vera had died peacefully in her sleep. She was 70 years old. Although initially shaken, Jack remained calm and kept Vera warm and when Molly and Tyrone arrived with drinks for a celebration Jack broke the news to them. An emotional Tyrone fetched Paul from work who too broke down in tears. When the paramedics arrived they explained that Vera had died from heart failure in her sleep but said that she hadn't experienced any pain. When a concerned Betty, Emily, Rita, Dev and Roy saw the ambulance outside Jack came out and told them that Vera had passed away. They expressed their condolences and shock that Vera had gone. News quickly spread around Weatherfield. One time enemies, Paul and Tyrone, united to comfort each other and Jack ended up in the yard, talking to his pigeons in tears, saying how beautiful Vera was and how much he loved her.

12.5 million viewers tuned in to see the departure of the long serving and popular character. [1]

[edit] References

Preceded by
Bet Gilroy
Landlady of The Rovers Return Inn
1995 - 1998
Succeeded by
Natalie Barnes